Chapter 36
If he read it correctly, what Miss Ling is holding seems to be a plum blossom needle?

Ning Chuyi didn't expect that although this girl Ling didn't look very healthy, she could pinch and count.Now it seems that there is still the ability to protect oneself.

Ling Chu followed his gaze, looked down at the plum blossom needle in his hand, silently put it back into his sleeve pocket as if nothing had happened.

"Your Excellency just said that it's not a coincidence. Could it be that you came to find me on purpose?"

Ning Chuyi glanced at her without denying, "I need your help with something."

Ling Chu raised his eyebrows. The Commander really didn't want to suffer. She just got out of prison a few days ago, and the other party came to ask her for help?

But because the other party saved his whole family's life, Ling Chu couldn't refuse.Who made her plead with the emperor in order to let the other party plead with the emperor, and promised that if the other party needed it, she would try her best to help.

Seeing that Ling Chu didn't speak, Ning Chuyi could only say, "Are you done with your business?"

The work is done, and the reward is short.

Ling Chu turned to Hu Batian, "Master Hu, it's time for a reward."

Ning Chuyi frowned when he heard the words Mr. Hu.

Wei Feng, who was at the side, said with a sarcasm, "When will even a bully be called an adult in Kyoto?"

Hu Batian's complexion changed, and he knelt down again with a terrified plop, "My lord, spare me, the little one, the little one is just a commoner, who was screamed by others."

Wei Feng snorted, "I said the wrong thing again, the commanding envoy is your lord, clap your mouth."

This Hu Batian called him a master in front of Master Ning, isn't that hurting him?

"It's the little one who said the wrong thing." Hu Batian was terrified, and he didn't need others to do it. He slapped his face from left to right and slapped him.

Ling Chu twitched the corner of his mouth, but he didn't stop it.

This Hu Batian is a bully who bullies the weak and fears the strong, it's not bad to let Mr. Ning and Wei Feng frighten him.

Seeing that Hu Batian had slapped him more than a dozen times and his cheeks were red and swollen, Ning Chuyi signaled Wei Feng to stop him.

It's not that Ning Chuyi is kind, but Prince Jing is still waiting for Miss Ling to help, so it's not good to delay.

After receiving Ning Chuyi's signal, Wei Feng said coldly, "Okay, this time I'll punish you with a small punishment, and if I find out that you committed a crime again, it won't be so easy to expose it."

Hu Batian heaved a sigh of relief, stopped his hands, and hurriedly said, "Yes, the little one must be kept in mind."

He took out a 20 tael silver note from his pocket and handed it to Ling Chu respectfully, "Miss Ling, this is your reward."

From the corner of his eyes, Hu Batian saw that Commander Ning frowned again, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly changed his words, "No, Miss Ling, thank you for helping to find the Tibetan silver. This is a thank you gift, thank you gift .”

Seeing that he was terribly frightened, Ling Chu reached out and took the bank note without saying anything.

It's not good for her to take all of the 20 taels by herself, Zhou Wu followed her busy, so he had to share half of the money with him.

It's just that she doesn't have ten taels of silver with her.

"Is the money wrong?" Seeing Ling Chu frowned, Ning Chuyi wondered if Hu Batian had lost money.

Hu Batian almost couldn't help crying, it's 20 taels, that's right.

Could it be that when Miss Ling saw someone supporting her, she felt that the reward was too small.

Manager Lu on the side, his heart was also hanging high, this Hu Batian was too ungrateful, it was too stupid to anger that killing god for such a small amount of money.

Hu Batian gritted his teeth, and was about to take out a few more bank notes, and treat it as a waste of money to eliminate disasters.

Ling Chu shook his head and said, "There is no problem with the money, but I want to exchange this silver note for two ten taels."

Ning Chuyi didn't expect her to be troubled by this, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

Wei Feng on the side was also speechless.

He also thought that Hu Batian had done something outrageous, and he was thinking about which prison in Jinyiwei still had a vacancy, and he could hold that bully Hu Batian.

When Hu Batian heard Ling Chu's words, he almost knelt down again.

Auntie, without such a scary person, his three souls and six souls were almost scared away.

Fearing that Ling Chu would say something that would displease the commander, Hu Batian quickly took out two ten taels of silver bills from his pocket, and handed them over with a smile on his face.

"Miss Ling, it's the little one who didn't think carefully. Here is a silver note of ten taels. Take it well."

Ling Chu was a little surprised to see the bean-sized cold sweat on his forehead. Although the weather is a bit hot today, it can't be so hot, right?
Ling Chu really didn't expect that Hu Batian was sweating profusely because she was frightened.

After all, she didn't say anything dissatisfied with Hu Batian just now, so how could she have thought that he made up a lot of his own brain, which scared her out of her wits.

Although it was a little strange, she didn't ask, and reached out to take the two bank notes in Hu Batian's hand, and handed back the 20 taels of bank notes just now.

But Hu Batian hurriedly waved his hands, "Miss Ling, I made a mistake, the thank you gift is 40 taels, yes, it is 40 taels."

Steward Lu was relieved to see him winking this time.

Seeing his flustered expression, Ling Chu realized that the bully was frightened.

She couldn't help but glance at Ning Chuyi next to her.

He secretly thought in his heart, it really is the God of Killing who is famous all over the capital, and with a single word, Hu Batian was so frightened that he wanted to take the initiative to give her more money.

However, she should take her money, not hers, not a penny.

Ling Chu ignored Hu Batian's refusal, and directly stuffed the 20 taels back to him, and then handed one of the ten tael silver notes to Zhou Wu.

"This is your reward, take it."

Zhou Wu's face was astonished, she didn't expect that Miss Ling wanted to change the bank note just now, and it turned out to be a reward for him.

But when he saw the Commander next to him, he was startled.Just when he was about to say that there is no need to give him any reward money, Ling Chu had already stuffed the silver ticket into his hand.

Zhou Wu was so frightened that he was at a loss, the banknote was like a hot potato, how could he dare to take it.

He wanted to go back, but saw that Miss Ling walked away without any dissatisfaction on the commander's face, he hesitated for a while, and then slowly let go of the high-hanging heart.

Get the reward and everything is done.Ling Chu was about to follow Master Ning to leave, unexpectedly, she took only a few steps, but Ge Shi rushed towards her, dragging her daughter, and knelt down facing her with a plop.

"Please girl, take our mother and daughter away."

Ling Chu frowned, "The money I found from your house is enough to pay off the debts of Dong Liu's family. Don't worry, Manager Lu will not take you away again."

When Steward Lu heard Ling Chu mentioning this matter, his heart tightened, and he quickly apologized with a smile, "Miss Ling is right, your family's debts have been paid off, you mother and daughter don't need to go with us, don't worry."

Ling Chu originally thought that this matter had been clarified, but Ge Shi still said, "Miss Ling, our mother and daughter are willing to sell themselves as slaves, please buy us."

All the family wealth was searched to pay off the debts, and Liu Dongluo was heartbroken.But thinking that his wife and daughter don't have to be taken away, he can still marry his daughter to a wealthy family in exchange for a gift money.

Unexpectedly, Ge Shi would take away his daughter and sell herself as a slave, how could he bear it.

 The author received a notice from the editor-in-chief, and it will be on the shelves next Tuesday.

  On the day of its release, 1W words will explode.

  The data of the first order is very important, and will affect the next recommendation of this book. I hope that all new and old book lovers will not give up, and can stick to this book as always!

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  Thanks again to all the book friends for their support all the time, thank you from the bottom of my heart, bow!


(End of this chapter)

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