Chapter 94
Hu Batian didn't expect that when he came to Xia's house to collect debts, he would meet Miss Ling who also came to collect debts.

I don't know how much money the Xia family owes Miss Ling, and if she wants all the Xia family's money away, how will he explain to Tao Guanshi in Changlefang.

Mrs. Liu didn't know Hu Batian. She just heard that Xia Daqing told everyone to leave. She was afraid that Ling Chu and Xia Zhi would take all the contents of the box away, so she hurried over with her sprained foot.

"His father, that damn girl Xia Zhi has snatched away the contract and bank notes from the family, you can't let her leave."

summer solstice?

Xia Daqing came back in a hurry, and Quan Fu was thinking about how to escape from the capital as soon as possible to avoid debts.Except for Village Chief Wang, he didn't pay attention to see who else came to his house.

After listening to Mrs. Liu's words, they found Xia Zhi in the crowd.

Seeing Xia Zhi coming back, Xia Daqing's first reaction was to be happy.

Xia Zhi was sold by him, and Xia Daqing was not happy that his niece escaped from the traffickers safely.

What makes him happy is that since the summer solstice is back, wouldn't he be able to sell it again.

It has to be said that Xia Daqing, Mrs. Liu, and Mrs. Zhang are indeed a family, and all three of them are vicious beasts with the same heart.

Xia Daqing was so happy that when he saw the familiar box in his niece's hand, his face suddenly darkened.

"Xia Zhi, how can you snatch your second aunt's things, quickly give the box to second uncle." Xia Daqing with a sullen face wanted to go forward and snatch the box back from Xia Zhi's hand.

Xia Daqing is the backbone of the Xia family. Seeing him come back, no matter whether it is Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Liu and the two children, they all feel that their confidence has also returned.

The whole family gathered around one after another, ready to join hands to snatch the box back.

Fearing that Xia Zhi would suffer a disadvantage, Gao hurriedly tried to stop him.

Seeing this family going too far, Village Chief Wang frowned and yelled angrily, "Xia Daqing, what are you doing! Your eldest brother and sister-in-law are gone, and Xia Zhi is the only one left. Instead of helping your elder brother take care of this girl, you sold her to traffickers, and now you want to rob her of her family property. You feel sorry for your elder brother and sister-in-law!"

Xia Daqing frowned, how did Village Chief Wang know that he sold Xia Zhi?

Although Mrs. Zhang was annoyed that Village Chief Wang was meddling in other people's business, it was obvious that Mrs. Gao and the others were watching, and said with a sullen face, "This is all a misunderstanding. That girl Xia Zhi was annoyed when she saw that her second uncle and aunt did not agree with her marrying someone else as a concubine, so she lied and said that her second uncle sold her to a trafficker."

Mrs. Liu also licked her smiling face and said, "Xia Zhi is still young and ignorant, so I don't understand our painstaking efforts. We are not trying to rob her of her family wealth, but just helping her keep it.

This silly girl brought an outsider back home today and beat her up. I don't know if she was deceived by her rhetoric.

We are also doing this for her own good, if outsiders cheated me of all my money, I am afraid that her parents will not feel at ease living here. "

Liu's words are close to saying that Ling Chu is a liar who cheated Xia Zhi's family wealth.

Xia Daqing had long regarded Xia Zhi's family's money as his own, and he originally planned to transfer the dozens of acres of land left by Xia Zhi's parents to his own field.

But now he owes a large amount of money to the gambling house, and Hu Batian has chased him to his house, and he is bound to return the money he owes to the gambling house.

But his family couldn't pay that much money back to the gambling house, so he had to use Xia Zhi's farmland to pay off the debt.

After Xia Daqing made up his mind, he hurriedly said to his niece, "Xia Zhi, quickly give the box to Second Uncle, and we will keep it for you, lest your family's land be cheated away by others."

Xia Zhi was betrayed once, and now she is very clear-headed. She can clearly distinguish who treats her well and who seeks to kill her.

"Miss Ling is my savior, so don't criticize Sang here. Also, I will take care of my family's things myself, so I won't bother my uncle and aunt."

Seeing that Xia Zhi refused to hand over the casket, Xia Daqing lost his patience, and planned to go forward and snatch the casket back by force.

Worried that Xia Zhi was going to run away with the box in his arms, Xia Daqing also motioned for Mrs. Liu and her two sons and daughters to stop her.

The shamelessness of the Xia family simply refreshed Ling Chu's perception, "What, your family is trying to rob this girl?"

Mrs. Liu suffered so much from Ling Chu today, so she was already angry with her.

Now that Xia Daqing, the backbone, has returned, he doesn't take her seriously at all.

She scolded her head and face, "What is your thing? This is our Xia family's business. What are you doing here as an outsider?"

Seeing that Xia Daqing wanted to grab the box, Hu Batian and those thugs did not stop him.

Then he turned his head and said to Xia Zhi, "Did you see that they are here for your money, don't be fooled by foolishness again."

Xia Zhi rolled her eyes, her second aunt thought she was stupid, she couldn't tell who was lying to whom.

Ling Chu sneered at Mrs. Liu, "Do you think that so many people here are fools and can be deceived by your sweet words? Xia Zhi is now my person, and her things are mine. Is my own thing worth lying to?"

"Xia Zhi was born and raised in our Wang Family Village. Everyone knows that she belongs to our Xia family. How did she become yours?"

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you and Second Uncle Xia Zhi. If you hadn't joined hands to sell her to traffickers, I wouldn't have had the chance to buy her from Boss Yao and the others."

Xia Zhi was rescued by her, but the Lius and his wife were greedy and shameless, Ling Chu didn't let them know about it, so as not to cause more trouble.

Sure enough, when I heard that Ling Chu bought Xia Zhi, whether it was Liu Shi, Xia Daqing or Mrs. Zhang, it was a pity in their eyes.

Xia Zhi belonged to Ling Chu, and their plan to sell her again fell through.

Ling Chu had Xia Zhi's contract of selling her body in his hand, and now he directly exposed the fig leaf on them. Mrs. Zhang knew that their family sold Xia Zhi and couldn't hide it anymore.

She simply stopped pretending.

He said to Ling Chu with a gloomy face, "You can take that girl Xia Zhi away, but I must keep the house deeds, land deeds, and land deeds in her hands. Those were bought by my eldest son Xia Youxin."

Although it's a pity that Xia Zhi can't be sold again, but now I don't care about so much.

Xia Daqing looked at Ling Chu and Xia Zhi with hazy eyes, but Hu Batian and the others were still staring at him, no matter what, he wanted to get Xia Zhi's things today.

Xia Daqing snorted coldly in his heart, so what if Xia Zhi belongs to that girl, they are just two helpless women, this is Wangjia Village, and it is in his own home.

Even if he just snatched the box away, what can he do?
Xia Daqing approached the summer solstice, and didn't even bother to find an excuse, so he said coldly, "Xia Zhi, give the box to Second Uncle."

Seeing Xia Daqing's family shamelessly grabbing the box, Hu Batian and the thugs he brought didn't stop him, but stood aside and watched the show with arms folded.

 Thanks to 20230306195833531, 20230601621658, Haitang_ce, 854***729, Sixian Siqi, prose_Ba, chiyin and other book friends for voting
(End of this chapter)

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