Arrow is very patient, always waiting for her at every intersection ahead, then disappears suddenly, appears at the next intersection, and reaches a wide lake.

The lake water presents a lively blue-green color, and strangely shaped fish jump out of the water from time to time, and some of them are not fish, but little ghosts playing in the water.

There is a green island in the middle of the lake, which is small in size and shaded by green trees. In the center there is a circular auditorium with a pointed roof, which is used as a classroom, and it is full of people. Chen Mo is giving a lecture at the top of the steps.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of fireworks exploding from the other side of the lake, which was heard clearly in the auditorium. The students turned their heads and looked out of the window. An arrow, pointing straight down, pointed to a woman standing on the shore.

"Who is that?" The students all speculated.

"It looks familiar!"

Yue Xinxin looked up at the arrow above her head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Come on down, don't be so ostentatious, okay?"

The arrow dissipated with a whiff, and turned into a raised palm in front of her.

Yue Xinxin felt helpless and reached out to give it a high five.

"Thanks! Go do your work!"

The palm immediately turned into green smoke, which drifted away like smoke and mist.

Yue Xinxin turned her eyes to the auditorium again, and seeing everyone looking at her, Chen Mo stood at the top of the steps, closed the book in her hands, and placed it heavily on the podium!

With cold sweat breaking out on Yue Xinxin's forehead, he waved at him from a distance and smiled, "Sorry to disturb your class!"

Suddenly someone among the students called out.

"I see, she is the author who co-authored with Teacher Chen."

"It was the first time I saw her, and she was exactly the same as the one in the painting."

Yue Xinxin on the other side of the lake found a big rock and sat down, quietly waiting for Chen Mo to finish class.

A little ghost Xiu saw her underwater. This woman looks quiet and easy to bully?

Immediately thinking of mischief, he grabbed an ichthyosaur by its dorsal fin and whipped its lower abdomen hard!
The ichthyosaur was suffering from pain, and jumped out of the water, and flew towards Yue Xinxin who was on the shore. The pain in his lower abdomen made him unable to see the person in front of him clearly, so he just opened his mouth wide, exposing the sharp long teeth inside, and bit down on Yue Xinxin!
Yue Xinxin raised his right hand, threw out a chain as thick as an arm, slammed it hard into the mouth of the fish dragon, and then quickly rolled and swung it, throwing the fish dragon to the ground, jumping desperately, splashing water everywhere!
"We can have an extra meal tonight!" Yue Xinxin laughed.

The students in the auditorium were watching Yue Xinxin fishing, when they suddenly heard two dignified coughs behind them, and turned around, they found that Chen Mo was looking at them unhappily.

"Those who don't want to go to class can go out, and others continue!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a heart-piercing cry from the other side of the lake, attracting the students' attention again.

Chen Mo sighed heavily, this class is impossible!

The other end of the fishing dragon's chain flew out, wrapping the little Ghost Xiu who had jumped off his dorsal fin to escape, and dragged him back to the fish dragon.

That little one opened his voice and howled loudly, crying so loudly!
"Mom! Save me! Someone is going to eat me!"

Suddenly a man rushed out from among the students in the auditorium, quickly crossed the lake to the side of the fish dragon, looked at his child, then at Yue Xinxin, and slapped the child on the buttocks.

"Stop howling!"

The little girl's crying stopped abruptly, she sniffed, pointed at Yue Xinxin and said, "Mom, she wants to eat me! You eat her for me!"

Yue Xinxin quickly let go of the chain and smiled awkwardly.

"Sister, I never eat indiscriminately."

The female ghost Xiu snorted coldly, of course she knew the virtues of her child, but when the child was tied up with chains, being a mother was always unhappy.

"You are just Yue Xinxin? I have heard of a character like you, but I have never had the chance to meet you."

The female ghost cultivator's tone was not kind, and her gaze was as sharp as a blade.

Yue Xinxin scratched her head and looked at Chen Mo on the other side of the lake.

"Sister, are you looking for me to discuss? This is no problem, but since you are not in class, I want to find Teacher Chen first."

Seeing the auditorium on the other side from afar, Chen Mo was watching this side, and waved vigorously at him, but Chen Mo didn't respond.

Seeing that Chen Mo didn't stop, the female ghost Xiu let go of her courage.

"If you want to pass the lake, pass me first."

He stretched out his hand and pushed the child behind him, pinched the formula with his ten fingers, and silently recited the mantra.

The lively blue-green color of the lake surface gradually changes, and the phytoplankton floating on the water surface grows rapidly and grows bigger. Finger-sized green leaves spread out on the water surface, and dark green flowers the size of rice grains bloom, dyeing the lake surface into a deep and warm atmosphere. dark green.The shade of the trees on the island in the center of the lake is more dense, and a lot of lotus flowers are blooming near the shore.

Immediately afterwards, the lotus flower withered, the rice grain flowers withered, and a piece of red frost floated on the shade of the green tree. The phytoplankton in the lake died quickly before being swallowed by the aquatic organisms, leaving a large piece of dead leaves and branches in the water, dyeing the lake surface into a gloomy and gloomy landscape. of tan.A water turtle drilled out of the dead leaves and floated to the surface of the water to breathe. The first breath it inhaled was still warm, and the second breath became extremely cold.

But in the blink of an eye, the surface of the yellow-brown lake began to turn white, covered with a layer of frost, and quickly froze downward.

The range of snowfall was only on the lake at first, and gradually crossed the lakeshore, the grass, willows, and even the big rock where Yue Xinxin sat were covered with a layer of frost.The water turtle retracted its neck in a hurry, but it was too late, it was frozen on the surface, unable to advance or retreat.

The frost is still intensifying, and the temperature has reached about fifty or sixty degrees below zero.Due to the sudden change of heat and cold in a short period of time, the big stone made a crisp sound, and four or five cracks burst!

Yue Xinxin stretched out his hand to touch it, and found that his hair and eyebrows were covered with snow particles.

"What a magic trick! In the past, only soul cultivators above Sanyuan could practice supernatural powers, and now there are such talents among ghost cultivators! Teacher Chen taught you this? It's really good! I also want to learn from it?"

She lifted her feet to the shore, and each step she took left a footprint in the snow.

The ice and snow melted in the footprints, and the grass sprouted. When she stepped on the ice, a small piece of the ice layer melted and sparkled again. A lotus leaf grew from the bottom of the water, drilled out of the water to support her feet, and took the next step , Another lotus leaf emerged.

When Yue Xinxin walked to the water turtle, the ice melted, and the water turtle was finally able to break free, sinking into the water, and kept looking at the people on the water with curious eyes.

The female ghost cultivator was a little dazed. You must know that this is not a blindfold but a supernatural power. Was it so easily broken?

She gritted her teeth and exerted force, the snowflakes falling in the sky quickly condensed into water droplets, which gradually increased in speed and became torrential rain, crashing down on the lake!

But once the raindrops reached five centimeters above Yue Xinxin's head, they immediately vaporized, forming a human-shaped space around her, surrounded by white water vapor and mist, which looked like Yue Xinxin was standing in a glass enclosure.

She smiled at the female ghost Xiu: "I didn't bring other clothes, it's not good to get wet."

With a wave of his hand, the pouring rain suddenly changed its direction and splashed towards the female ghost Xiu on the bank, pouring her heart out!

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