Chapter 93 Acquaintances
Liu Shi was spitting and talking vigorously, when suddenly there was a loud noise, which startled her and almost bit her tongue.

Turning her head hastily, seeing the smashed wall, the anger in Liu's heart rushed straight to Tianling Gai.

Fearing that the secret hidden in the wall would be discovered, Liu Shi didn't bother to persuade Xia Zhi anymore, and rushed over in a hurry.

But in her anxiety, she forgot that her foot was sprained.With this movement, he immediately slumped on the ground with an ouch of pain.

Mrs. Zhang glared at Mrs. Liu angrily, her daughter-in-law was useless, she could only drag her old body to stop her.

It's just that she has bad legs and feet, so she can only walk over while angrily cursing, "Which family girl are you from, you actually came to our Xia's house to smash it, it's unreasonable.

If you don't hurry up and get out of our house, I'm going to report to the police. "

After scolding Ling Chu, Mrs. Zhang scolded Village Chief Wang again, "Wang Qingsong, how did you become the village chief, just watching outsiders come to our Wangjia Village to act wildly, and don't say anything about it?"

Village head Wang was questioned by Mrs. Zhang, frowning, hesitating for a moment whether to step forward to stop him.

Seeing that the village chief did not move, Mrs. Zhang was afraid that she would not be able to deal with the girl alone, so she could only signal her granddaughter Xinghua to come forward to help.

But Xia Zhi stepped forward quickly, and opened her arms to block Ling Chu, "Grandma, Miss Ling is helping me find a land deed..."

Mrs. Zhang didn't want to listen to Xia Zhi's words, and wanted to tear her away with Xinghua.

"What land deed, isn't your family's land deed sold by your mother for medical treatment long ago, where is there any more.

You are a dead girl who eats inside and outside, helping outsiders come and smash the house, I think you are crazy..."

Ling Chu took a quiet look at Mrs. Zhang who was scolding vigorously. Originally, she only planned to make a hole, as long as she could take out the wooden box in the wall.

It can be seen that Mrs. Zhang not only scolded Xia Zhi very badly, but also wanted to beat him. She suddenly changed her mind.

The hammer in his hand hit the wall again.

When the loud noise came, everyone was startled.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Just when everyone turned their heads to look over, Ling Chu hit the wall twice, and large pieces fell off.

The black lacquered box hidden in the wall was revealed.

Ling Chu stretched out his hand and took out the box.

"It's my thing, don't take it away." Seeing the box being taken away, Mrs. Liu was so angry that she limped forward to snatch it, regardless of the pain in her foot.

Zhang Pozi and Xinghua didn't bother to argue with Xia Zhi anymore, they both stepped forward to grab the box.

But how could Ling Chu let them snatch it away? When the three of them rushed over, he stretched out his foot and kicked the sole of Liu's foot without any trace.

Liu's script was sprained when it first came, and Ling Chu couldn't stand still when he stumbled.Seeing that he was about to fall again, his hands subconsciously grabbed Xinghua at the side.

Liu's body is fat, while Xinghua is just a little girl who is not as tall as Ji, she is already thin, so she can't stand her mother's weight.Not only did she not let Liu Shi stand firm, but she also pulled her to the ground.

Panicked, Xinghua also tripped Mrs. Zhang who was beside her.

The three of them fell down one after another.

Ling Chu didn't even look at them, he put the wooden box in his hand to Xia Zhi, and dragged her out of Mrs. Liu's room.

Behind them, Mrs. Zhang and her three were still lying on the ground, whooping non-stop.

Village head Wang and the women watching the fun looked at each other, but no one went to help Mrs. Liu and the others.

Instead, he surrounded Xia Zhi curiously, and urged, "Xia Zhi, quickly open it to see if it contains your family's land deed."

Xia Zhi glanced at Ling Chu excitedly, saw her smiling and nodding towards him, and then opened the box.

With just one glance, Xia Zhi recognized that it was her family's land deed inside.

In addition to the land deed, there are several large and small bank notes in the box.

Everyone was gathering to watch Xia Zhi go through the things in the box, but suddenly there was an unhappy voice behind him, "So many people are surrounding my yard, what are you doing?"

Ling Chu followed the sound and turned his head to look, and found a man frowning and staring at them with dissatisfaction.

Hearing this, Ling Chu guessed that this must be Xia Zhi's second uncle.

Sure enough, Village Chief Wang looked up and saw the person coming, and said coldly, "Xia Daqing, you are finally back."

Xia Daqing didn't expect Village Chief Wang to come to his house, and he was stunned for a moment.

Mrs. Liu in the house heard the commotion in the yard, got up on hands and feet, opened her mouth and cried loudly, "Father Dongqiao, you are back. If you don't come back, we will all be bullied to death."

Hearing his wife's broken gong, Xia Daqing looked towards the house subconsciously, and saw his mother, wife and daughter getting up from the ground with a frown.

Xia Daqing didn't know what his wife was making a fuss about, but felt extremely bored.

He ignored Mrs. Liu, but turned around and waved to everyone in the yard, "If it's all right, let's leave."

He went to Changle Casino today and lost all his money, and owed a large amount of debt.Fearing that the gambling house would ask him for money, he hurried back to get some travel expenses to avoid debts in other places.

He was in no mood to pay attention to Mrs. Liu at all.

He just wanted to wait for Village Chief Wang and the others to leave, and then he would leave Beijing with a bank ticket and a change of clothes.

It's just that Village Chief Wang and the others haven't moved yet.

Another male voice came from the gate of the yard, "Hey, why are there so many people here, it's quite lively."

Xia Daqing turned pale when he heard someone's voice.

He had already run back as fast as he could. How did the people from the casino come so fast?
How did Xia Daqing know that the people in the casino deliberately let him go.

He owed so much money, the people in the gambling shop guessed that he would definitely go home, pack up his things and leave Beijing to avoid debts.The reason why he was allowed to leave was to follow him home so that he could go to his house to collect debts.

Xia Daqing thought that he left the gambling house without anyone noticing, but he didn't know that as soon as he left Changle Fang, someone followed him secretly.

Ling Chu frowned when he heard a familiar voice.

Looking back, I found that it turned out to be an acquaintance.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard was Hu Batian, who had met twice before.

"Miss Ling, why are you here?" Hu Batian, who was walking into the courtyard with reckless steps, was astonished when he saw Ling Chu in the crowd.

Thinking of Jin Yiwei's God of Killing, Hu Ba looked around consciously.

He was relieved to find that Commander Ning hadn't come to Xia's house.

When Ning Chuyi was away, Hu Batian's confidence returned, and he walked towards Ling Chu with five or six thugs behind him.

"Miss Ling, what are you doing at Xia's house?"

Ling Chu glanced at him with a half-smile, and said softly, "I'll do whatever you do here."

That Xia Dongqiao likes to gamble, as soon as he came back, this Hu Batian chased after him.Thinking with his toes, he also knew that Hu Batian came to Xia's house to collect debts.

Hu Batian was surprised, "Miss Ling, are you also here to collect debts?"


Hearing Ling Chu's answer, Hu Batian felt that the whole person was not well.

 Thanks to Zhao Yilin Ziyan for the reward.


  ps: Sorry, a little uncomfortable, there is only one update today.

(End of this chapter)

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