Those women who didn't deal with Mrs. Liu saw her lying on the ground stretched out for a long time and couldn't get up for a long time, so they covered their lips and smiled gloatingly.

Mrs. Zhang glared at Mrs. Liu angrily, just about to signal Xinghua to help her mother up.

Over there, Ling Chu suddenly exclaimed, and waved his hands in panic at Mrs. Liu, "Why are you staring at me so fiercely? I didn't cause you to fall."

Liu, who was staring at the pain, wished he could strangle Ling Chu to death.

What nonsense is this bitch talking about? When did she ever stare at her!
Village head Wang and the others saw that Liu's fall was a little heavy, and they felt a little sympathetic to her.

It can be seen that she stared at the innocent girl so viciously, and the sympathy that had just risen in her heart disappeared immediately.

Ling Chu purposely smiled proudly at Mrs. Liu while no one was paying attention.

While she was staring over, she immediately put on a frightened expression.

"You, stop staring, I really didn't cause you to fall, I'm still two feet away from you."

A woman who couldn't understand Liu couldn't help but said, "Liu, don't blame other girls, we can see clearly that you fell down yourself, and it has nothing to do with other girls."

Liu didn't faint from the fall, but was so angry that she almost pouted on the spot.

Just about to stand up and tell everyone that she was wronged, she never glared at that bitch.

Ling Chu raised the corner of his mouth, and seeing her getting up angrily, he hurriedly said, "You, don't hit me, I'll put the door panel back on for you."

Seeing that Ling Chu was so frightened by Liu, Mrs. Gao and the others couldn't bear it.

Just about to step forward to help her and put the door panel back.

Unexpectedly, the girl tripped over the threshold and staggered.

With a slip of his hand, the small hammer suddenly swung towards the room.

With a bang, it was a coincidence that a walnut-colored cabinet placed against the wall was smashed into a big hole.

Village Chief Wang and the others stared dumbfounded at the cabinet with a hole in it.

A wooden box placed on the top of the cabinet shook twice and fell to the ground with a bang.

A bunch of things rolled out of the shattered boxes.

A smile flashed across Ling Chu's eyes, and he was quite satisfied with the smash.

Liu's expression changed when he saw the falling object, and he rushed into the room immediately.

Ling Chu stepped forward quickly and quickly picked up the papers.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I slipped my hand... Hey, isn't this the deed of Xia Zhi's house?"

Ling Chu said sorry, but quickly opened the contract with his hand.

"You bitch, don't touch my things, get out of here quickly."

Liu rushed into the house angrily and cursed at the same time.

Ling Chu raised his eyes and glanced at her quietly, but didn't speak.Only when Liu stepped across the threshold with one foot, he kicked a small piece of broken box board with his toe quickly.

Liu watched helplessly as the board flew towards her feet, she wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

The sole of the foot slipped and there was a plop.

Another fall fell.

Mrs. Liu's obese body just blocked the sight of Village Chief Wang and the others behind him, and there was a threshold blocking it, so no one noticed Ling Chu's small movements at all.

They all thought it was because Mrs. Liu was in a hurry, and she accidentally tripped over the threshold.

Those surrounding women gloated in their hearts, this Mrs. Liu is really unlucky, she has fallen a few times today.

Ling Chu suppressed the smile on his lips, turned his head and waved to Xia Zhi, "Come here and see if this is your family's land deed."

When Liu heard this, she was angry and anxious, struggling to stay and trying to stop her.

But her foot was sprained, and it hurt terribly when she moved.

Mrs. Zhang was secretly annoyed that Mrs. Liu was useless. Although she wanted to step forward to stop her, she couldn't run fast with her old arms and legs, so she could only signal Xia Dongqiao to go forward and grab the things back.

Xia Dongqiao received a hint from Mrs. Zhang, and just raised his foot, but when he saw the small hammer in Ling Chu's hand, he shuddered instantly.

He had been hit twice by that small hammer before, and now his leg is still aching.He's going to get married next month, and if he gets hit again, he might really become crippled.

For some reason, although Xia Dongqiao felt that the girl looked like a fairy, he felt that she was very evil.

Seeing Xia Zhi running in, Mrs. Liu wanted to reach out and grab her in desperation.

But Xia Zhi dodged it, and stepped forward to take the contract from Ling Chu.

Seeing her father's name on it, Xia Zhi's eyes turned red immediately, "Second Aunt, didn't you say that you never took anything from my house, so what are these?"

Village head Wang stepped forward to take the contract from Xia Zhi, and found that it was indeed the house deed and title deed of Xia Zhi's house.Both contracts had her father Xia Youxin's signature and handprint.

Unexpectedly, that Mrs. Liu had such a vicious heart, not only sold her niece in a coma to traffickers, but actually took other people's house as her own.

Liu glanced at the contract in Xia Zhi's hand distressedly, endured the pain in her feet, gritted her teeth and stood up against the wall, wiping her tears and shouting for grievances, "Xia Zhi, Second Aunt just saw that you were not at home, and was afraid that your house would be attacked by thieves, so she wanted to help you keep this land deed, not to keep it for herself. You can't wrong Second Aunt."

In order to prevent Liu's reputation of stealing her niece's wealth from spreading and ruining her grandson's marriage, Mrs. Zhang hurried forward to explain, "Xia Zhi, don't wrong your second aunt. I saw that you were not at home and worried that your things would be stolen by thieves, so I asked your second aunt to keep them for you."

Xia Zhi knew that her grandma didn't like her since she was a child, and only had eyes for the three children of her second uncle's family.

But she didn't expect that her grandma knew that her second uncle and aunt were going to sell her to traffickers, and she didn't stop her. She wanted to take her family's contract as her own, and her grandma also tried her best to protect it.

Xia Zhi glanced at Mrs. Zhang sarcastically, her grandma never regarded her as a family member.

Xia Zhi pursed her lips, but did not respond to Mrs. Zhang's words.

After putting away the two contracts, he went forward and pulled all the things that fell out of the box. Except for two silver notes of 50 taels, he couldn't find her family's land deed.

"Second Aunt, besides the house deed and land deed, what my parents left me is 27 acres of fertile land, 130 acres of middle land, and [-] taels of silver notes. Where are these things?"

Liu's eyeballs rolled, and she earnestly advised, "Xia Zhi, Second Aunt will keep those things for you, so you can live with us from now on.

It's not safe for you to live alone. If a thief enters your house at night, it will be a disaster.You live with us, and I will take care of you conveniently with your second uncle and your nurse.

You can live in peace of mind, and you don't have to worry about things your parents left you being stolen.You see, is this the truth? "

Ling Chu twitched his lips speechlessly when he heard Liu's words to trick Xia Zhi.

It seems that he doesn't want to return the benefits he got.

Ling Chu couldn't be bothered to listen any longer, so he raised his hand and raised it.

The small hammer in his hand hit the wall on the side of the cabinet.

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