The ancestors engaged in introversion in Xiuxianwen

Chapter 59 The situation is reversed

Gu Ming directly signaled to the old man behind him, "Old Ming, get rid of these two immediately, and then we will find a way to leave this place."

We must rush out of here as soon as possible, get the Danluo Crystal, and enter the Danluo Pagoda.


The old man's eyes as deep as a pond slowly fell on Bai Feng and Li Zhu, and disappeared in place in a flash.

Seeing this scene, Bai Feng and Li Zhu's spirits instantly became extremely vigilant, and their muscles tensed up.


An extremely crisp impact sound!
The sword in Li Zhu's hand was broken by a blow, and his whole body was thrown flying in an arc and fell to the ground.

His internal organs were severely injured!

"Li Zhu!!" Bai Feng's pupils shrank, and he rushed towards Li Zhu.

The figure of the old man appeared, withdrew his hand lightly, and said in a deep voice: "The response is good, but the strength is too weak."

Li Zhu spat out a few mouthfuls of blood wildly from the corner of his mouth, some blood splashed on his cheeks, his mind was a little dazed, even double images appeared, his pair of resolute and indifferent eyes seemed a little distracted.

The gap is too big.

He just broke through the golden core, and the opponent is Huashen, just a single blow made him into such a mess.

The belief in wanting to become stronger was burning and tormenting in his heart almost like a flame.

Bai Feng checked Li Zhu's situation, trembling with anger, "You are so old, you are so cruel to the junior, you are shameless!"

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched.

Gu Ming was in a happy mood, and said leisurely from the side: "So, wouldn't that old woman be even more shameless when she did something to my subordinates?"

Bai Feng turned his head and yelled at her: "Then who stepped on the horse shamelessly first?"

Gu Ming: "..."

Her complexion twisted, and her fists were clenched.

Yan Hao, who was not far away, looked at it with gusto. This guy is so courageous, but he quite likes this character.

With a gloomy face, Gu Ming suddenly appeared beside Bai Feng, lifted his knees and feet, and kicked him out violently!
"People from the Star Chasing Sect really only have the toughest mouth!"

The attack caught off guard directly kicked Bai Feng tens of meters away, and finally smashed it hard on a tall red painted pillar!

But obviously, this kick did not satisfy Gu Ming's inner hatred for the Star Chasing Sect.

She rushed out again, kicking Bai Feng out like a football!

Yan Hao couldn't bear it anymore, stood up, his red hair like a flame was very eye-catching in the dark night, and there were a little crystal blue earrings on his earbones, "You are enough, Gu Ming, isn't that the ancestor of Ranling?" It's so annoying, do you really want to cause a war between the East and the West?"

"Two ants, you think too highly of them." Gu Ming was very dissatisfied with Yan Hao who contradicted her again and again, and even the whole Yanyang City.

"You." Yan Hao wanted to say more, but saw Bai Feng standing up unsteadily, grinning with bloody teeth.

Bai Feng stared at Gu Ming, "Ant? To our ancestors, you are nothing more than an ant. With this little strength, are you tickling me?"

Yan Hao frowned, is this guy looking for death?

Gu Ming laughed, but the smile was as cold as ice, adding a bit of chill to the whole face, "Very good."

She signaled to Mr. Ming not to worry about it anymore, she would personally deal with this ignorant guy in front of her!
His hands condensed into seals, and terrifying whirlwinds slowly appeared in front of him. The leaves around the mansion were cut to pieces by the wind blades. Even though Yan Hao and the others were some distance away from Gu Ming, they still felt The coldness that was blown by the wind on the cheek.

Yan Hao's expression was a little heavy.

This ancient tea is indeed for real.

"Sister, is there any way to save that kid's life?" He sent a sound transmission to Yanyue.

Yanyue glanced at him, "I don't know each other before, why do you want to save? If you save, you will tear your face with Fengyu City from the bright side."

"Are you just watching?" Yan Hao was anxious.

No matter what, it is a human life. Anyway, it will be a matter of time for the four big cities to tear up their faces. What does it matter if it is sooner or later?
Yanyue sighed, her eyes fell on Bai Feng, "Brother, wait a minute, maybe things are not that bad."

That Bai Feng clearly wanted to provoke Gu Ming on purpose!
Yan Hao: "?"

He followed Yanyue's eyes suspiciously, and saw Bai Feng staring at Gu Ming, and with all his strength, he threw a black ball violently!

He narrowed his eyes, "What?"

After Bai Feng threw this away, he didn't care about anything, as if fleeing for his life, he ran towards Li Zhu who was lying motionless on the ground.

Gu Ming snorted disdainfully, dare to show this kind of thing to shame?
But out of caution, she still didn't let the ball get close, and directly crushed it with the wind whirl!

As a result, no one expected that what was inside was actually a fire element that could explode immediately once it was hit by an external force!

And the power is very strong, it is not what Gu Ming's strength can compete with.

The whirlwind from Gu Ming turned into a whirlwind of fire, even her clothes, eyebrows, and hair were ablaze!

Yan Hao's eyeballs almost popped out.

The shrill female voice was like howling from an evil ghost, and she was in extreme pain, "Ming Lao, come and save me! Save me quickly! Quick!"

It's just that at this moment, Ming Lao is too busy to take care of himself.

Because when Bai Feng threw out the black object, Li Zhu, who was almost unconscious, had his eyes half closed, and his pale, blood-stained fingers were placed on his chest, with a small syringe between his fingertips.

He aimed in the direction of the old man, and suddenly pressed the switch of the thing in his hand.

A needle, soundless, not even moving the air fluctuations, but extremely fast, like a silver thread.

The old man has been paying most of his attention to the movement of Gu Ming, until a slender, colorless needle flew in front of him, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he wanted to use his spiritual power to block it, but it was too late!
There was only time to change the position slightly to avoid the vital points.

That needle was inserted into his heart two or three inches to the right!

In an instant, violent thunder and lightning rushed through all the limbs and bones of the body. The heart closest to the needle was almost stopped suddenly by the electricity, and the whole body curled up in pain. He could only meditate quickly and expel it!

Although he was anxious about Gu Ming's wailing, he really had more than enough energy.

"Damn it." Seeing Li Zhu's small movements, Bai Feng cursed, unexpectedly he was so injured that he could still toss, so he quickly grabbed Li Zhu's arm and led him to run away.

It's really going to be a disaster this time.

No one expected that the things given by the ancestors would be so useful.

Seeing the two people who got into trouble quickly disappeared at the end like mice, the group of people in Yanyang City were stunned.

What is a situation reversal?
This is what it is.

Yanhao looked at Gu Ming, who was about to burn bald, and said awkwardly: "Shall we help?"

Yanyue glanced at the direction where the two disappeared, looked back, and nodded, "It's exciting, we can take advantage of this saving of lives, brother, record it with crystals."

Yan Hao: "..."

Everyone in Yanyang City: "..."

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