Everyone is confused. Is this premature birth?
Yue Xinxin raised her head and asked everyone for help. "Who will deliver the baby? Come and help!"

Qian Yukun and Xu Xiangyang consciously stepped away. The deer-antler girl originally wanted to retreat, but was held back by the white cat Ling'er.

"I've never given birth, I'm not married, and I don't know how to deliver a baby!" The deer-antler girl was extremely embarrassed.

Bai Mao Ling'er thought of the child in her belly and seriously believed that this was not the time to escape. Regardless of whether she knew it or not, she should help.

Seeing this, Yue Xinxin had no choice but to accept the job and sighed: "You guys, please stay away."

Chen Mo and the others had no choice but to turn around and walk away. Yue Xinxin looked at his back and couldn't help but joke in her heart, "Yue Xinxin, Yue Xinxin, Yue Xinxin, how did you end up like this!"
Wei Ling'er let out one scream after another, which was heartbreaking to hear, as if the child in her belly was eating away at her bones and flesh.

There was no trace of blood on her pale face, as if the child had exhausted all her energy and blood and taken away all her strength.

Yue Xinxin grabbed her hand and felt her whole body shaking like chaff. The sourness in her heart disappeared and she started to worry about Wei Ling'er.

"Chen Mo! Chen Mo, come here! I don't think something is right!"

She felt that Wei Ling'er's condition was getting worse and worse, and it was getting worse very quickly. Within a few minutes, he was on the verge of collapse!

Chen Mo rushed over and just grabbed Wei Ling'er's pulse when he heard a muffled "pop" sound, like the sound of something breaking, and then he saw a terrifying scene!

Between the second and third ribs of Wei Ling'er's side, a big hole opened from the inside out, and a thick black cloud-like thing came out of it, and disappeared in the blink of an eye!
Blood spattered on Chen Mo's face, as well as ruptured alveolar tissue, spleen fragments, cardiac capsule, etc.

Immediately afterwards, there were five muffled sounds of "Puff", "Puff", "Puff", "Puff" and "Puff". The skin and flesh between the remaining ribs exploded continuously, and the thick black cloud broke through the body, as if breaking free from restraints, and appeared as soon as it appeared. Escape into darkness.

There were three bloody holes on each side of Wei Ling'er's body. They were as broken as a balloon punctured by a needle. Intestines, gastric juices, broken bones and slag were sprayed everywhere!

Everyone was stunned and looked at her at a loss.

Wei Ling'er hasn't died yet. In fact, her soul is immortal in this magic circle.Because of this, Chen Mo used soul summoning for many years to get nothing.

But the circle could not lessen the agony she suffered during childbirth, if it could be called childbirth.

"What the hell is this!" Yue Xinxin flashed and reached out to catch the thick black cloud that escaped.

Thick black clouds jumped rapidly in the hills and ravines in the cave hall, plunged into a mountain, and were never seen again.

Yue Xinxin flipped her palm, and the Cloud-Splitting Sword was already in her hand. The sword energy slashed down sharply, and there was a loud roar. The mountain bag cracked from the middle, and the cracks went straight to the bottom, revealing a brown clay figure. Those black thick clouds were heading towards the clay figure. Drill in the belly.

The clay figurine looks about the same size as a five or six-year-old girl. It has only a head and a torso and no limbs. It looks like an unfinished sculpture. However, upon closer inspection, it is creepy because she is not made of clay. It is a real mortal body!
Someone broke off the limbs of a living girl and used her body to make a magic container to hold those black thick clouds.

Yue Xinxin felt a chill all over her body. The person who created this magic circle was too ruthless!
Taking a closer look at those thick black clouds, I suddenly realized that this was the power of telepathy!
At the beginning, tens of thousands of prisoners in Lianghe Town were driven away by the Japanese army and brought into this mountain col where the magic circle was set up. They were executed at different locations.

The huge fear, anger and hatred they generated were captured by the magic circle, forming a powerful force of thought and gathered into the clay figurine container inside the cave.

The energy of these thoughts is very huge, and it should be what Ji Tianyun wanted to use to practice immortality.She raised the Cloud Splitting Sword again.Without these thoughts, I wonder how you can cultivate immortality!
"Stop!" There was a sound of footsteps, and a person walked next to the cracked mountain bag, it was Xiao Lin.

He looked at Yue Xinxin with a smile, as if he met an acquaintance during a leisurely walk and said hello casually.

"They are clay sculptures of rigor mortis, my masterpiece."

Yue Xinxin still remembered how she was seriously injured by Xiao Lin's blow in the narrow corridor. She subconsciously took a half step back and raised the Cloud Splitting Sword warily.

As soon as Chen Mo saw Xiao Lin, he quickly rushed over and stood in front of Yue Xinxin.

Seeing the clay sculpture rigor mortis, I was suddenly stunned.Why does it look so familiar?
Xiao Lin smiled. "Have you seen it somewhere? A long time ago, I once refined an experimental product, which was a little smaller than this."

Chen Mo's face turned pale and he took out the Clay Bodhisattva of Response.

"Giggle! Now I have Chen Mo's body. This is the greatest reward I have ever received!" Ni Bodhisattva let out a high-pitched laugh and shook his body slightly.

With a roar in Yue Xinxin's mind, she pinched Chen Mo's pulse and probed his heart palace. Sure enough, the physical body was not contained inside. "What's going on? Talk!"

Chen Mo's eyes flickered and he refused to answer.

Xiao Hei rushed over and said, "He made a deal with his body in order to save you."

Yue Xinxin was in great pain. Regardless of Chen Mo's obstruction, she yelled at Xiao Lin: "Take the Xiuge Pavilion! If you want to refine my soul, take it too! Give my body back!"

Xiao Lin flatly refused.

"How to go back on a contract that has already been concluded? The reason why the Clay Bodhisattva is able to respond to requests is precisely because of the power of the magic circle in the cave. And the rewards it demands will naturally be returned to the magic circle."

Yue Xinxin took a breath of air, her body had been integrated into the magic circle and became a part of the magic circle, and she could not come back.

Xiao Lin smiled and said: "And I don't want to take away your soul, at least not now. It's true that the Xiu Pavilion is mine, but when I owned it, I couldn't complete the core key and couldn't activate the magic circle. I couldn't get it back. What can we do!”

"But you are different. You actually found my hidden embroidered pavilion and opened the first and second floors. As soon as you entered this cave, you deconstructed my magic circle spell, which made me hate you. Amazing. So I was thinking maybe you could help me."

Yue Xinxin thinks Xiao Lin is crazy, why should I help you?
Xiao Lin glanced at everyone and raised his eyebrows at Yue Xinxin, just because all of you are in my hands!
Chen Mo sneered: "It's not your turn to threaten us!"

Xiao Lin laughed loudly: "Don't forget that you don't have a physical body now! Are you still my opponent?"

He stopped laughing and looked at Yue Xinxin with cunning and complacent eyes.

"You complete the core key, and I'll let you all leave. How about this cooperation?"

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