"Miss Ling, why are you looking at me like this?"

Prince Jing's son noticed that Ling Chu was staring at him intently, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart, could it be that Miss Ling fell in love with him because she saw that he was handsome and suave, right?
The expression on Prince Jing's face was so obvious that Ling Chu's eyes twitched.

Ning Chuyi even showed a look of indifference, how could he call such a nervous person a brother and brother?
Slowly looking at Prince Jing from head to toe, Ling Chu almost couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Don't worry, I'm not blind, and I don't like girls either."

What does she mean by that?
Prince Jing's son was suspicious, and followed Ling Chu's pointed gaze, and looked down.

Prince Jing's scalp exploded, and he wished he could get into the ant hole under his feet and bury himself.

Why didn't anyone remind him that he was still wearing women's clothing!

Seeing her son's resentful eyes, Princess Jing felt a pang of apology.

Just now, my mind has been on the matter of the female puppet, and I really forgot to remind my son to change his clothes.

Prince Jing looked at his son's head with distaste, "Why don't you hurry down, don't you think it's embarrassing enough?"

Prince Jing jumped his feet angrily, "Father, you always beat me on the head, I didn't realize it, it's not because of you!"

Prince Jing also admitted that he did get a little smoother.

However, in front of his son, he would naturally not admit it.

Not only would he not admit it, but Prince Jing also said straightforwardly, "I don't know who you are with your brain. If I hit you a few more times, maybe I can open you up."

Prince Jing's son almost vomited blood from his father's shameless words.

This father, I really don't want it anymore.

Another day, he has to go to the palace and ask the old queen mother to see if he can return the goods.

Prince Jing's son went back to his dormitory with a dark face and changed into a brocade robe.

Concubine Jing gave Prince Jing a hard look, "Son, you'll make me stupid sooner or later."

Prince Jing and Concubine Jing had a good relationship, seeing her angry, he wanted to apologize with a smile, but he was embarrassed because there were outsiders present.

Ning Chuyi drank his tea with lowered eyes and lowered his head, his face was expressionless, as if he hadn't noticed the eyebrow-eye lawsuit between Prince Jing and his wife.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Ling Chu could only pretend to be nonchalant and drink tea with his head down.

"My lord, my concubine, since the son is fine, I will take my leave first." Daoist Qingyang bid farewell to King Jing and his wife. He has nothing to do with the matter of Prince Jing, and he has no face to stay any longer.

Prince Jing was in a state of embarrassment, and the words of Taoist Master Qingyang just made him change the subject, "Today we have a Taoist priest, Manager Liu, send someone to send the Taoist priest of Qingyang home. Also remember to add a share of sesame oil money to Chongxuguan."

Although the invited Daoist Qingyang was average and didn't help much, but Prince Jing didn't want to offend him just because of this.

After all, it is not a good thing for a son to be entangled in dirty things, and for the sake of Taoist Qingyang, he also used a lot of talisman paper and magic tools when doing things. Long toil.

Manager Liu was able to take the position of Chief Manager in Prince Jing's Mansion, he was naturally a fine person.Seeing that Prince Jing had a gentle attitude towards Taoist Qingyang, no one could fault his attitude.

This time when he came here, he failed to make friends with Prince Jing, Qingyang Daoist was very unhappy, even if Prince Jing's mansion gave him 1000 taels of silver bills as money, it didn't make him feel better.

Before leaving, Daoist Qingyang stared at Miss Ling with a gloomy expression, but he didn't dare to say anything because he was worried about attracting the attention of Mrs. Ning.

Pretending to be a fairy, he resigned from Prince Jing and his wife, and followed Director Liu to go out.

Prince Jing washed off the makeup on his face, changed into a brocade robe, and walked towards the flower hall with an unnatural expression on his face

Fortunately, after King Jing and Princess Jin knew that something was wrong with him, they transferred all the maids and wives who served in his yard to other yards as errands, leaving only Chang An, a close servant, and the nanny who took care of him since he was a child.

Otherwise, Prince Jing would have no face to come out to meet people now.

Prince Jing's son had just stepped into the flower hall when he paused on his back, and a look of unnaturalness flashed across his face.

He didn't expect Brother Ning and Miss Ling to leave yet.

Ling Chu noticed his embarrassment, but pretended not to notice, "My Guan Shizi's face seems to be a bit wrong, I haven't asked Shizi yet, since when did you realize that something is wrong with you?"

It turned out that Prince Jing's face was covered with a layer of makeup by Yu Xiuyue, and his face was not obvious yet.Now that he had washed his face clean, Ling Chu felt something was wrong when he looked at the black and blue Yintang.

When mentioning the recent incident, Prince Jing's son had an unnatural expression on his face.

The matter had to start from General Mingwei's mansion.

That day at General Mingwei's mansion, Prince Jing's son was frightened by Li Lingmu's ghost, but he didn't think much about it afterwards.

As usual, I invited a bunch of friends to eat and drink at the Zuixianju restaurant that I often go to, and then went to watch a few cockfights. After wandering the streets for a long time, I brought my servant back to the house.

Nothing unusual happened during this period.

In the evening, he also washes up as above, and then goes to bed.

It's just that he was awakened by the heat for no reason several times during the night.

It's hot recently, Prince Jing doesn't like to cover himself with a quilt when he sleeps.But after waking up several times in the night, he found himself covered with a brocade quilt.

But after he thought he fell asleep, Chang An was worried that he would catch a cold, so he covered him with a quilt, so he didn't pay much attention.

But when he woke up the next day, he heard Chang An apologizing to him, saying that he drank too much during dinner last night and slept too hard at night, so he couldn't get up to take care of him.

Prince Jing's son has always been tolerant of Chang An, a young man, and he didn't blame him.

The quilt was not covered by Chang An, and Prince Jing was not surprised, he thought it was the nanny who was always worried about catching a cold like when he was a child, so she came to help him cover it while he was asleep.

This is not a big deal, Prince Jing put it to the back of his mind the next day.

But while eating, Prince Jing's son discovered a strange thing.

The cook in the mansion carefully prepared a table of delicacies for him as usual, but he couldn't taste the slightest taste.

He thought the cook forgot to put in oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, so he didn't pay much attention.

But for the next lunch and dinner, Prince Jing still didn't taste the dishes.

Prince Jing rushed out to have fun with his friends, and asked Chang An to tell the cook to be more careful when preparing meals next time, and don't forget to add salt.

But the cook complained that she hadn't forgotten to put in the seasoning.

After Prince Jing knew about it, he thought she was afraid of being punished, so he didn't dare to admit it, and didn't think much about it.

However, when I ate in restaurants outside afterwards, it was the same as when I was in the mansion, and I couldn't taste the taste of any dishes.

Prince Jing's son had been hungry for a whole day in the mansion, so he was already unhappy.Unexpectedly, the chef in this restaurant is as careless as the cook.

So annoyed, he called the chef of the restaurant to him and scolded him a few words.

But the chef complained that he did not forget to add salt.

Thanks to 968751, chiyin, he used to live in no man's land in my heart, Qingli L, 854***729, jelly, what do you think you are, 20230601621658, love is gone, people in misty rain, The votes of Xiao Huangyu, Yuan Yue and other book friends.

Thanks again for your support, love you guys!

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