Chapter 136 Hand Sanitizer Boy

The boy got impatient and approached her with a saber in his hand.

"Do you know how I died? I made a bet with my classmates, whoever dared to drink a whole bottle of hand sanitizer will be the boss of the class. They couldn't drink it after a few sips. I drank all the bottles! Because I can't get used to their moaning!"

Yue Xinxin was dumbfounded. "tasty?"

The boy had a vicious expression on his face, as if he was still annoyed about something.

"I didn't expect that bottle of hand sanitizer to contain methanol. I'm going to die before I've been sent to the hospital for gastric lavage. What an unscrupulous profiteer!"

The more Xinxin sucked the teeth, how can people die like this?Hey, tell me what to say, Gua Waer!

"So, don't be such a moron! I hate you the most!"

The boy roared, swung his knife and slashed over!

Yue Xinxin swayed to let him go.

"Son, can we calm down? Don't you want to think about it, they took so much painstaking efforts to catch us here just to watch us hack around?"

"Look at the knife!" The boy slashed at the corner of Yue Xinxin's clothes with a sharp knife, and cut off a corner with a snort. Fortunately, Yue Xinxin dodged quickly, otherwise he would have cut off a piece of flesh.

Yue Xinxin frowned.

"I don't know how they caught you. Anyway, it took a lot of effort to catch me, killing a policeman!"

The boy didn't listen to her at all, he slashed at her temple and broke a strand of hair.

Yue Xinxin stretched out his hand to hold the blade, and shouted in a low voice: "Stop it! You bastard, do you know what you're doing!"

"I'm killing people!" The boy roared, pulled the knife violently, and shook off her hand, the knife's energy sliced ​​through Yue Xinxin's flesh, blood oozing from the palm of his hand.

Yue Xinxin flew up and kicked him in the waist, kicked him flying, and couldn't help cursing angrily: "You are worthy of cutting me!"

The boy hit a tree trunk and fell to the ground, motionless.

Yue Xinxin sighed and tried to persuade her.

"Don't even think about it. If they really want to watch me slay people, they have to arrest some of the same level, right? What's the matter if they catch you and throw you to me? There are so many problems, please use your brain before you do it!"

The boy was still motionless, Yue Xinxin felt that something was wrong, hurried over to investigate, and saw that the boy's abdomen was dark red and dripping with blood.

Yue Xinxin was taken aback, and hurriedly opened his clothes. It turned out that he had hidden a second saber, and Yue Xinxin kicked it just in time. The blade penetrated deeply into his stomach and punctured his internal organs.

The boy was still breathing in small mouthfuls, and every time his abdomen trembled, more blood came out.

A few beards had just sprouted on his immature and green face, his eyes were wide open, and he looked at Yue Xinxin helplessly.

Yue Xinxin was so frightened that she hurriedly went to store the bronze mirror, wanting to get lotus seeds and lotus leaves to feed to the boy, but she found nothing.

The bronze mirror is gone, even if it is there, the lotus seeds and lotus leaves are long gone.

She held the boy's wound with trembling hands again, pouring her true energy into it.

The boy's breathing became weaker and weaker, and he couldn't speak, so he could only use his mouth to call out: "Help me——"

Yue Xinxin was so anxious that she burst into tears, and jumped out of Tianshiyuan, Taiweiyuan and Siji beasts from behind, injecting mana into him with the help of the Sixiang holy spirit circle.

"Don't die! You can't die! You live for me!"

The boy was motionless, his face was as pale as paper, and he was already dead.

Yue Xinxin stared blankly at him for a long time, then stood up abruptly and plunged into the tropical rainforest, where he walked wildly for over an hour.

Gradually, she slowed down, thinking as she walked, and then turned around and turned back.

More than an hour later, when he returned to the same place, the boy's body was already ossified and his blood was coagulated.

Yue Xinxin sneered.

"It's like the real thing!"

Robots appear in the rainforest.

"He is indeed dead, the doctor did not lie to you."

"Prove it to me!"

The robot tapped its chest, where there was a screen.

The screen turned on, and a middle-aged man wearing glasses appeared on the screen. He was bearded and wearing a casual T-shirt. He was staring intently at another computer screen. He turned his head and took a look at Yue Xinxin. He frowned impatiently, as if upset that someone was interrupting his work.

"Do I have to lie? He is useless to me. The laboratory never raises experimental subjects that have no use value."

He waved his hand towards the screen, and then the screen moved, as if this screen was embedded in a similar robot.

The robot walked to a huge workbench surrounded by many devices, and in the middle was a glass container filled with liquid.

The liquid is light brown in color, and multiple criss-cross metal conduits protrude into it, connecting a human body floating in it.

It was that boy.

A mechanical arm unit suspended above the work slowly descended, extending two mechanical arms, each holding a needle tube.

The doctor issued an instruction to the first robotic arm: "300 mg of sodium barbital, inject once."

A stream of clear fluid is pumped through the hose and then into the needle in the robotic arm's hand.

The needle was positioned at the boy's vein, the plunger was pushed, and the sedative was injected.

Yue Xinxin watched all this, her palms were sweating. Although the dose of 300 mg is a bit large, it is not life-threatening.

The doctor gave instructions to the second robotic arm. "Air 300 mg, one injection."

Yue Xinxin's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, air!

If the air entering the vein is less than 10 mg, it will generally dissolve in the blood and be metabolized gradually.However, if it is greater than 20 mg, symptoms such as dyspnea and shortness of breath will occur, and oxygen inhalation and ECG monitoring must be performed immediately.Once it is greater than 50 mg, acute pulmonary embolism may occur, affecting the blood supply to the brain tissue, and death will occur within a short time!
"Wait a minute, doctor! You just gave up on the test subjects you managed to capture? You don't really want to test memory, do you? You are not a variety show! No matter how you say it, it won't kill people! "

Yue Xinxin jumped in front of the robot and yelled at the screen.

The doctor's figure was not displayed on the screen, only a cold sentence came.

"Participate in the game well, this is what you should do most, instead of wasting your tongue on others!"

The second mechanical arm holding the empty needle slowly descended, inserted the needle into the boy's vein, and slowly pushed the piston.

300 milliliters of air was injected into the vein, and the boy's body twitched. Various fluctuations began to appear on the display screens of the instruments connected to the ends of the metal catheters, and the curves were very exaggerated.

Yue Xinxin kept tapping the screen.

"Doctor! You said that every experimental subject is selected long ago. Since this boy meets the selection criteria, he must be useful. If you kill him so easily, what if you kill him wrong? He just didn't do it seriously. He has never liked reading, he has not yet understood the cruelty of this game!"

The curve calms down again until it becomes a straight line.The metal catheter was detached from the boy's body and removed from the liquid container.The boy's body slowly sank to the bottom of the water.

(End of this chapter)

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