Within a few years, invaders were raging across the land of China. Chen Mo saw his home destroyed and his relatives and friends massacred. He rose up to resist with passion. However, he was oppressed by the situation and environment. As a soul cultivator who only had the realm of the Seven Realms and Heavens, What we can do is really limited.

Like most Chinese people at that time, Chen Mo often felt hesitant and anxious. At that time, he met Wei Ling'er in Lianghe Town.

Young Chen Mo fell in love with Wei Ling'er at first sight, and with his ability to fly over eaves and walls, he secretly had a tryst with the beauty.

Wei Ling'er grew up in a good environment, with simple thoughts and emotions. She entrusted her wholeheartedly to Chen Mo. She couldn't help but worry about his life of licking blood. She hoped to stay and fly with him, and even offered to elope with him.

But deep in Chen Mo's heart, hesitation and anxiety were always with him, and the friendship between family and country was always greater than the love between children. He was nostalgic for Wei Ling'er, his spiritual haven, but he was unable to respond to her request.

Once he went out to carry out a mission to assassinate a senior Japanese military official. He said goodbye to Wei Ling'er in a hurry and rushed to a foreign country. Unexpectedly, this meeting would be a farewell forever.

He was surrounded and seriously injured. He was transferred to another place for treatment and to avoid the limelight. When he returned to Lianglin Town a month later, he saw empty buildings and empty buildings. The entire Lianglin Town seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

He searched frantically everywhere for half a year, but there was no trace of his old friend.The death of the senior Japanese military official did not prevent the fall of one city after another.

Chen Mo was disheartened, feeling that he had lost all hope and direction and could no longer find any reason to work hard.

He hid in Mozhu Academy and settled in a corner from then on, just seeking inner peace.

"There is a mine! That's the mine you're looking for!"

In the underground cave, the man with flowery arms suddenly pointed to the top of his head excitedly.

He followed Chen Mo and others as they climbed through the tunnel. He was originally unhappy, but now his eyes were shining. His finger pointed at the ceiling of the cave hall. There were countless stalactites hanging from it. At first glance, it looked like he was in some kind of monster. Its huge mouth is filled with rugged fangs.

There is a deep pool under the fang, and there are many stalagmites rising from the ground in it, one or two of which are almost touching the stalactites hanging above the head.

This jagged lake appears in an almost closed cave hall, which makes people a little confused. It can only be explained that an underground river once flowed here, and later it was intercepted due to landslides, and eventually silted up to form a lake.

The mine the flower-armed man was talking about was a few faintly visible light spots among the dense stalactites.

Yue Xinxin raised the palace lantern and shined it upward, and the light suddenly became clearer and brighter.

They are clusters of amethysts inlaid on the ceiling of the cave. They are pure and translucent in color and in excellent quality. They have a reputation in the industry as "Aurora".

Tomb robbers were originally in the mound-making business, and once they harvest something, it is often worth a lot of money, but ancient tombs are not common, and the crackdown on excavation theft has been very strict in recent years. The five-person group has been out of work for a long time, and happened to hear that the aurora is produced here, so they changed careers. I did mining, and I thought I would be in trouble when I met Xu Xiangyang and others on this trip, but I didn't expect that it was a blessing in disguise, and I found the aurora all at once.

The man with the flowery arm looked at the densely packed crystals on the top of the cave. He was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He jumped one by one from the stalagmites exposed in the lake, and then climbed up one of them quickly with his hands and feet. He stretched out his hand and reached the top of the cave just in time.

He pulled out the hammer and saber from his waist and carefully pried off a small piece and threw it to the Mediterranean man. The latter took it in his hand and took a closer look with a flashlight. Sure enough, it was like a brilliant aurora overflowing from the palm of his hand. It was beautiful. !

The other two men also climbed up, chipping away at the stone wall.Amethyst is surrounded by stalactites. In order to protect the crystal, they often break off the stalactites that are in the way.

Heavy stalactites fell and fell into the lake below, with loud thumps echoing in the empty halls.

Xu Xiangyang looked at what they were doing and snorted coldly.

"This is a crime, illegal mining!"

Qian Yukun said with a smile: "Yes, the more you dig, the heavier the sentence will be!"

Hearing that something was wrong, the Mediterranean man quickly came over and stuffed the crystal in his hand into Xu Xiangyang's arms.

"Aren't we cooperating? Everyone has a share in finding something!" Xu Xiangyang tossed the crystal in his hand, threw it into the lake, and said with a smile: "I want this thing to be of some use!"

The Mediterranean man was a little confused. Didn't this group of people say they would cooperate to get into the cave? Weren't they working together? Why are they going back on their word now?What do they want?

"Brother!" He hurriedly turned to call the man with the flowery arm. This group of people seems to be the police. We are going to be in trouble!
Just in time to see the man with flowery arms falling from the stalagmite.

thump!A huge splash of water was thrown out. If there were no rocks at the point where it entered the water, the man with the flowery arms would probably have opened it on the spot!
The two men next to him hurriedly climbed down and waded across the lake to help. There was a splash, water splashing, and the calm lake became very lively for a while.

The man with the flowery arms was helped up, took a few sips of water to wake him up, and quickly shook his head.

what happened?When I was riding on a stalagmite just now, I suddenly felt a huge dizziness, so I accidentally fell!
The Mediterranean man walked to the lake and called his companions in a low voice.

"Brother, they won't let you pick it!"

He wanted to say that a good man doesn't suffer the immediate disadvantages. This group of people is very capable at first sight. We are determined not to be able to defeat them. Anyway, we have found a place and we will come back later.

The man with the flowery arms held a hammer in one hand and a saber in the other. He took a few slow steps to the shore, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Which bastard won't let you pick it? I told him to take a look. Who has the final say here!"

The flower-armed man rushed toward Xu Xiangyang with a ferocious look, but Xu Xiangyang ducked past him and hit him in the back with an elbow. He immediately fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

How can the strength and speed of a soul cultivator in the Seven Realms Realm be matched by an ordinary person?
The fellow tomb robbers were shocked. Is the eldest brother crazy? He hit himself with a gun?

Xiao Hei was also shocked. Do you think you don't take me seriously?

"Meow!" His figure surged, and he leaned over and glared at the flower-armed man like a mountain bearing down on him.

"Bold monster! Take a stick from me!"

The flower-armed man yelled, waving the saber in his hand and hacking at random.

Xiao Hei wanted to step on his chest, but was a little stunned when he heard this. Although he had never read a book, he had stayed in the human world for so long and often watched TV and movies with Yue Xinxin, so he knew who Lao Sun was.

Immediately afterwards, the four companions around him also started talking nonsense, and they all picked up various weapons in their hands and slashed at each other.

Some knocked out their companions' eyes with a hammer, some stabbed their companions in the thigh with a knife, and some smashed their companions' heads with a shovel. The scene was extremely bloody and cruel!
The tomb robber not only became irritable and irritable, but also had no sense of pain. His momentum seemed to be that as long as the last drop of blood in his body was not drained, he would continue to kill!

Chen Mo and others retreated far away, watching in surprise as their eyes were red and they were killing each other. They were confused and confused. Could it be that they were hallucinating?
Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat. The skeletons all over the place had obviously died in brutal fighting, very similar to the grave robbers in front of me!

Gudong, gudong, a small string of bubbles rose from the bottom of the lake, bursting after reaching the surface of the lake. It was the dregs that sank to the bottom after the stalactites smashed into the lake water. There may be some gas in it.

"Not good! It's the gas under the lake, it may be poisonous! Let's get out quickly!"

Chen Mo shouted and led everyone towards the narrow corridor entrance.

The cave rock formations are rich in various minerals and will produce chemical reactions to release various gases, some of which are harmful to the human body, such as hydrogen sulfide, methane, etc. Even carbon dioxide can kill people when the concentration is too high.

There are similar compounds in the rocks at the bottom of the lake, but because they are covered by the lake water, they usually do not volatilize. Once a stone falls into it and stirs the lake water, the volatilization will intensify and a large amount of toxic gas will be released. At first, because the concentration is not high, it will not evaporate. It will be detected by the human body, and by the time it is discovered, it is already too late.

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