"Mi!" White Cat Ling'er stood at the front and suddenly called out.

The place where she stood was a T-junction, with two narrow passages leading to the left and right.

Xiao Hei ran over, straightened his nose, sniffed on the left side and on the right side, unable to make up his mind.But with sharp eyes, he noticed that not far from the corridor on the right, there seemed to be a white object in the dark space.

His two searchlight-like gazes shined into the cave and he discovered that it was a lying skeleton.

The white cat girl wanted to walk into the corridor, but found that it was too narrow and inconvenient to walk. She simply pounced forward, changed back to her cat form, and came to the skeleton with Xiao Hei one after another.

"Come here!"

They greeted the people behind them, but it was difficult for them to get in. They hunched over and lowered their heads, and in some places they even had to kneel on the ground to crawl.

Chen Mo reached out and dug out a stone from the stone wall and rubbed it. He didn't know whether he was strong or the stone was loose, but it all turned into powder and fell.

"Everyone, be careful. These limestone rocks are prone to collapse. They should have collapsed before, so the road is so narrow."

Qian Yukun crawled for a while, then sat on the ground and refused to move.

"This place is so small, how can it hold so many people? It doesn't look like it is here!"

Antler Girl was also skeptical.

"Could that skeleton be the leftovers from the Korean ghost just now?"

Xu Xiangyang got closer and took a closer look at the skeleton. "No, it looks old. Xiao Hei, what did you see?"

Little Black and White Cat Ling'er had already taken the lead through the long corridor and entered a cave hall.

Click, Xiao Hei stepped on a long rotten wooden stick. When he looked at it, he found that there was a rusty steel structure on the wooden stick, which looked like a rifle.

"There's a gun here!"

When Chen Mo, who was in the middle of the corridor, heard this, he suddenly asked: "Can you see if there is a bayonet on the gun head?"

Xiao Hei's eyes moved forward along the wooden stick, and sure enough he saw a forearm-long knife on the ground not far away. The guard was divided into two sections, the lower section was S-shaped, and the upper section had a ring. Judging from the size, , just enough to fit into the rifle head.

"Yes! How do you know?"

Chen Mo's heart was pounding, how could he not know?He is very familiar with this kind of gun!

This type [-] rifle was the basic equipment of the Japanese army that invaded China. Back then, he stepped through the mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood caused by this gun, step by step!
Hearing that there might be a live burial array for tens of thousands of people ahead, everyone speeded up and crossed the corridor into the cave hall.

The light of the palace lantern spread out and illuminated the hall. Although they expected it, everyone was still shocked by the scene inside.

There are more skeletons here, and they are even more broken. It can even be said that they are in pieces. There are bayonets, daggers and the like stuck in the stumps. It looks like they were hacked to death. The death is very tragic!
Yue Xinxin was secretly shocked, could this be the place where the prisoners dumped their bodies?
Chen Mo shook his head: "These are not prisoners, they are all Japanese soldiers."

Although none of the skeletons are complete, there are only a few hundred skulls, all of which are adults in size, and their teeth are basically sound and without defects.

The lower-class Chinese people of that era had poor food and poor medical conditions. Many young and middle-aged people had missing and rotten teeth, not to mention that there were elderly people among the captives.

However, the Japanese soldiers were all young and middle-aged men, and their food supply was sufficient and fine, and most of their teeth were intact.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but secretly wondered why all the Japanese soldiers died here?So where did the prisoners go?

Looking around, there is only one entrance and exit to the cave hall, which is the long and narrow corridor just now.

"Did the exit cave in?"

The cave roof is not small, so everyone spread out and looked for an exit.If the Japanese skeletons are here, then the prisoners must not be far away.

Yue Xin was pleased to see Chen Mo looking at the rifle in a daze, and asked softly: "Remember what happened in the past?"

Chen Mo nodded.He has been different from other children since he was a child, and is a freak in the eyes of others.What exactly is different, we have to start from when he was two years old.

One day his mother carried him to attend the neighbor's funeral. The deceased old man liked him very much during his lifetime.

The mourning hall is located in the village ancestral hall, and there is usually a custom of keeping a vigil before the funeral.

My mother and her neighbors sat in the mourning hall chatting and keeping vigil, while little Chen Mo, who was over two years old, was playing alone.At about ninety o'clock, his mother asked him to go home and sleep, but Chen Mo refused.

"I want to play with grandpa for a while longer!"

Mother asked: "Which grandpa? Where are the others?"

"It's this grandpa!"

Xiao Chen Mo pointed at the body in the center of the mourning hall.

"He said that he has been lying in bed since he broke his leg a year ago, and now he can finally stand up and walk. Look, he has been walking around you!"

Xiao Chen Mo's fingers moved in the air, sometimes pointing to a certain corner, sometimes pointing to a certain person.

A gloomy wind shuttled through the mourning hall, causing everyone to shiver.

Xiao Chen Mo smiled and said: "Grandpa also said that he would leave tomorrow, so he wanted to play with me. He also told you not to leave, as he wanted to see you again."

The mother frowned and apologized to the family of the deceased in embarrassment: "Oh, look, children just like to talk nonsense!"

Fearing that he might offend the deceased, his mother quickly dragged him away, but little Chen Mo was unwilling to do so and started shouting loudly.

"I won't leave. Grandpa said he is very lonely! He has been unable to go anywhere since he broke his leg. His son only delivers one meal a day, his daughter-in-law never comes to visit, his daughter never returns to his hometown after giving birth, and his son-in-law doesn't even have a phone call! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the mourning hall became pale.

His mother took off his pants and slapped him twice. "Follow me home!"

Xiao Chen Mo burst into tears.

"You don't believe me! Grandpa also said that he finally saw his daughter's child and kissed him because he thought it was cute, but the child cried desperately!"

The deceased's daughter, who was holding the baby in her arms, suddenly turned pale, stood up suddenly, turned around and walked away.

She received the bad news about her father a day ago and rushed back with her baby in her arms. From the moment she stepped into the mourning hall, the baby in her arms cried for no reason and could not be coaxed. She would only sleep for a while when she was tired and tormented her. That’s enough!

The son of the deceased walked quickly to the body, bowed and whispered.

"Dad, please go away! Don't scare us all! Everyone has difficulties, you should understand us! I made your grave beautifully and spent a lot of money. It is the most magnificent one in the village. You should be satisfied. Got it!"

There was silence in the mourning hall.

Little Chen Mo suddenly burst out laughing and said, "Uncle, it doesn't matter if grandpa says that the grave is a good one, because he doesn't need it."

His mother hurriedly covered his mouth and begged him: "Little ancestor, can you please stop talking!"

But little Chen Mo laughed even louder, stretched out his fingers and shouted: "Look, look, grandpa is lying on uncle's back! It's so fun!"

Everyone's eyes suddenly turned to the son of the deceased. His bent back did indeed look like a heavy object had been placed on it.

The deceased's son screamed and rolled to the ground, kowtowing to the body repeatedly.

"Dad! Dad! Please spare me! I am unfilial and I am sorry for you!"

From that day on, Xiao Chen Mo was regarded as unknown by the people around him.When he grew up, he discovered that he not only had yin and yang eyes, but also had excellent talents. He started practicing at the age of 12 and gradually became a soul cultivator.

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