The voice of Qiong Minghe's will almost blew sparks, and the mechanical voice was a bit unlovable, and finally turned directly into——

"The Star Chasing School dyed fourteen, dyed fifteen, dyed sixteen... dyed forty-nine, dyed fifty, and passed the third test."


Everyone: "???"

Listen, listen!
Is this tower crazy, something is wrong?

Even if you clear the customs, how can you clear all of them together?
They don't believe it, there must be something tricky in it!
More and more people passed the third level, and after a few days, some people began to pass the fourth level...

Every time that string of Ran's series swaggered through the market and broke through the barrier, it made everyone curse.

To everyone's surprise, Xie Heng has always been at the forefront of the game, even Suye, who was the closest to him, was a full level behind him. Every time Suye breaks through a level, Xie Heng will immediately follow The breakthrough made Suye go crazy, and at the same time, he deeply doubted whether this girl did it on purpose.

It's just that no one heard the movement of Ranling again, and the sound of the broadcast that time seemed to be a flash in the pan.

Everyone was suspicious, and some even began to wonder if Ran Ling died in the fourth level.

Ten days passed in a flash.

Time is coming to an end.

At this time, the last announcement suddenly fell.

"Xie Heng of the Star Chasing School, pass the tenth level!"

Su Ye, who was stuck at the eighth level and stopped, his expression changed dramatically on the spot.

A whole vein of original spirit spar!

just this? !

The rest of the people in Tingfeng Pavilion were angry and anxious, constantly looking for a way to renege on their debts.

But this bet was made in front of the entire East and West Meridians, if they reneged, how would others treat them in Tingfeng Pavilion?
It's just that they are extremely unwilling to let them give in!

The endless river, the extremely wide island platform, and the towering Danluo Tower!

Ten days passed, and there were still many people standing outside, bored, looking at the Danluo Tower from time to time, as if they could see the movement inside the tower directly through the outside.

"Tell me, which faction will win the championship this time?"

"It's really hard to say, after all, every faction is like a cloud of masters."

"I remember last year, the Snowland City in the West Meridian should have won the first place, right?"

"Well. Because their national teacher is really unpredictable."

"But this time, I remember that I haven't seen the figure of the national teacher since the killing secret, and it is hard to say whether Xueyu City can maintain the first place without him. .”


"The second place last year was the Yunzong of the Eastern Meridian. Although the master of the Yunzong did not appear, the strength of the elder Su Jiu is obvious to all, and the Yunzong has been performing very stably. I believe they will also get a good ranking this time. "

"Anyway, the biggest joke this time is Fengyu City. There is no place to enter the Danluo Tower. I laughed so hard."

"Who says no? I really don't know if Feng Wang will be pissed off after going back."

A bunch of people gathered together, discussing enthusiastically.

"I'm still most curious to hear what the name of Fengge and that Zhu..., oh yes, the Star Chasing School, the Star Chasing School's bet, it's about the whereabouts of an original spirit spar vein and a bodhi seed, It’s a big game.”

"I press Tingfeng Pavilion. Although the Star Chasing Sect is a bit mysterious, Tingfeng Pavilion has been standing for a long time and has a profound foundation. It is definitely not comparable to a small sect."

"At the same time, everyone said that the dyed spirit is not even the ancestor of the Liu family. Who would believe it?"

"Didn't she beat all the heroes in the secret killing realm and get the most pill drop crystals?" Someone asked suspiciously.

The person next to him suddenly lowered his voice, "The person who didn't hear it said that she has something to do with the Lord Will of Qiongminghe..."

Hearing this, everyone smiled secretly.

"Oh, it's as if you saw and heard it with your own eyes." Such a sentence suddenly came from somewhere.


This sentence was too yin and yang, and the person who said that Ranling had something to do with Qiongminghe's will suddenly choked up, unable to speak, and turned to settle accounts with that person.

As a result, he saw a smiling face standing on his shoulder, looking at him faintly.


It was like seeing a ghost in the middle of the night, the man turned pale with fright, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

Fuzhuo: "..."

It jumped onto his face and stepped on it twice.

As a monk, this is the psychological quality.

He snorted and flew away.

Everyone around: "..."

Holy crap, the eyeliner of that ancestor Ran Ling is really everywhere!
This is too, too scary. Doesn't it mean that even if you go to the toilet, you may be watched?
Everyone was looking at each other in fear, suddenly, Danluo Tower's rays of light prevailed, and dozens of lights and shadows turned into rainbow lights and flew out.

Swish swish!

Someone shouted excitedly, "Look, there is movement in Danluo Pagoda! Someone has come out!"

The light fell to the ground, and a figure appeared, with a tired face and blood stains all over, and some even lacked arms and legs. Compared with the number of people who went in, the number of people who came out was obviously less than half.

Everyone looked at Danluota's barrier-covered, black hole-like door, with waves of fear in their eyes.

Fu Zhuo mixed in the crowd, and saw the slender Xie Heng at a glance, as well as a few other little disciples who looked like little mice, and a group of non-human beings who seemed to be made by someone carelessly.

He floated over, landed on Xie Heng's shoulder naturally, looked around, "Hey, Phoenix, where is Ran Ling?"

The rest of the Star Chasing Sect members were also very puzzled, everyone came out, why didn't they just see the ancestor?

Xie Heng glanced at him, his eyes fell on the Danluo Pagoda, and he paused before saying, "She's still inside."

Everyone: "?"

Why is it still inside, isn't it all over?
Still wanting to ask again, the voice of Qiongminghe's will has already sounded.

"Danluo Tower's opening time is over!"

"The final result is now announced!"


A gigantic scroll appeared out of thin air, and swished down from mid-air!

There is no one in the first and second heavens.

The third heaven and the fourth heaven are both casual cultivators.

Both Li Zhu and Bai Feng stopped at the Fifth Heaven. With their strength, it was already a terrible achievement to break through to the Fifth Heaven. Both Elder Yun and Elder Mu nodded in satisfaction.

Elders Yun and Mu are in the sixth heaven.

What was completely unexpected was that Cheng Yu was in Qizhong! !

Although Qiongminghe's will would report every time he passed a level, he was still extremely shocked when he saw this result.

Facing Star Chasing Sect's surprised gaze, Cheng Yu bit her lower lip and lowered her head.

It's over, it seems to be too hard.

Even Xie Heng and Fu Zhuo were a little surprised by her performance, so they looked at her together.

Cheng Yu looked like he had done something wrong, ravaged the corner of his clothes, and whispered, "I, I was just lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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