"You two big liars! I won't talk to you anymore!"

There was a curse from behind, and looking back, Uncle Qi had fled into the ghost market, lost in the shadows of ghosts, and he couldn't see anyone for a while.

"The wound hasn't been stitched yet!" Yue Xinxin wanted to chase after her, but was stopped by Chen Mo.

"Although he is crazy, he is not stupid. If you don't leave, look around!"

Yue Xinxin turned her head to see those ghost cultivators not far away, still fighting for the scattered energy in the air. At this moment, she didn't care about Uncle Qi who was running away. Divided up!

She looked at the direction that Uncle Qi was going away with some worry, wondering if he would encounter something like a demon seed if he was solved, and whether he could save himself from danger like this time.

"Why is such a powerful ghost cultivator a lunatic?" She was puzzled.

The nervous system of ordinary people is fragile, and it is understandable for them to suffer from schizophrenia and other diseases due to strong stimuli.But Uncle Qi is so powerful, can't even heal this?
Soul cultivators and ghost cultivators are not ordinary people. It is rare to hear of people getting sick, even if they are disabled, most of them are left due to fighting.

Chen Mo shook his head: "He is not insane, but because his soul is incomplete. Just now I suppressed him with a magic circle, and found that his seven souls are very strong, but the three souls are very weak, as if they were born after birth. Mental consciousness is not as good as ordinary people."

Yue Xinxin nodded absently, her attention was not on these words, but on her hands.

Chen Mo didn't let go of her hand, which made her feel slightly warm in her palm, as if her cheeks were also hot.

Seeing her in a daze, Chen Mo asked, "What are you thinking?"

"Oh..." Yue Xinxin randomly found words to prevaricate, "I'm thinking about Uncle Qi, what should I do."

It stands to reason that she should go back to Datang immediately, maybe Xu Xiangyang is ready to act.

But when he saw Chen Mo beside him in a blink of an eye, he felt extremely reluctant, even if he could stay with him for a while now, it would be good.

She couldn't help but gather her fingers and hold Chen Mo's hand tightly. "Maybe... let's go shopping?"

shop?Chen Mo didn't know how to respond for a while, he hasn't done this for hundreds of years, right?It feels so strange!

"Don't you want to?" Yue Xinxin pouted, why such an expression!

Chen Mo scratched his head, since he arrived at the ghost market, it seems that shopping is indeed a natural thing. "All right!"

Yue Xinxin immediately felt complacent, why did she feel a little excited when she was in a difficult situation!

Holding hands, the two strolled in the streets of the ghost city, watching some ghost lights adorning the doors of various shops like lanterns, floating at every corner and intersection.

Yue Xinxin reached out and flicked the will-o'-the-wisp lightly. The will-o'-the-wisp seemed to be conscious, flickering on and off, falling on her shoulder for a while, and jumping on top of her head for a while.

Suddenly the will-o'-the-wisp made a sizzling sound, exploded with a bang, and scattered into the sky like fireworks. Sparks fell on the hair, burning a pungent burnt smell.

Yue Xinxin was taken aback and hid behind Chen Mo. Chen Mo laughed that she had suffered retribution for molesting the will-o'-the-wisps. Every will-o-wisp is the soul of a person after death, but it has not yet become a ghost cultivator and has no skin of its own.

"Do you want a flower, sir?"

A little ghost Xiu carried a flower basket, took out one of the roses and handed it to Chen Mo.

"Give it to your girlfriend!"

Chen Mo took the bouquet and paid for it, Yue Xinxin's face turned redder, she didn't even confess her love, and she didn't think about whether to agree or not!What are you doing sending flowers!
Chen Mo pinched the bouquet, twisted it with his fingers, and the flower withered and withered immediately, turning into a toad.

Looking at Xiao Guixiu's flower basket, the rest of the bouquet is also full of stones and dead leaves.

Seeing that the prank was exposed, the little ghost Xiu quickly stuck out his tongue and ran away in a hurry.

Chen Mo sneered: "I thought the sun was coming out from the west, and there were still flowers for sale in the ghost market. It turned out to be fake."

Yue Xinxin was somewhat regretful, but she still couldn't help asking, "Why?"

Chen Mo pointed to the shops along the street: "What do you see here?"

There are many shops in the ghost market that sell broken limbs of ghost cultivators segmented into pieces, because many ghost cultivators are eager to devour energy, but they are not capable enough to capture other ghost cultivators;
There are also many selling various magic weapons and weapons, but most of them are cheap and defective products, and most of the real magic weapons are priceless;

In addition, there are also various pills and herbs for sale, the most popular of which are probably strange and rare animals and plants. Because ghost repairs are only covered with a layer of skin, they can change into other forms, so they often like to imitate them. Today I bought a rhinoceros horn Tomorrow, a horn will grow on the top of the head according to the gourd painting. The day after tomorrow, I will buy a snake slough, and then my body will be covered with dense snake scales.

Other than that, there are few other types of shops.Production tools, daily necessities, catering, entertainment, and service industries are all non-essential things for ghost cultivation, and you can hardly find them in the ghost market.

No wonder the Black Bamboo Academy was originally in the Yang Realm, and many soul cultivators also like to pretend to be ordinary people.

"How little property there is! It's a dull life."

Yue Xinxin secretly thought that if she lived here, she wouldn't be able to stay there for an hour, and she was only halfway through shopping, and she no longer had the desire to continue shopping.

Chen Mo looked at her disappointed face, reached out and rubbed the hair on top of her head.

"Ghost City doesn't have such a sensual place like Datang Entertainment City, it probably makes you feel bored!"

Yue Xinxin knocked off his hand.

"I'm not in Datang for sensuality! I have serious business to do!"

Chen Mo put his hands in his trouser pockets and looked up at the sky.

"Yeah, yeah, you have serious business! Hiding in a bastard all day, sleeping in a room with a bunch of old men, going to the same toilet, using a bathroom, maybe even washing together?"

Yue Xinxin was angry and impatient, she clenched her fist and beat his chest: "Are you following me? Or peeping? Seriously!"

"Is this still using stalking and peeping? Just think about your toes!" Chen Mo grabbed her hand and said helplessly.

"But I didn't let others see it!" Yue Xinxin hurriedly argued.

Chen Mo let out an "oh", feeling relieved in his heart, that's okay!

Yue Xinxin pulled out her arm and beat his chest again, feeling extremely wronged.

"You dare to ridicule me! Do you know how uncomfortable it is for me to hide in someone else's body? I can't sleep well every day, I can't take a shower and wash my hair, and I can't even eat my favorite ice cream, because no gangster can eat ice cream!"

Chen Mo had no choice but to let her beat him. He thought she would just vent out a bit, but he didn't expect that he was using a lot of force, and gradually he couldn't bear it anymore.

Hiss - don't say it, it still hurts!
While hiding back, Chen Mo warned: "It's almost done! Once you strike at the Sanyuan realm, don't beat me to death!"

Yue Xinxin pursued him relentlessly.

"It's just for beating! You are pouring salt into other people's wounds, you deserve it!"

"I didn't, just kidding! Can you stop hitting me? Ouch!"

"What kind of skill is it to make jokes about others? It's ability to make jokes about yourself! I must cure your poisonous tongue today!"

From time to time, the sound of begging for forgiveness came from the ghost world, which attracted many ghost cultivators to stop and watch.

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