At four or five o'clock in the morning, Datang Entertainment City saw off the last guest and finally closed the heavy gate.

Qian Yukun had just untied himself and lay down on the bed when he suddenly felt a movement in the altar, and Yue Xinxin came back.

"You're back! I'm so worried that the big camel will find me sometime!"

Yue Xinxin wondered: "You haven't disappeared, aren't you here? It's the real thing, it's like a fake!"

Qian Yukun said with a guilty conscience: "I'm afraid that the big camel will find out that all my fighting skills are fake!"

Yue Xinxin snorted coldly, now he knows what I mean!Who made a small report to Xu Xiangyang at the beginning?

"Tell me, I'm not here for a few days, is there any movement in Datang?"

Although he was speaking in the Lingtai and no one would hear him, Qian Yukun subconsciously looked around.

"Zhao Zhao sent the news that Shisan recently took over a big job, and Ah Si will do it himself."

Yue Xinxin immediately regained her spirits. "Did you tell Xu Xiangyang?"

"Of course! Officer Xu gave me a big compliment! He said that he really doesn't want to borrow my money, and treat it as a reward for me!"

"Say the point!"

"Thirteen has been staring at Ah Si, but Ah Si's mouth is very tight, and he will not say anything until the last moment. The time and place are still uncertain. But Thirteen has a few guesses. I have already told Officer Xu gone."

Yue Xinxin felt relieved, the police should be all over the place at several points, even if they miss nothing, Shisan will continue to follow.

What she needs to do now is to tell Kou Jinyi the locations of these points, so that she can also send someone there. In case there is a soul cultivator on the uncle's side to help Ah Si, her people can just handle it.

"Has Lu Zhaolong appeared recently?"

"No. Brother Long doesn't come to Datang very often."

Yue Xinxin rested his chin and thought, cutting the weeds to get rid of the roots, catching a few small ones is not enough, you have to catch the big fish.

"Go and spread some news, just say that there is an inner ghost around Ah Si!"

Qian Yukun was surprised: "That's not selling Shisan!"

Yue Xinxin smiled: "Who can tell the truth about rumors? Doing drug trafficking, chasing mice with the police every day, lurking and being lurked are commonplace! Xu Xiangyang has several special agents, and other police officers also have them." Well, Ah Si naturally has his informants too."

Qian Yukun looked around unconsciously: "Are there any around me?"

Yue Xinxin sneered: "You are not qualified."

Qian Yukun was a little uncomfortable, and muttered: "In this case, what's the use of spreading news!"

Yue Xinxin shrugged: "Actually, I don't know, but the net cast is too big, maybe some fish will be caught. If Lu Zhaolong values ​​this transaction, maybe he will show up?"

Qian Yukun yawned, well, this matter is not difficult, but let's get some sleep first.

Yue Xinxin was also tired. Recently, she was so busy that she ran several places without touching her feet. She really wanted to lie down and rest, so she fell asleep on the altar.

It was already night when Qian Yukun woke up, and Datang Entertainment City had another noisy night.

He patrolled around with the big camels, commanded his men to deal with a few alcoholics and troublemakers, and saw a few newly debuted girls who didn't know how to deal with the guests' persuasion, so they helped them drink a few glasses.

For this matter, the big camel also satirized him a few words, telling him to stop meddling in his own business.

Qian Yukun was obedient and did not dare to offend him.

Yue Xinxin didn't speak or move from the beginning to the end, she just sat cross-legged in the altar with her eyes closed.

She was about to break through the Taiweiyuan of the Sanyuan Realm, and the hustle and bustle of the Tang Dynasty Entertainment City came in from the left ear and came out from the right ear, leaving no trace.

There was no news from Thirteen the next day, and Qian Yukun had no choice but to wait anxiously.

The newly debuted girl is not good at drinking, and she is not good at dealing with customers. She has been complained several times, causing Sister Fen to shake her head again and again.

Every girl spends money on them, not to mention the cost of poaching, eating, drinking, sleeping, training and learning etiquette, makeup, clothing matching, talking, walking, and serving people. All the expenses in the middle are Tang Dynasty. Of course, when they can earn money, Datang will draw a considerable commission from them.

But right now these girls seem to be losing money.

Zhao Zhao suddenly walked not far away with the wine glass in his hand, and glanced at Qian Yukun.

They already had a tacit understanding. With just one look, Qian Yukun knew that she had something to say.

Pretending to be smoking, he retreated to the far corner of the multifunctional hall, and Zhao Zhao followed after a while.

"Thirteen sent a message. Around nine o'clock, Ah Si's big job seems to be delivered!"

Dance music rattled the ceiling, drowning Zhao Zhao's voice.

"Where is it?" Qian Yukun asked quickly.

"not decided."


Qian Yukun couldn't help cursing in a low voice, raised his wrist to see that it was less than four hours.

They had to send more people for the previous points, otherwise they would definitely not be able to control the situation at that time, I hope Xu Xiangyang and the others have enough people!

After Zhaozhao left, Qian Yukun sent a message to an unfamiliar number. It was an agreement between him and Xu Xiangyang, and the message was all in code words.

At this time, Yue Xinxin finally woke up from the trance, and said to Qian Yukun, "You take some time to go outside, buy some milk tea or something, and let me go out to help Yangzi."

Qian Yukun left the corner and was about to go through the side door when he was stopped by a brother.

"Brother Kun, let's go, there is a good show to watch!"

It turned out that one of the newly debuted girls was dragged into the KTV box by a big camel.

As soon as Qian Yukun arrived at the door, he heard the dull sound of fists hitting the flesh from inside, and beat him non-stop for four to five minutes!
The big camel was smoking a cigarette leisurely, and when the cigarette was finished, he walked into the box and pressed the girl's head on the coffee table.


With a bruised nose and swollen face, the girl squatted on the ground trembling with tears streaming down her cheeks. She opened her mouth and bit the top of the tea table with her teeth.

"You don't want to drink, do you? Then eat this table!"

The girl whimpered and cried, not understanding what the big camel wanted to do, but because of the tea table in her mouth, she couldn't say anything.

The big camel sneered, cursed a bitch, raised his leg high, and kicked the girl in the back!
Qian Yukun, who was standing outside the door, only heard a heart-piercing scream, so frightened that he dropped the cigarette butt in his hand, and quickly probed in to have a look, and saw the girl lying on the ground with her mouth full of blood. Provincial personnel.

When Sister Fen heard the commotion and came over to take a look, she couldn't help frowning. She regretted asking the big camel to handle this matter.

The girls who came together stood outside the door and dared not come in, because the bloody scene on the ground was too scary, and all the teeth in the girl's mouth fell out!

In the end, it was Qian Yukun who asked a brother to take the girl to the hospital.

The brother was not happy at first, so he was sent to the hospital to pay for the medical bills!Who wants this?
Qian Yukun took out his wallet and slapped it in his hand, taking it from it for as much as it cost!
The brother carried the girl away.

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