In ancient times, I made a fortune by copying my family

Chapter 45 The Lifesaver (5 more: please subscribe)

Chapter 45
"Wait, didn't you say you didn't know Yu Xiuyue?" Ling Chu looked at Prince Jing suspiciously.

"This... Miss Ling, is this really Yu Xiuyue, the female puppet who got on me?"

Prince Jing's son had a strange expression on his face.

Ling Chu nodded, "She is right."

"But didn't you say that you didn't know her?"

Prince Jing's son was troubled, "But I didn't know she was Yu Xiuyue."

Ling Chu frowned, didn't know the name, but met someone?
When Princess Jing saw the portrait, her eyes were filled with surprise.

I didn't expect Miss Ling to paint well. At first glance, the people in this painting seem to be alive.

If she wasn't worried about her son, she really wanted to study this painting skill.

Princess Jing found out that she didn't know which family the girl in the painting belonged to.

"What's going on, why don't you hurry up and explain clearly." Prince Jing slapped his son on the back of the head again.

Prince Jing's son stared at Prince Jing sadly, "Father, can you stop hitting me on the head all the time, what if I become stupid?"

Prince Jing glanced at him in disgust, "If you can't fight, you should be as stupid as you are."

Could it be that when this son was born, he put his brain in his mother's belly and forgot to bring it out?Otherwise, how could you not even know whether a girl is recognized or not?
Seeing the disgust in his father's eyes, Prince Jing's son almost vomited blood in anger.

If it wasn't for his father, he would have designated him to beat him until his mother couldn't recognize who it was.

Princess Jing glared at her husband angrily, then turned to Prince Jing's son and said, "Okay, tell me quickly, what's the matter? Which family's girl is this, how do you know her?"

"Mother and Concubine, I've said it all, I don't know this Yu Xiuyue." Prince Jing's son looked at his mother and concubine helplessly.

Seeing everyone looking at him in confusion, Prince Jing frowned and said, "I really don't know Yu Xiuyue, but... I saved her life once."

The matter is very simple. About a month ago, Prince Jing took people out of Beijing to hunt.When it was time for a break, Prince Jing went to the river to wash his hands, and happened to see a girl fall into the water.

At that time, there were no guards around him, and seeing the girl struggling to sink, Prince Jing couldn't bear to see a life die like this, so he went into the water to save her.

"After I rescued her, I found that she was still alive, so I left her by the river bank and left. Ah, by the way, if you don't believe me, you can ask Chang An."

When Chang An saw the person in the portrait, he also recognized it, "There is indeed such a thing. When I found the Shizi, I happened to see him picking up the person."

"So that's what happened, why haven't you ever mentioned it before?" Princess Jing glared at him. His son actually kept such a big thing a secret.

"Isn't it just thinking about it? It's not a big deal. I rescued the man and left. I rushed to go hunting with the guards, but I forgot about it later."

This is indeed something Prince Jing can do, after all, in his eyes, it is not as important as hunting.Otherwise, he wouldn't have rescued the person, left him behind and left.

Princess Jing glared at Chang An dissatisfiedly, "Your Majesty didn't say anything about such a big matter, so you kept it a secret."

Prince Jing's face darkened, if Jing'er failed to save the person, and something happened instead, these little servants and guards would not have to live.

Chang An saw that Prince Jing and Concubine Wang were dissatisfied, and complained in his heart, but he couldn't really blame him for this matter, it was the Elder Master who didn't let him talk about it.

Seeing Chang An's eyes begging for help, Prince Jing knew that it would be impossible not to explain this clearly.

"Father, mother concubine, I don't want Chang An to talk about this." Seeing the two people staring at each other, Prince Jing sneered, "I'm worried that if mother and concubine find out about this, they will force me to send people to you." I got married back, so I asked Chang An to keep the matter a secret."

Ling Chu, "Then, have you ever seen that Yu Xiuyue again?"

Prince Jing shook his head, "No, we met just once."

"Then, besides you and Chang An, who else knows about this?"

"No, I was worried that it would cause trouble if it spread out, so I didn't mention it to anyone."

Concubine Jing frowned, if this matter got out, it would be difficult to handle.

It is inevitable that the son came into contact with the girl when he rescued someone.Although it is a good thing to save people, if this kind of thing spreads, it will definitely make outsiders talk about it.

In the eyes of outsiders, if a man and a woman have a physical relationship, the only way to go is marriage.

In case a man is unwilling to marry a woman, in order to keep her reputation, the woman may have to hang her hair and become an aunt, even if she doesn't hang herself.

The son was born in a noble family, and due to the situation, he could only be a playboy like his father who could only enjoy himself and not make progress. Concubine Jing felt guilty about this.To be honest, she really didn't want to force him to marry a girl he didn't want to marry.

Ling Chu can understand this.

But, things got stuck again.

Since Prince Jing's son had never done anything wrong to Yu Xiuyue, how did she die, and why did she entangle him, insisting that she was his imperial concubine?
Could it be that because Prince Jing's son had a physical relationship when he rescued her, that girl wanted to die for it?

Also because she knew that her status was not worthy of Prince Jing's son and she couldn't marry him, so she wanted to be his son's concubine after death?

This also seems to make sense.

However, Ling Chu always felt that things were not that simple.

When Yu Xiuyue mentioned that Lu Chengliu, her eyes were full of admiration.If she guessed correctly, then even if Lu Chengliu wasn't her husband, he should be her sweetheart.

However, since Yu Xiuyue has a sweetheart, she shouldn't easily seek death for Prince Jing's son.

Also, why did she suddenly become crazy when she mentioned Lu Chengliu.In addition, she also mentioned words such as being cheated and heartbroken.

I don't know what kind of person that Lu Chengliu is.

Ning Chuyi glanced at Ling Chu, and saw that her brows were so frowned that she could almost kill a fly, "I don't care if I think about it now, I will ask someone to go out with the portrait to investigate, and it shouldn't be long before I have clues."

Ling Chu sighed, that was all he could do.

What is the truth of the matter, only Yu Xiuyue herself knows best, if she can still recover the memory of her life, maybe she can ask more questions.

Now we can only wait for the results of Jin Yiwei's investigation.

Prince Jing raised his fists and saluted Ning Chuyi, "Brother Ning, then I will entrust the matter to you."

Now he very much hopes that Ning Chuyi can find out the truth of the matter as soon as possible and return his innocence.

He was the puppet's savior, not his husband!
Prince Jing's son felt that he was still young, so he didn't want to die so early and be a puppet husband to Yu Xiuyue.

"Miss Ling, you have to show that female puppet to you, don't let her come out again, it's scary."

Thinking of the weird things that happened to him recently, Prince Jing felt that the hairs all over his body stood on end one by one.

Ling Chu took a look at Prince Jing's son, and saw that his eyes were blue, the soles of his feet were fluttering, and his seal was black. She felt that there was something wrong with him.

 Presented at the fifth watch, for the sake of my hard work, do you want to hurry up and throw out the tickets in your hands?

(End of this chapter)

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