Hearing Ling Chu calling for the guards, Mrs. Wang's face turned black, secretly hating herself for not moving fast enough just now.Seeing that the matter was brought to light, he turned around and wanted to escape through the window of the toilet.

Wei Feng rushed in and felt ashamed when he saw the woman who had fainted on the ground.

Without waiting for Ling Chu's order, he walked to the window in a flash, grabbed Mrs. Wang who had just stepped on the window, and threw herself to the ground.

Wei Feng is a martial arts practitioner, so his hand strength is naturally strong.

Mrs. Wang was thrown to the ground by him, her face was contorted in pain, and snot and tears poured out instantly.

Falling to the ground, Mrs. Wang didn't get up at all. She reached out to wipe the tears from her face, patted her thigh and cried loudly.

"Girl, Mrs. Zhang and I just wanted to go to the latrine, why did we offend you? You knocked Mrs. Zhang out, but you also wanted to attack me.

This is my family's house, even if you are dissatisfied that Mrs. Zhang and I are servants and want to share the same toilet with you, you can't insult us like this. "

Ling Chu glanced at her expressionlessly, and said coldly, "It's too noisy, knock her out."

Mrs. Wang choked with sobs.

Why does this girl always play cards out of common sense? Shouldn't normal people rush to defend themselves at such a time?
As long as she opens her mouth to defend, she is confident that with her penetrating tongue, she will be able to make her cry.

Generally, this kind of little girl who has never seen anything in the world is clumsy and tongue-tied. When she is in a hurry, she will just turn around and run away crying. How can she remember the business.

As long as they leave this toilet, she and Boss Yao will be safe.

It's a pity that Ling Chu didn't go according to her idea.

Wei Feng slashed Mrs. Wang unconscious with a knife in his hand.

The latrine was cleaned instantly.

Ling Chu didn't say a word, walked to a corner of the latrine, and waved to Wei Feng and the others, "Come here and pry this floor open."

Wei Feng and the others felt ashamed that they had believed the words of those two women so easily just now.

Hearing Ling Chu's words, he stepped forward silently.

Boss Yao and the others camouflaged the floor, so if you don't look carefully, it's really not easy to find something strange.

But Wei Feng and the others listened to Ling Chu's words, studied it carefully, and soon found out.

That floor was the entrance to the cellar, which was small but heavy and could only be opened from the outside.

The four big men of Wei Feng worked together to open the heavy floor.

The entrance to the cellar was revealed.

It was pitch black inside.

Not only is the cellar deep, but there are no stairs to go down.

Ling Chu had no choice but to ask the guards to find a torch to light and a rope.

Boss Yao and the others felt uneasy when they saw Ling Chu leading the guards towards the toilet.

I haven't seen them back for a long time, guessing that the matter may be exposed.

So they hinted that Li Pingguang and the others pretended to be seriously injured and wanted to go out to see a doctor.

But who is Ning Chuyi?

One can tell at a glance that although the injuries on their bodies are serious, they are not fatal, so they are not moved at all.

Wang Hai was anxious and didn't care about embarrassment. He even cried to Ning Chuyi with tears, saying that his arm was so painful that he couldn't bear it. If he didn't go to see the doctor, his hand might be broken.

Ning Chuyi didn't speak, but just glanced coldly at the guards around him.

Without saying a word, the guard knocked Wang Hai unconscious with a knife handle.

Boss Yao saw that the bitter plan would not work, and hinted that Li Pingguang would give Ning Chuyi money.

Li Ping couldn't take care of his distress, so he took out all the bank notes on his body, and held them in front of Ning Chuyi with a smiling face.

But how could Ning Chuyi be bought by him.

Seeing that there was no way to bribe him, Boss Yao's face became extremely ugly.

This Commander of Jin Yiwei is indeed as ruthless as the rumors say, cold-blooded and ruthless.

If it falls into their hands, they may have no way out.

Now that things have happened, I'm afraid I can't take care of that batch of goods.

The only way to survive is to fight hard.

Boss Yao winked at the people around him, implying that everyone would work together to find a way out.

This group of people have embarked on such a road, and they have long expected such a day.

After receiving hints from Boss Yao, he knew that if he didn't fight hard, he would have no way out.

He took out the dagger hidden on his body, and slashed at the guards around him without saying a word, trying to kill a way out.

Although this group of people know how to punch and kick, they can't compare to the guards around Ning Chuyi.

After a few rounds, he was knocked down.

The black-clothed assassin just woke up during the fight, and seeing the scene before him, he was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be dead.

Ning Chuyi glanced blankly, and asked the guards to tie Boss Yao and the assassin together, leaving some guards to watch, while he himself took two guards to find Ling Chu.

"Miss Ling, what's in this cellar?" Ning Chuyi went into the latrine, just in time to see the guard lighting a torch and preparing to go down to the cellar.

Ling Chu turned to look at him, and said softly, "Human."

Ning Chuyi was taken aback.

He really didn't expect it to be this answer.

Wei Feng and the rest of the guards were even more stunned, their first reaction was impossible.

Is there anyone in this cellar?

how can that be possible.

The cellar was located in a place like a latrine, and they thought that even if it wasn't silver, it should be something valuable.

I didn't expect it to be a human.

But who would be hidden in such a hidden place?
Ling Chu smelled an unpleasant smell coming from the entrance of the cellar, raised his hand and made a pinch, sealing his sense of smell.

Boss Yao hid people at the bottom of this cellar, and those girls could only eat, drink, and mess in there, and the smell inside was so stinky without even thinking about it.

There are no steps in the cellar, so they can only be tied down with ropes.

Seeing her tie the rope around her body, Ning Chuyi frowned, "Miss Ling, you stay up there and let the guards go down and bring him up."

He was really worried that she wouldn't be able to bear this fragile body.

Ling Chu knew that Ning Chuyi had good intentions, but she had to go down, she had to go in and see if there was anything wrong with those girls.If the clothes are disheveled or something, it's not easy for these guards to see.

Seeing her insistence, Ning Chuyi had no choice but to agree.

Several guards pulled the rope and slowly put Ling Chu into the cellar.

Ling Chu and others stepped on the ground, then untied the rope, and walked in slowly with a torch.

The girl in the cellar was terrified when she heard the movement, but when she saw a girl she had never seen coming in, she felt uneasy.

Liu Xiangju recognized Ling Chu immediately, and wanted to pounce on her with excitement.

But her hands and feet were bound and a piece of cloth was stuffed in her mouth, so she could only struggle.

When Ge Shi's puppet saw her daughter, he wanted to hug her to comfort her, but unfortunately he could only watch his own soul pass through his daughter's body.

Although I can't touch it, the worries in my heart have dissipated.

She knew that her daughter was saved.

Ling Chu took a glance and found that there were twelve little girls including Liu Xiangju.

Seeing that although their hands and feet were tied, their mouths were stuffed with cloth, and their faces were frightened, but their clothes were neat, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Sheng called Wei Feng and the others down to help.

Wei Feng led his men down to the cellar with a torch, and was dumbfounded when he saw the situation inside.

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