Chapter 86 Passing the Fourth Level
Xie Heng looked at these four or five lines repeatedly, as if he was imagining the appearance of Ran Ling saying this, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and the finger bones holding the paper were so hard that they turned pale.

She is gone again.

He twitched the corner of his lower lip mockingly.

Should he be happy, at least this time, she left him a letter?

It's just why she left all her puppets to him. Is he thinking too much, or is she already planning to go and never return?
How long is she... how long is she going?
The small golden puppet on the side stared at Xie Heng carefully with his slick eyes, and when he saw his reaction, he tilted his head, which was very strange.

I have received the letter from the master, why doesn't Yazi seem to be very happy?

It poked the little white puppet next to it.

The little white puppet slowly opened his black eyes, and glanced at it, as if asking what to do?
The golden puppet hated its plain, dog-like appearance the most, and slapped it boldly with its round hands.

Can't remember how the master explained it?
Do you know how to coax the little one well?
This slap was solid on the outside and empty on the inside, and it didn't shake Bai Xiaogui at all. Bai Xiaogui ignored the message from Jin Xiaopu, but moved his eyes down, and his eyes fell on the hand behind his forehead.


The golden puppet hesitated for a second, quickly withdrew his hand, and smiled guiltily with his back behind his back.

Any more presumptuous hands will be cut off.

If it is cut off, I have to find the owner to make it up, and now the owner has no time.

Bai Xiaopuppet withdrew his eyes and endured its presumptuousness once.

Bai Xiaopuppet is different from Jin Xiaopuppet, although his appearance is not bad, but the aura all over his body makes him feel more like a person, and also has a bit of fairy air that is as light as a mirror.

The little white puppet slid down onto Xie Heng's shoulder along the white streamer. It was as light and thin as a leaf, without any weight. It grabbed Xie Heng's strands of blue hair and swung them lightly, and then went up to the top of the other's head. He stretched out his short round hand, and lightly touched the center of Xie Heng's eyebrows.

Ran Ling went to another dimension, and only with Bai Xiaopuppet's strength can he connect to the other party for a short time, even Jin Xiaopuppet can't.


Everything in front of Xie Heng's eyes disappeared in an instant, like particle reorganization, and soon put together another picture.

It was a familiar and magnificent figure in red from the back.

The [-]-meter-high staircase is simple and solemn. She clings to the sword, blood drips from the tip of the sword, one step at a time, with bloody footprints, and walking up, there are countless corpses of fierce beasts lying behind.

There are endless and countless monsters ahead.

They come in all shapes and colors, some are tall and some are short, and they are so ferocious that your scalp will go numb just by looking at them.

She took a step forward, and the beasts and monsters took a step back.


Full of evil spirits.

Like a Rakshasa crawling out of hell.

Suddenly, she stopped.

As if feeling something, he tilted his head slightly and looked back.

The screen stopped abruptly.

Xie Heng returned to the real world unconsciously, the scene he saw just now still appeared in his mind, and a few unfamiliar words unconsciously spit out from his lips.

"The Infernal Path..."

She's on the go.

Nine deaths and no survival.

"How do you know Infernal Affairs?"

A surprised boy's voice came from somewhere, following the sound, it turned out to be Qiong Minghe's will who was released by Ran Ling kindly and then ran back.

The Infernal Road, only those who have entered the road to recognize the Lord will know, and there will never be the possibility of rumors, how could he...

He looked at Xie Heng with a hint of doubt and scrutiny.

Xie Heng was stunned for a while, a little puzzled in his deep blue eyes, he turned his head to look at it with restrained thoughts, and shook his head, "Maybe I heard of it somewhere."

Qiong Minghe will pouted his lips, as if he didn't want to say more, but he didn't force him to ask.

The white streamer had already disappeared into Xie Heng's sleeve robe, and Bai Xiaogui and Jin Xiaokui sat side by side on one shoulder of his, with their short legs drooping down, staring quietly at the person in front of them.

Xie Heng saw that Qiong Minghe would not speak, and asked him, "What are you doing here?"

The words "I'm just here to see what's going on" almost blurted out, Qiong Minghe managed to hold back, coughed, and said in a low voice, "Then what, just to see how you're doing."

Xie Heng didn't notice the weird expression of Qiongminghe's will, after he finished speaking, he nodded slightly, and then stopped talking, as if he was still immersed in some kind of thoughts and didn't come back to his senses.

Suddenly he stared at Qiongminghe's will, his eyes burning, "How to get in?"

Qiong Minghe will be a little dazed: "What?"

"The way to recognize the Lord."

Another crazy one.

"...I can't go in, this way can only enter one person at a time, even if you demolish the Danluo Pagoda, it can't be changed."

Xie Heng's voice suddenly became hoarse, "Is there no other way?"

Qiong Minghe nodded helplessly.

He is also very difficult, okay?

In Xie Heng's eyes that gather the starlight of all things, the light and shadow dimmed little by little, and finally fell into silence.

In the boiling magma world, the heat wave hits the surface, but this space is completely silent.

No one bothered.

I don't know how long it took, as if thinking of something, in the silence, a cluster of flames suddenly lit up, like a long-distance, exhausted traveler, who found a little comfort and hope.

He should have believed her.

All people or things in the world are reasonable if they exist, and incomprehensible without reason.

She asked him to take care of the Star Chasing Sect.

it is good.

he will do it.

Will wait for her to come back.

Qiong Minghe will stay here doing nothing, and was about to leave when he suddenly looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

The decadent Xie Heng in front of him suddenly stood up, took a few steps forward, and jumped down.


Qiong Minghe's eyes widened suddenly.

Fuck, I can't think about it so much, I want to commit suicide by throwing magma?
Before he could decide whether to save him or not, he saw that the man who committed suicide by throwing himself into the river flew directly over the magma, and the burning flames were blocked by Bai Xiaopuppet and Jin Xiaopuppet before it got close to Xie Heng's body.

Qiongminghe Will: "..."

The old iron was stunned.

At the same time, a white streamer flew out, penetrated into the magma, and slipped out an unknown creature with quick eyesight and hands.

Xie Heng landed on a vacant cliff, took out a bowl, and Jin Xiaogui let the creature bleed.

The voice of reminder came unexpectedly, but it seemed reasonable.

"Xie Heng of the Star Chasing School, passed the fourth level."

Qiongminghe Will was a little dumbfounded seeing this smooth operation.

This is definitely cheating, right?
This is definitely cheating, right? ! !
Also, what level of bodyguard is this, give it a stack!
Everyone who is breaking through: "!!"

Most of them are still spinning around on the third level, and that phoenix actually passed the fourth level?
Is it that strong?
And why wasn't Ranling the first to pass this time?

Before everyone could let go of their doubts, a series of notifications suddenly sounded.

"Chasing Star Zongran [-], passed the third level."

"Zongxing Zongran three, pass the third level."


(End of this chapter)

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