"Xiao Hei, go to the Gan position, write down the location and number of the talismans there and tell me. Yangzi, go to the Gen position. Qian Yu Kunxun position."

She assigned tasks one by one and pointed to the girl with antlers. Forget it, she didn’t understand magic circles or Bagua directions.

"Just help me record it."

The cave was very large, with many hills and ravines on the ground, and the size of the magic circle was not small. Everyone ran back and forth, and it took a lot of effort to figure out the basic situation of the magic circle.

The antlered girl used stones to lay on the ground moment by moment, and Yue Xinxin arranged a miniature version of the magic circle next to her. When it was completed, it turned out that the structure was extremely exquisite and varied.

Yue Xinxin watched for a long time, calculating the process of each change, feeling like it was just a drop in the ocean, unable to see the whole picture clearly.

She let out a long sigh, fell back, and lay sprawled on the ground.

"If the sky is affectionate, the sky will also grow old. If you learn the magic formation, you will die early! The wind is rustling and the water is cold. Various formations are difficult!"

The girl with antlers came over to take a look, and she felt that the hexagrams, operators, and rune marks were twisting and turning like little tadpoles, making her dizzy.

"What are these? I can't understand any of them!"

Bang bang bang!There was a strange noise, and the antlered girl turned to look at Yue Xinxin, who was banging her head against the wall.

"Let me die!"

While Yue Xinxin was racking his brains, Chen Mo searched for Ling'er across the mountains and met many souls along the way, all of whom were female without exception.

The hard work paid off, and I finally found a familiar figure next to a stalagmite.

"Ling'er!" Chen Mo was pleasantly surprised.

The man turned around and saw Chen Mo. He was stunned for a few seconds at first, then he was incredibly surprised, and then it was like fireworks exploding in mid-air. His eyes radiated with great joy. Even in the dark cave, her face It also becomes brighter!
Back then, his father went to find Taro Kobayashi with his wealth, hoping to find hope for survival for the whole family, but he never returned and was never seen again.

When the Japanese army was arresting people, my mother was shot on the spot for resisting.

Her brother was taken to the mountains with her and died among countless corpses.

However, within a few days, the world was turned upside down. With the very little life experience she had in the first half of her life, she had no idea how to face it. Her world completely collapsed!
The only person left was Chen Mo.

So during the decades she had been trapped in this magic circle, there was hardly a day that went by without imagining today's scene in her mind, because this was her only hope!

Wei Ling'er stood up tremblingly and took staggering steps towards Chen Mo.

But when she left, Chen Mo was stunned.

Her belly was bulging high, and it seemed like there was a huge watermelon hidden under her clothes.

The white cat Ling'er followed behind Chen Mo. Upon seeing this, he quickly turned around and ran towards Yue Xinxin, as fast as a white light.

"Come with me quickly! We found her!" White Cat Ling'er whispered in Yue Xinxin's ear.

Qian Yukun, Xiao Hei, and Lujiao Girl stood up and followed White Cat Ling'er.

Yue Xinxin broke out in cold sweat.

"You guys are going too? We're seeing each other again after a long absence. Wouldn't it be better for us to watch around like this?"

Qian Yukun and others ignored her and ran away in the blink of an eye, fearing that they would be left behind.

It would be nice to meet again after a long absence!Don’t want to eat such a good melon?
Xu Xiangyang sighed and asked, "Are you going?"

Yue Xinxin gritted her teeth and said with a smile: "Go!"

Tears are already streaming down my face. I have to walk the path I have chosen even on my knees!

Yue Xinxin followed the white cat Ling'er, but did not dare to get too close and hid far away behind a big rock.

Qian Yukun turned around and shouted to her: "Stop hiding, come out! Everyone has seen you!"

Yue Xinxin walked out with a smile and greeted Wei Ling'er. "Hello--"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes fell on her belly, and he suddenly forgot what he was going to say next.

This must be at least eight months old!
She subconsciously looked at Chen Mo. The latter received her gaze and turned a little paler.

No one spoke.Xu Xiangyang smiled and said: "Ling'er, congratulations on becoming a mother!"

Wei Ling'er's face was flushed with happiness, and her whole body was filled with the glory of motherhood.

She glanced at Chen Mo with shy eyes and replied shyly: "Thank you! I'm very happy too! He was very quiet and obedient in my belly, quite similar to his father."

All eyes were focused on Chen Mo's face, which made him feel that the temperature of his skin suddenly increased, almost burning a hole.

He swallowed hard, his voice a little dry.

"Ling'er, what happened to the child in your belly..."

He wanted to ask how he got pregnant, but he couldn't tell.

In all his life, he has never heard of such a thing!An underground cave full of women, trapped for decades, can they still conceive a child?Still mine!
Qian Yukun chuckled, with a somewhat gloating expression on his face.

"Teacher Chen, are you sure this is your first time here?"

"of course!"

Chen Mo shouted angrily, turned to glare at Wei Ling'er, and asked directly: "Whose child is this?"

"Yours!" Wei Ling'er's big eyes were full of tender love.

She felt that she had never lied since she was a child, and it was even more impossible for her to lie to Chen Mo, so she was a little dazed when faced with the cross-examination.

Chen Mo didn't give up. "How long have you been pregnant?"

"Nine months. You're going to be a dad soon!"

"This is impossible!"

Chen Mo yelled, which startled Wei Ling'er. His eyes suddenly turned red, and tears slowly accumulated.

"It's really yours, why don't you believe it? I am yours in this life, you are the only one, I can't have anyone else, why don't you believe me!"

After talking about it, Wei Ling'er actually covered her face with her hands and began to cry.

The white cat Ling'er suddenly said: "Me!"

When Xiao Hei heard this, he quickly held her in his arms and said swornly: "Don't worry! I won't learn from him! I will be with you for the rest of my life, and I will definitely recognize your child!"

Chen Mo's veins were pulsing on his forehead and he clenched his fists in anger.

The girl with antlers approached Yue Xinxin and gently held her shoulder. For fear that she would not be able to think about it, she comforted her softly: "Don't think too much. It's better to see clearly what kind of person he is. At least we can stop the loss in time, right?"

Xu Xiangyang immediately agreed: "That's right! Sometimes you know people, but you don't know people, so this trip is worth it!"

Chen Mo raised his eyes in despair and looked at Yue Xinxin.

Yue Xinxin looked at him and then at Wei Ling'er, scratched her head again, and finally gave a dry laugh.

"Um, Ling'er, can you let me take your pulse?"

Wei Ling'er stretched out her hand generously: "Okay!"

After her reminder, Chen Mo came back to his senses and felt very annoyed. He had been so anxious just now!

This cave, the magic circle, and the woman inside are all weird and incredible!We should really find out what is going on with the child before talking about anything else!
He was so happy to see Ling'er just now, and then so surprised to see her pregnant. His emotions were so high and low that he couldn't extricate himself. He even lost his usual poise and calmness!

He took a deep breath to calm down the ups and downs of his emotions. He was about to pinch Wei Ling'er's other wrist when he suddenly heard her say "Ouch" and slowly slid to the ground, holding her round belly with an expression of extreme surprise on her face. .

"Child...ah! It hurts so much!"

Yue Xinxin, who was holding her wrist, looked confused and let go as if she was electrocuted.

I haven't done anything!I didn’t use magic to harm you, nor did I harm your children.

Wei Ling'er was trembling all over, sweating continuously on her forehead, and she cried out in pain: "I seem to be... about to give birth!"

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