Then the stopper of the container was pulled out, and the light brown liquid flowed out through a channel. The boy's body was motionless, and his face was covered with ashes.

Several robots stepped forward to lift the body out and put it on a moving cart.

The screen moved with the moving truck, through a long corridor, and came to another laboratory. The words "Incineration Room" were impressively hung above the door frame.

The robot adjusted the temperature of the incinerator, sent the corpse into the deep well-like furnace, slammed the door, and pressed the start button.

The sound of the huge fan turning reverberated through the incineration room, Yue Xinxin stared blankly at the screen, her mind went blank.

They completely followed the process of handling experimental animals and disposed of a person!

The screen was always facing the incinerator, probably because he wanted to wait 2 hours for Yue Xinxin to see the powder.

But Yue Xinxin couldn't stand it any longer, and felt a convulsion in her stomach, which was overwhelming!

She can't think about that boy's voice and appearance, and she has no time to think about other things. There is only one thing she can do now, continue the death game!

She must memorize the string of numbers accurately and quickly at the next intersection, so as to avoid becoming a participant in the gladiator again!
I don't want to be killed, and I don't want to kill, there is only one way.

Also, since the players in the game may all think so, everyone will improve their memory and skills, and the difficulty of the game will increase.

Yue Xinxin held her forehead and sighed. She had learned some memory methods when she was in school, but she didn't expect to pick up these things now.

The best method is of course the memory palace method. First build a palace in your mind, which is divided into many rooms, and each room has its own familiar items, such as beds, desks, chairs, and wardrobes.

These familiar items and rooms are all memory piles. It is good for ordinary people to lay down a dozen or so piles, but some great people can reach tens of thousands.

Although piling is the first step, it is a crucial step and requires repeated practice and strengthening.

After completing the strengthening, you can connect the numbers with the memory piles every time you set a question, preferably graphically, because the brain's memory of graphics is faster and deeper.

Yue Xinxin sat cross-legged on the ground and wrote ten numbers from 0 to 9 on the ground with a branch, representing 0 with an egg, 1 with an umbrella, 2 with a duck, 3 with a butt, 4 with a flag, 5 with a fishhook, and a spoon Represents 6, crutches represent 7, gourds represent 8, and ears represent 9.

She closed her eyes and played the ten images over and over in her mind, making sure they were deeply imprinted.

Then I randomly wrote a series of numbers with the branches, 67892.

Well, the next thing is what she is best at as a writer, making up stories.

When she opened her eyes in the morning, she woke up from the familiar room and bed, and found a spoon lying on the bed, and she was limping when she stood up, so she had to take a crutch from the closet, and a string of decorative gourds was hung on the handle of the crutch. , At this time, there was a sound of ducks in my ears, quack, quack!

After finishing the story, she opened her eyes, and wrote out the series of numbers just now, 67892, according to the figures tied to the memory pile.

This is the memory palace method. It seems a bit complicated, so it's better to memorize it by rote.

But if by strengthening the memory piles and digital graphics, you can remember numbers much longer than this in an instant, and as the memory piles increase, the palace rooms will also increase. When she can have a palace group, she will also Became a memory expert with the ability to never forget!
She sat on the ground with her eyes closed and practiced silently for countless times, until she was familiar with the memory piles and digital graphics, and then she continued to go deep into the rainforest.

Soon, there was another fork in the road ahead, and some people were already standing.

These people are male and female, old and young, and they seem to have come to this death maze at random.

Everyone has obviously experienced the first round of elimination, and they seem a little nervous, looking around uneasily, and glance at the screen on the tree trunk from time to time.

The screen hadn't lit up yet, obviously the time hadn't come.

The more Xinxin looks at these people, it is obvious that they will not be all the game participants, and there are many others hidden in the huge rainforest.

She is getting more and more confused. The Guild of Creatures has spent huge manpower and material resources to find and capture these people, build a doctor's laboratory and provide a series of supporting supports. The ultimate goal is just to participate in this game?
This game looks completely unprofitable!

She looked up at the sky again, and no one was looking at them, not like some kind of gamble.In fact, this game is not exciting at all, not gambling.If you want to watch human wrestling, wouldn't it be better to start a life-and-death fight directly?
She saw a young girl standing beside her, with a pair of exaggerated moose horns growing on her head, she looked like a ghost cultivator.

"This corner is very beautiful!" Yue Xinxin casually struck up a conversation, and the girl nodded politely.

"How did you get here?" she asked again.

The antler girl sighed, she didn't like city life and would rather live in the forest like a moose, but one day she was suddenly besieged by a dozen leopards.

She was just a little ghost cultivator, so she was naturally no match, so she ran away desperately, but fell into a hunter's trap and was sent here.

"How many people are there in this tropical rainforest?"

"There must be many, I don't know the specifics."

"Do you know what their purpose is?"

"It seems to be looking for something. I also heard from others. No one knows what it is."

Yue Xinxin looked down at herself, what does a doctor need in her?

But she is already in the hands of the doctor. If there is, he can just take it away, right?What's the point!

She reluctantly asked the girl with antlers.

"What do you think the doctor needs from you?"

The girl with antlers shook her head ignorantly, the only answer that came to her mind was: "Is it my antlers?"

Yue Xinxin smiled, what a little fool.

"Then just cut it off from your flesh!"

I asked people around me and got various answers. Some said that there were a group of perverts in the Guild of Creatures, who watched others kill each other for fun, and some said that the doctor was a pervert who frantically abused the prisoners in his hands, including all kinds of physical and mental torture. .

Just when Yue Xinxin was at a loss for what to do, the trunk screen suddenly lit up, and the crowd suddenly became silent.

A long string of numbers was displayed on the screen, which only came on for five seconds and then went off.


When the screen was black, the crowd let out an exclamation, followed by curses.

"It's so difficult!"

"It's better to kill me directly!"

Yue Xinxin had no time to complain, but just closed her eyes and tried her best to remember.

When she used her eyes to read the number just now, the palace in her mind had already started to operate automatically, and the memory posts in the room popped up automatically, and one number after another was tied to it.

Because the number is too long and one room is not enough, the second and third rooms in the palace are activated.

Now she has to go through all the memory piles and digital graphics in the three rooms in her mind for a second time to deepen her memory.

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