The eyes of Ugly Cat and Chef Ghost instantly widened in disbelief: "!!!"

why? !

The prisoner ghost who was named was frightened by Ranling, and he was very frightened.

Is this what it can eat?

However, the desire to become stronger drove it forward step by step, facing the horrified eyes of the ugly cat and the cook ghost, directly crushed the skulls of the two things, and swallowed their core of power.

Then he swallowed the bodies of the two in a few more strokes, his stomach was so full that he burped casually.

Its strength is gradually increasing, and in the blink of an eye, it directly steps from Yuanying to the peak of transformation god!
It only takes a little strength to break through and enter the void!
The powerful force made it unable to bear the desire to go crazy.

It's just that now its fear of Ranling has been deeply rooted. Even if it breaks through, it doesn't dare to make mistakes. After eating, it obediently walks behind Ranling, acting as the only remaining bare pole guardian.

Both Black Water Sect were stunned.

what is she doing?
She is actually raising a ghost, and raising it so strong? !

Isn't she afraid that the other party will lose control?
It's just that they were a little unsure when they saw the ghost carefully hiding its tall body, for fear of being noticed by the dyed spirit.

Will this thing really get out of control?

Ran Ling stared in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, and asked Prisoner Ghost, "What's there?"

Prisoner Ghost gave the answer without any hesitation this time, "It's the city lord, very, very powerful, all of us can't beat it, it is guarding the crystal of alchemy."

Ran Ling thinks about the state of the city... the city owner is also a ghost.

"Will it come back to life?"

She doesn't have to think about the problem of not being able to fight, but if she can be resurrected, it will be too disgusting.

"No, I don't know."

The ghost in prison clothes seemed to sigh.

Why ask such an idiotic question?

It can't even fight, how can it know whether the city lord can be resurrected?
Ran Ling had to ask other questions, "Do you remember your past?"

Prisoner Ghost was stunned for a long time this time, his face was very blank, "...before?"

"do not know."

Ran Ling reminded him, "Why are you wearing a prison uniform?"

Some of the ghosts here are wearing prison uniforms, and some are not. Who are these people wearing prison uniforms, prisoners?

But shouldn't a prison be a place where prisoners stay? Why are there so many people in prison uniforms wandering the streets.

This question seems to have hit the switch of a certain memory of Prisoner Ghost. It froze all of a sudden, its eyes were red, and it fell into a frenzy. "Kill! Can't retreat! There are people behind! Kill them!"

"There are traitors, we have been tricked!"

It repeated these few words over and over again, and even regarded Ran Ling as the person it wanted to kill.

Dying Ling had to wake it up.

As soon as he woke up, the Prisoner Ghost was terrified.

Its hand was clenched into a fist, and it was holding up above Ranling's head, as if it was about to attack her.

It was so frightened that it quickly retracted, and took a few steps back in a guilty conscience.

Ran Ling didn't care about it, and learned a little information from the fragmentary sentences it said.

This city was destroyed because a traitor appeared in the city. The man in prison uniform in front of him may be a soldier.

As she was thinking about it, Mrs. Heishui Zong led the subordinates and walked to the bottom of the wall step by step.

Mrs. Zheng raised her head and looked at Ranling gratefully: "Thank you for saving me, senior."

"I don't want to save you, I just want those ghosts." Ran Ling said bluntly.

"..." Madam Zheng paused, "Anyway, thank you very much."


Thank you if you have to.

She stood up and was about to leave with the Prisoner Ghost.

Mrs. Zheng hurriedly stopped her, "You, do you still need ghosts? I know there is a place where there are many ghosts, and there should be people from your Star Chasing Sect."

Ran Ling stared at her suddenly, "Where is it?"

Not far from this house, across a street, you can see a mansion that is no less magnificent than the City Lord's Mansion.

The plaque on the mansion disappeared, and ghosts in prison uniforms surrounded the outside.

For unknown reasons, they did not enter the mansion, but they always fired at the outer wall of the mansion, leaving shocking marks on it.

Inside the mansion, there are three parties.

People from Yanyang City.

Gu Ming from Fengyu City and her old man in the middle stage of transformation.

Bai Feng and Li Zhu of the Star Chasing Sect.

The people of Yanyang City accidentally passed by this street, and were directly forced into this mansion by the terrifying army of ghosts in prison clothes.

The other two parties were brought here when they first teleported, turned left and right, and finally met together.

Bai Feng groaned secretly in his heart, how could they be so unlucky, they just met this evil star, and it was when the old ancestor and the old grandfather were not around.

Gu Ming was very happy, staring at Bai Feng and Li Zhu who were quietly standing aside, and sneered, "This time the old woman is not here, so you don't dare to be arrogant anymore, weren't you quite capable before?"

Bai Feng said angrily: "What old woman, show me some respect!"

Li Zhu also looked at her coldly.

"Isn't this the truth? Why can't I say it?" Gu Ming sneered, "You say, if I killed you two here without anyone noticing, would the old woman know?"

Before Bai Feng and the others could speak, Young Master Yanhao, who was watching the excitement not far away, spoke first, "But we are still here."

Gu Ming: "..."

Yanyue next to her sighed.

He even forgot to plug his brother's mouth.

Gu Ming's face darkened, and he turned to look at the people in Yanyang City, and asked, "Could it be that Yanyang City will oppose us who are also from the West because of a power in the East?"

Yan Hao was very puzzled, "I just want to remind you that there are still people here, who said they would fight against you?"

Gu Ming stopped for a moment, she knew that Yan Hao was a bit of an idiot, she looked away at Yan Yue, "Yan Yue, take care of your brother!"

Yanyue carelessly rolled down the smooth black hair on her chest, "But what brother said is the truth, if you want to kill someone, go elsewhere!"

Gu Ming: "..."

She really wanted to kill.

Her eyes dimmed, "Yanyang City is becoming more and more capable now."

Yan Hao sighed: "You're talking nonsense again, who doesn't know that your Fengyu City is stronger than our Yanyang City, you are the ones who are really capable."

Everyone in Yanyang City: "..."

Gu Ming abruptly turned her head back, and stopped looking at Yan Hao's face that deserved a beating.

Even though the strength of Yanyang City is the weakest among the four cities, the strength of the four cities is not too different. Fengyu City can't do anything to people from other cities, especially the sons and daughters of King Yan.

Moreover, now it is obvious that Yanyang City has the upper hand.

She should deal with the people from the Star Chasing Sect first!

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