The green smoke dissipated, and the stone lion was revealed, but behind the stone lion was still a piece of luxuriant grass, and there was no gate.

Yue Xinxin had no choice but to continue groping, and the green smoke condensed in the air again, swaying with the wind, this time it was a story:
"Seven people from a mountaineering agency met to go mountaineering, and one of them was a very loving couple.

When we were about to climb to the top of the mountain, the weather suddenly turned bad.The seven decided to leave the girl to guard the camp, while the rest continued to climb to the top.

After three days, the six of them still haven't come back, and the girl was very anxious.

On the seventh day, all five people except the boyfriend came back.They told the girl that her boyfriend fell to his death on the second day of the summit.They thought that their boyfriend might come back in the first seven, so hurry back and protect her!

So five people formed a circle and let the girl sit in the center.

When it was almost twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and the boyfriend actually appeared!He was covered in blood, took the girl's hand and ran away, the girl screamed in fright and struggled desperately!
The boyfriend said to her, don't be afraid, I am not dead, I am not a ghost!It turned out that he fell off the cliff on the second day after reaching the summit. Although he bled a little, he did not die.But when he turned around, he found that there was an avalanche, and none of the five people on the mountain was spared!

Excuse me, who should I trust? "

Yue Xinxin shook her head as she watched, has the Mozhu Academy become a ghost in the underworld? Why are there always ghosts?

From the stone lion, we can know that the Black Bamboo Academy has not been demolished, but it has been covered up by people with magical powers.

This supernatural power is not complicated and subtle, it is enough to fool the eyes of ordinary people, but it is not difficult for a soul cultivator like Yue Xinxin.

The dense green light on her fingertips suddenly intensified, and she pushed it out hard, the words in front of her instantly shattered and fell to the ground, and the supernatural power disappeared invisible.

A door stands alone on the green grass. It is the ancient gate of the original academy with red lacquer and copper nails.

Yue Xinxin pushed the door open and walked in. The green bricks and black tiles, carved buildings and painted buildings inside the door are the familiar Mozhu Academy.

After stepping over the threshold, the door creaked shut, and Yue Xinxin also disappeared into the green grass.

She looked around, only to find that this academy was no longer the original one, the area was more than ten times larger than before, and many new buildings, pavilions, fields, forests, streams and meanders were added.

If the Academy is still in the Yang Realm, it will include the entire scenic spot, so we have to hide in the Yin Realm!
As Yue Xinxin walked among them, many students who came and went noticed her and nodded to her.

There are both soul cultivators and ghost cultivators, but most of the nods are ghost cultivators, and there is even a little ghost cultivator bouncing forward with a book, and shyly said: "Can you give me a book?" Sign it?"

Yue Xinxin closed the book, and saw that it was the "Commentary on the Silla Heaven and Universe System", and there was a dynamic painting of her on the title page.

In the colored drawing, she is sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a little black cat in her hands, and leaning on a big golden retriever beside her. She is grabbing one of the front paws of the little black cat and waving to people.

This painting is too vivid!No wonder everyone knew her the first time she entered New Black Bamboo Academy!

After signing, Xiao Guixiu pointed behind her and said with a smile, "It has been following you!"

Yue Xinxin turned her head and saw some cyan fragments in the shallow footprints behind her, which was the broken story.

She took two steps forward, and those cyan fragments flowed from one footprint to the next like a pool of water stains, following her all the time.

Yue Xinxin smiled and said, "Why, are you forcing me to give the answer?"

The cyan fragment immediately jumped up, recomposing the story in the air, as if waiting for her to speak.

"The answer is: they are all dead."

"My boyfriend fell off the cliff on the second day after climbing to the summit. He died on the spot and his body was buried in snow. He was out of his body and didn't know that he was dead. He was about to return to the team to look for his teammates, but found an avalanche on the mountain. After returning to search, he found the bodies of five people. The corpses are all dead. Generally, the soul will fall into a state of numbness and stagnation after the body rots, and soon disappear. But there is an extremely strong obsession in the heart of the boyfriend, which is the concern for the girl. This obsession made him go from numb to stagnant Wake up and return to camp."

"And after the five people encountered an avalanche, their souls also came out of their bodies. After seeing each other's misery, they knew that their bodies were rotten, and their souls would soon be scattered. The only way was to absorb the energy of other souls and become ghost cultivators. So they all thought of That boyfriend who has a strong obsession has much more energy in his body than the five of them, and in their eyes it is a delicious meal, so they rushed back to the camp before the boyfriend, surrounded the girl and waited!"

The small blue characters turned into green smoke with a whimper, and then regrouped in the air, turning into a raised thumb.

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Yue Xinxin smiled, and then turned her head to look around. There were so many more houses all of a sudden, she didn't know how to go.

"Excuse me, do you know where Teacher Chen is?"

Little Ghost Xiu shook his head, then pointed to the thumb and said, "It should know! Let it lead the way!"

Yue Xinxin looked suspiciously at the thumb, which turned into an OK gesture, but then changed back to small blue characters:

"Obviously I am a ghost king, but I attend classes and do my homework on time in the academy; I can devour any ghost cultivator, but I rely on cultivation to accumulate energy bit by bit; I can rely on the sky for food, but I work hard every day. Why is this? "

Yue Xinxin was stunned, and asked tentatively, "Because you want to experience different ghost lives?"

Boom, the small blue characters turned into a big cross!

"Because you want to learn the Xinluotian Huanyu system?"

Boom, the second big fork appeared!

"How many more chances do I have?"

Two forks become a number "1" and then back to forks.

"Forget it, I won't ask you anymore, I'll go find Chen Mo myself." Yue Xinxin turned around and left.

Xiao Guixiu grabbed her, motioned her to bend down, and whispered something in her ear.

"I know the answer! It's because...that's the difference between me and Mingming."

Boom, a big hook appeared!

Then the forked hook disappeared and changed into an arrow pointing southeast.

Yue Xinxin patted Xiao Guixiu's head.

"Thank you! How about I take a photo with you again?"

Xiao Guixiu happily took out his mobile phone and held it in front of him, Yue Xinxin squatted down, put his two heads together, click!

Yue Xinxin followed the arrow and walked forward, admiring the brand-new scenery along the way.

She found that some older ghost cultivators still had obvious characteristics of ghost cultivators, such as strong ghost aura.But some young ghost cultivators are no longer so obvious.

Most of them are from the new generation, and they have practiced the Xinluotian Huanyu system from the very beginning. Even though they still cannot have a physical body like a soul cultivator, other than that, they are almost the same.

And this part of ghost cultivators and soul cultivators are better integrated. You can often see their intimate figures, or walking side by side on the tree-lined avenue, talking and laughing, or discussing academic issues enthusiastically on the grass, or sitting next to each other. Let's fight together in the library.

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