The ancestors engaged in introversion in Xiuxianwen

Chapter 85 The Road to Recognizing the Lord

Qiongminghe Will: "!!!"

The surrounding area was obviously extremely hot, but he felt a deadly cold rushing up from the soles of his feet. He was startled and his head thumped.

He felt that his whole being was seen through by the person in front of him.

How did she know that the water source she was looking for was the blood of a creature in the magma.

This was specially selected by him for the purpose of designing dyed spirits.

No, no, it should be a coincidence.

And he is just a will, not a person, no blood.

He wanted to quibble, but in the end he swallowed forcefully.

He was afraid to say this, and his will was gone.

Qiongminghezhi's face was panicked for a moment. Although she quickly recovered, she was still caught by Ranling. Her eyes darkened slightly, and then she said indifferently, as if she had come to consciousness, and said in disgust: "By the way, you have no blood."

Qiongminghe Will: "..."

Ran Ling was not in a hurry to find a source of water at this moment, so he found a place to sit down, and faced Qiongminghe Will, who was tied up by five flowers and only showed his head, and said indifferently, "This Danluo Tower should have no owner. You are just some power that can drive it, right?"

Qiong Minghe will be vigilant: "What do you want to do?"

Ran Ling had an innocent face, "If there is no owner, I naturally want it to recognize the owner."

Unlimited trials in the secret realm, if used on everyone in the Star Chasing Sect, will be very beneficial to their level improvement.

Hearing this, Qiongminghe's body relaxed instead, with a bit of complacency in his expression, "I know you are very strong, but Danluo Tower, no one can make it recognize its master. Even if it goes back tens of thousands of years, countless people smashed their heads, but they still can't shake it. The legendary Qianhen Xianjun, who was rumored to be amazingly talented, also died in the process of Danluota's recognition of his master."

Ran Ling was puzzled: "Immortal Thousand Scars?"

"Haven't you heard of it?" Qiongminghe Will was surprised.

This man is so old, why hasn't he heard of anything?

Fuzhuo had never heard of it, nor had Qianhen.

"No." Ran Ling shook his head honestly.

Qiong Minghe's will was quite speechless, "Immortal Qianhen, wearing a fairy white robe, no one has seen his real appearance, but it is said that he is crown jade and beautiful, unmatched. He is about the same age as Fuzhuo God of War, and his combat power is evenly matched, or even better!"

Ran Ling became curious: "The two know each other?"

That guy Fuzhuo, who has fallen for thousands of years, can still reach that level of strength. It must be even more amazing in his heyday. This Qianhen is actually stronger than him?

As long as Ranling doesn't go crazy, Qiongminghezhi is quite willing to tell her these things. After all, his good friend hasn't heard him speak for a long time, and he panicked, "After Fuzhuo became the God of War, he was extremely warlike. Qianhen was the first person he challenged, and he was the only one he didn't defeat at that time. Since then, he often made appointments with him, and the two became friends."

He paused and sighed, "...However, the result is also embarrassing. One, it is rumored, died on the way to let the Danluo Pagoda recognize the master, and the other, for unknown reasons, fell one after another. The cause of death has become a mystery."

Qiong Minghe's will was full of pity.

"You didn't stare at Danluo Tower personally, you don't know about whether he is dead or not, and you still hear about it?"

Qiongminghe's will was silent all of a sudden, and it took a long time before he murmured: "I, I was busy traveling far away, so I wasn't here at the time."

Dying Ling: "..."

"Really?" Ran Ling had no expression on his face, without even blinking his eyes, "How do you recognize the Lord?"

"..." He co-authored it for nothing, right?
Qiong Minghe shook his head resolutely, "I don't know."

"Look at the soft ones, you can only come to the hard ones." Ran Ling looked at the white ribbon hanging on Qiongminghe's will, and said fiercely: "Xiaobai, kill him!"

Suddenly, Qiongminghe's will felt the shackles on his body tightened, and he couldn't help but ruthlessly crushed his already incomplete will.

This feeling is still so familiar.

The intelligent beings born of his majestic Styx River are now in such a state of embarrassment, being threatened again and again, how can it be embarrassing?

To start the road to recognize the Lord, right?
Anyway, it wasn't him who died.

"To...recognize the Lord, yes, yes."

The restraints on my body loosened a bit.

Qiong Minghe will hurriedly added: "I can help you open it, and you don't have to participate in the next six levels."

Ran Ling understood what he meant.

If she comes out alive, it means that she is already the owner of Danluo Pagoda, and there is no need to participate in the next six levels.

If it is dead, there is no need.

Ran Ling lowered her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking, but she seemed to be hesitating.

The white streamer fell off from Qiongminghe's will, wrapped around the dyed spirit obediently, raised one head, and moved slightly, as if tilting his head to observe the dyed spirit.

Qiong Minghe didn't want to remind him, he endured and endured, but he still couldn't help but love talents, "Danluo Pagoda recognizes the master is the way to die, if you..."

Ranling raised his head suddenly, under the long eyelashes, his dark eyes could not see the bottom, and said, "Open it."

The follow-up words of Qiong Minghe's will were all stuck in his throat. Looking at her expression carefully, he knew that she had made a decision, but he still confirmed it again, "Are you sure?"

After thinking about it, he used Xie Heng to lure her, "Are you really willing to leave your phoenix behind?"

Like a ripple in a calm lake, Ran Ling suddenly bent his lips, "Reluctant."

Because of reluctance.

She was sure that she would be alive.

The moment Ranling entered the road to recognize the Lord, he faintly heard a sentence.

——"Xie Heng of the Star Chasing School, passed the third level."

Xie Heng was the second person who passed the third level.

This surprised everyone.

Unexpectedly, the ice phoenix who usually stays by the ancestor Ranling's side and doesn't show off the mountains and dews can actually be so powerful when he really uses his hands.

"Xie Heng!"

Su Ye's pressure doubled, and he performed supernormally. After Xie Heng, he became the third person to pass the third level.

Xie Heng entered the fourth level and was observing the surrounding environment when he suddenly noticed a movement in the surrounding space.

He made a defensive posture and turned his eyes to look.

A length of white ribbon, wrapped in two puppets, one gold and one white, emerged from the space.

The white puppet was meditating, and the golden puppet opened its round eyes happily and looked around with a smile.

Xie Heng was taken aback.

Before they could react, they had already arrived in front of Xie Heng.

Xie Heng frowned slightly for no reason, with a clear and gentle voice, "Why are you here, where is Ranling?"

At one end of the white streamer, a rolled piece of paper was handed to Xie Heng.

Xie Heng's heart suddenly seemed to be pinched by a big hand, and he unfolded the folded paper.

The font on it is familiar and unrestrained, "Little Phoenix, I'm going to let the Danluo Pagoda recognize the master. The time to go is uncertain, and it may be very long. These little things will follow you first. If I can't catch up with the Alchemy Conference, the burden of the Star Chasing Sect will be handed over to you."

Later, he cheated openly, "The water source of the fourth level should be the blood of some kind of creature in the magma."

(End of this chapter)

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