Ning Chuyi doesn't care if it's a big gift or not. Even if he didn't, he wouldn't refuse her request because Ling Chu helped him take down the black-clothed assassin just now.

Seeing Ling Chu asking Jin Yiwei to help search the house, Boss Yao and the others were beating their hearts out, but they couldn't stop them now. They could only comfort themselves that the goods were hidden enough that they would not be discovered.

"Miss Ling, let me search for you." I didn't find out that the group of people were pretending to be dead just now, and was disgusted by Ling Chu's bad eyesight, so Wei Feng volunteered to help her.

Seeing that Ling Chu didn't object, Ning Chuyi ordered three more guards to come out.

Originally, he planned to tell the guards the location of the cellar directly, and let them go directly to rescue the little girls, but after thinking about it, Ling Chu decided to go with him.

Ge Shi's ghost followed excitedly, and her daughter could finally be saved.

Ling Chu took the guards, turned around and left.

Boss Yao and the others thought she was going to search the house, but they didn't know it was true.

Seeing the direction Ling Chu led the people to, Boss Yao immediately winked at the two women.

The two women, one surnamed Zhang and the other surnamed Wang.

The two of them, like Boss Yao and the others, are not good people.

Having done so many bad things, naturally he didn't dare to let Ling Chu know the secrets in the house.

"Girl, apart from the two of us, there is no other maid in this house. If you don't believe me, we can take you into the house to search."

Ling Chu glanced at the two women with swollen noses and swollen faces, and their hair was askew, nodded and said, "I believe it."

Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Wang were overjoyed immediately, they didn't expect this girl to be so easy to deceive.

When Ge Shi and the group of female puppets saw each other, they were in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Ling Chu didn't go into the house with the two women at all, but continued to walk to the north of the courtyard.

The two women were taken aback, and hurried forward to say with a smile on their faces, "Girl, the backyard is this way, pass through the moon gate, and you will be in the backyard."

Ling Chu didn't look back, "I'm not going to the backyard."

The faces of the two women changed, and they were anxious, but they didn't dare to turn their faces, "Girl, over there, over there is the toilet."

Hearing that it was a toilet, Wei Feng and the others paused.

Ling Chu's face was calm, "I know."

The girl didn't arrange to play cards, and the two women were sweating anxiously, wishing they could step forward and grab her personally.

Unexpectedly, she walked a few steps and then stopped suddenly.

The two women were overjoyed, thinking that she had changed her mind and stopped going to the toilet.

Ling Chu stopped, turned his head and said to Ning Chuyi, "Master Ning, please take care of those people, and don't let them escape."

Yao Lao, who was thinking about how to find a chance to escape, was so angry that he almost gritted his silver teeth.

Ning Chuyi put down the teacup in his hand, and said softly, "Don't worry."

Seeing that he agreed, Ling Chu led Wei Feng and the others to continue northward.

Zhang Wang's two mothers-in-law's hearts rose and fell for a while, just like being tormented in a frying pan.

Thinking of the time when the money was dug up in the latrine of the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs last time, Wei Feng looked excited, "Miss Ling, could it be that this group of businessmen did whatever they could to hide the money they earned in the latrine?"

Ling Chu shook his head, "There is no money in the toilet."

Wei Feng was taken aback, since there was no money in the toilet, what did they do in the toilet?
It can be seen that Ling Chu didn't mean to explain, so he had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart.

Anyway, the latrine is not far away, and Miss Ling will soon know what she wants to do.

Zhang Wang's two wives followed behind and looked at each other quietly, and now it seems that they can only play by ear.

When he arrived at the toilet, Ling Chu didn't pause, and went straight in.

Mrs. Zhang rolled her eyes, covered her stomach with her hands, and followed her to the toilet, "Oh, the buns I ate last night must have gone bad, my stomach hurts badly."

"I told you last night that the steamed stuffed bun smelled bad, and you still couldn't believe it. Oh, let's not talk about it, my stomach hurts too." Complaining, Mrs. Wang rushed to the toilet.

But suddenly stopped in his tracks, frowned and turned to the people following behind, "Hey, my lords, we have to go to the toilet, why did you follow in?"

Wei Feng and the others looked embarrassed, what did this woman think of them, they didn't have any special hobbies.

Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Zhang have been together for many years, so naturally there is no lack of tacit understanding.

Hearing the movement behind, Mrs. Wang knew that those guards were stopped by Mrs. Zhang, she felt relieved, and stared fiercely at Ling Chu's back.

He took out a drug-soaked veil from his bosom, and was about to rush over in a few steps, and quietly covered the girl's mouth and nose from behind.After the person was stunned, he stuffed it into the cellar without anyone noticing it, making sure that even the Commander of Jinyiwei would not be able to find out.

If the guards asked about the girl's whereabouts, all they had to do was make up an excuse, saying that she was not feeling well after going to the toilet and was in a hurry to go back to the doctor.

Even if they have doubts, they are not afraid, as long as they can't produce any evidence, they can't do anything to them.

Zhang Wang and his two wives have done this kind of thing countless times, and they are already familiar with it.

Mrs. Zhang was proud of herself, and when those Jinyiwei were sent away, Mr. Yao would naturally find a way to sell the shipment out of Beijing.This crisis was resolved by her and Mrs. Wang, and it was time to sell this batch of goods. Except for Boss Yao, she and Mrs. Wang must have taken the most money.

This Miss Ling looks so juicy, the price is definitely not low.As for Wang Hai, don't even think about taking the big head. It's lucky that Boss Yao didn't skin him and cramp him.

Zhang Pozi was proud of herself and was about to cover Ling Chu's mouth and nose.

Unexpectedly, Ling Chu seemed to have eyes on his back. When Mrs. Zhang approached quietly, she suddenly turned to one side, quickly turned around, quickly grabbed her wrist, and covered the drug-soaked veil to Mrs. Zhang's mouth. nose.

Mrs. Zhang passed out before she could even struggle.

Ling Chu let go of her hand and let her fall on the floor of the toilet.

Mrs. Wang, who came in behind, happened to see this scene.As soon as his face changed, he rushed over and wanted to pick up the piece of handkerchief Ling Chu had just thrown away, and wanted to put Ling Chu down before the guards found out.

But when she was bending over to pick up the handkerchief, Ling Chu raised her foot and kicked towards Mrs. Wang viciously.

Seeing that she was so weak, Mrs. Wang did not expect her to move so quickly.

There was a pain in his waist, but he gritted his teeth and held back the scream of pain, for fear of attracting the attention of the guards outside.

Ling Chu frowned, very dissatisfied with his kick.

This Mrs. Wang has a strong body, she underestimated her own strength, this kick did not cause much damage at all.

Forget it, there are free thugs outside, why should she make trouble with her body.

Seeing that Mrs. Wang did not give up and wanted to do something to her, Ling Chu simply raised his voice and shouted outside, "Wei Feng."

Wei Feng was outside, and vaguely heard something moving in the latrine, and was about to ask Ling Chu if something had happened, when he just heard her shout, and rushed in with his guards.


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