Chapter 37
"Ge Shi, are you crazy? I'm not dead, how can you take your daughter and sell yourself as a slave?"

Ge Shi looked at this ferocious-looking husband, and finally made up her mind, "I want to make peace with you."

They have been husband and wife for more than ten years. Although Ge Shi doesn't say he understands this husband 100%, he still knows what kind of person he is.

In the first few years of their marriage, the relationship between the two was pretty good.But as she couldn't give birth to a son, her husband had long been dissatisfied with him.

The family opened a restaurant, and as they made more and more money, the husband often went to the brothel to drink flower wine.

Later, gambling became even more involved, and the business of the restaurant was no longer taken care of.

She was anxious and wanted to persuade her husband to go back to the right path.But the more she persuaded her, the more dissatisfied her husband became with her.

If it was just like this, it would be fine, but the husband owed a huge amount of gambling debts this time, but while she was taking her daughter out to visit relatives, he secretly sold all the valuables in the restaurant and the house for silver, preparing to run away secretly.

If he left her and his daughter and ran away alone, although she would be sad, she would not hate him.

But he absolutely shouldn't, he wants to use her and his daughter to pay off the debt.

This is tantamount to personally pushing the mother and daughter into the fire pit. How is this behavior different from that of animals?
Although the debt has been paid off this time, she and her daughter don't have to be pulled to repay the debt, but she knows that her husband's gambling addiction can no longer be quit.

Her husband will definitely regard her and her daughter as items that can be exchanged for silver again. At that time, she doesn't think she will have such good luck as today.

Rather than being pushed into the fire pit by her husband and living a life that would be worse than death, she might as well take her daughter and sell herself as a slave.

Although being a servant has a lower status, it is better than being treated as a plaything, or even being sold to a brothel.

Hearing that Ge Shi wanted to reconcile with him, Liu Dongluo was shocked and angry, "You want to reconcile? You are dreaming, I don't agree."

Liu Dongluo's daughter also saw clearly the ruthlessness of this father this time, "Father, you have disliked me for not being a son since you were a child, I know that I am a loser, and you don't like me, so I don't have any resentment.

But you actually want to use my mother and me to repay the debt, which is tantamount to pushing us into the fire pit with your own hands.

That being the case, just pretend that you have never had my daughter, and you will never be disgusted by you again. "

Liu Dongluo didn't expect that even his daughter would leave him, and he was so angry that he wanted to get angry when he opened his mouth.

But he was also afraid that Ge Shi would really take his daughter away, so he could only hold back his anger and said in a good voice, "Girl, it's dad who is confused, dad is wrong.

Don't worry, there will never be such a thing in the future, you stay, and we will live a good life in the future. "

Liu Dongluo thought that he had confessed his mistake in a low voice, and the matter was over.

Unexpectedly, Ge Shi firmly said, "No, I won't stay any longer, we reconcile and leave, and this is the end of our relationship as husband and wife."

After saying this, Ge Shi ignored her husband, turned around and pleaded with Ling Chu again, "Miss Ling, please buy our mother and daughter, I can do everything, female red embroidery, and cooking skills.

My daughter can be your personal servant girl, serve tea and water, or serve pen and ink. She can also do those things like female red embroidery and cooking. "

Liu Dongluo saw that Ge Shi was really determined to bring his daughter into slavery, his face turned black with anger, "Ge Shi, I know what I did wrong this time, as long as you stay with my daughter, I will definitely change it in the future..."

After hearing what Ge Shi said, Ling Chu's heart was really moved.

Now there are no servants in the mansion, not even a woman who cooks.

It's better to forget about counting on the masters in the mansion to cook.

Even if someone is willing to cook, she would not dare to eat the food.

With her body, she couldn't bear tossing up and down.

It's nothing else, it would be too miserable if she couldn't even eat a mouthful of hot food after returning home after a busy day outside.

And female red embroidery is delicate work, she can't do it with her bones.

If Ge's mother and daughter were bought, these tasks would be settled, and she would not need to worry about it.

Although Ling Chu's heart was moved, seeing Liu Dongluo entangled beside him gave him a real headache.

Master Ning frowned, apparently impatiently waiting.

This killing god is very famous, and when he comes out for a walk in the future, he can use the other party's fame to scare people like Lu Guanshi and Hu Batian who are not easy to mess with.

You can't keep this killing god waiting for a long time. If she annoys him, how can she use him to pretend to be a tiger in the future.

Forget it, everyone said that ten temples would be demolished rather than one marriage destroyed.

"Ge Shi, you stay here first and take care of the family affairs. If after a while, you still want to sell yourself, you can go to Ling Mansion to find me."

Ling Chu was also worried that Ge Shi could not think about it for a while, so he wanted to sell himself as a slave.What if you regret it later and want to be free again.

It's better to let her stay first, and when she thinks it over clearly, if she still insists on selling herself, it won't be too late for her to buy their mother and daughter.

Seeing that her husband has been entangled, Ge Shi also knows that Miss Ling is not good, so she agrees to buy her and her daughter right now.

Miss Ling is the savior of her and her daughter, if her husband wants to make trouble for him, wouldn't her doing so mean revenge.

It's better to wait for her to reconcile with her husband before going to Miss Ling.After she divorced, her husband could no longer pester her, and she didn't have to worry about dragging Miss Ling down.

After thinking clearly, Ge Shi finally nodded, "Miss Ling, I've already made up my mind, I must make up.

After a few days, I'll go to Ling Mansion to find you after I've finished my business with Li.I hope the girl will buy me and my daughter at that time. "

Seeing that she had figured it out, Ling Chu said, "This is 20 taels. If you still insist on selling yourself to me after thinking about it, then treat it as my selling money to you. I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first."

The 20 taels was just for her emergency when she saw that Ge Shi and her daughter were penniless.If Ge Shi didn't want to sell herself after thinking about it, then the money should be considered as a loan to her.

Everyone was relieved to see Miss Ling leaving with Commander Ning.

Hearing that Ge's mother and daughter are going to sell themselves with Li, Guanshi Lu and Hu Batian are moved, but it's a pity that Miss Ling has already agreed to buy them.

In this way, it is not easy for them to think about it.

Miss Ling and the others are not afraid, but they don't know what relationship she has with that Lord Ning.

That Mr. Ning is not an ordinary commander, he is the highest official of Jinyiwei who everyone talks about.

It is said that even the emperor loves him very much, and even several princes avoid him.

If Lord Ning makes trouble for them again for Miss Ling, they probably won't even know how they died.

Ling Chu didn't know what Guanshi Lu and Hu Batian were thinking. Seeing Mr. Ning walking out without saying a word, she had no choice but to follow quickly.

Ning Chuyi is tall and has long legs. Although she is not short, she is not up to the mark.

Just when she was about to give up chasing, she found Master Ning stopped in front of a carriage.

"Miss Ling, please get in the car."

For the sake of preparing a carriage for her, Ling Chu had no choice but to put away his plan to leave.

Ling Chu glanced at the carriage, but stood still, "Lord Ning, where are you taking me?"

He was going to take her away without saying a word. If this person wanted to take her there and sell her, where would she cry?

 Thanks to 20220908085043919, CHEN, 854***729, rose, Xuelian and other book friends for their recommendation votes.

  Dear friends, yesterday the PK was promoted, and starting today, there will be a new round of PK. I hope that all book friends will continue to support this book.


(End of this chapter)

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