The soul goes out of the body and cultivates into a fairy

Chapter 170: A dead end with no way to survive

Yue Xinxin felt dumbfounded.

You were once in the imperial realm!You ask me to do something that you can't even do?

"Senior, you praise me too much! Besides, although I unlocked the spell of the magic circle just now, I cannot unravel the structure of the magic circle. You should have seen it."

Xiao Lin shrugged. "That's because you don't understand how the magic circle works. But you should understand it now."

He pointed at the clay sculpture of rigor mortis in the cracked mountain bag.

Yue Xinxin answered honestly: "I know that the power here is telepathy, but what I don't understand is why the telepathy came out of Wei Ling'er's belly? What is your purpose?"

Xiao Lin glanced at Wei Ling'er, who was lying on the ground not far away.

Her body was still in disrepair, but the wounds on her side were visibly healing.

Being in this magic circle, her soul is not only immortal, but also integrated with the magic circle.The power of the magic circle can continuously provide her with energy, allowing her to be repaired.

Xiao Lin smiled and said: "That's because from these women, I need another kind of telepathy - love. The hatred and hatred in the world are easy to get. I just drove some people to the mountains to kill them, and I collected them easily. . But love is also an extremely strong emotion, and after forming the power of mind, it is no weaker than anger and hatred."

After hearing his words, everyone present could not help but feel their hair standing on end.

It turns out that Ji Tianyun ordered all women to enter the cave to serve as tools for pregnancy, and made them think that what was gestating in their bodies was their own children, thus generating strong maternal love and then absorbing these thoughts.

Yes, there are many kinds of love in the world, friendship, affection, and affection, but which one can be purer and more intense than maternal love!

Chen Mo felt puzzled and sneered repeatedly: "How could they not know what was in their belly? How could they think it was their child!"

Xiao Lin's laughter became shrill and returned to Ji Tianyun's voice.

"Men really don't understand women! Because once a woman is pregnant, she is the stupidest person in the world. No matter whether she should give birth or not, whether it is suitable or not, she always feels that the things in her belly are connected with her flesh and blood and are her own. Children have to be born! In fact, when the mind power is first generated in their wombs, the mother's body is still strong and the mind power is still weak, it is still possible to abort the pregnancy. But guess what? In all these years, I have never seen anyone be so cruel. Kill the so-called 'baby' in your belly!"

At this time, Wei Ling'er finally woke up. The deer-antler girl looked at her carefully and found that her face gradually improved and there was a little color in her face.

She also heard what Xiao Lin said and looked at Chen Mo with tears in her eyes.

Chen Mo trembled and asked with difficulty: "Ling'er, how many times have you been pregnant like this?"

Big tears rolled down Wei Linger's face. "So many times, I can't even count."

She can't count how many times she has suffered this kind of disembowelment torture. Over the years, like other women in the cave, she has been trapped in this reincarnation forever!The pain was so terrible that she couldn't even die!
The only thing that can support her is the maternal love that naturally occurs during pregnancy and the longing for Chen Mo.She even imagined that the "child" in her belly was Chen Mo's child to offset the pain of the final delivery.Over the years, this assumption has been so profound that even she herself is convinced of it!
"You are a devil!" Chen Mo stared at Xiao Lin and squeezed out these words between his teeth.

Xiao Lin raised the corners of his mouth and accepted the title with a smile.

"Have you forgotten that you are a soul cultivator? What you did is more vicious than the most evil ghost cultivator in the world!"

Yue Xinxin clenched her fists. She couldn't figure out why Ji Tianyun, the No. 1 soul cultivator, became like this?

"You will have my day too."

Xiao Lin looked at her indifferently.

"I was born in China's last prosperous age. It was an era of flourishing flowers and blazing fire! But let me tell you, people who live in the prosperous age are actually the most unfortunate, because they are about to start going downhill!"

"It's the same for me. When I reached the peak of cultivation and had everything, I knew that I was about to lose everything. Not only because my life span was over, but also because there was no way out!"

He looked up to the sky and laughed: "Tell me, I am going to die. How can I care about the flood after death!" After laughing, he took a breath and said to Yue Xinxin: "So, help me! You are also helping yourself. . Not only can you people save your lives, but you can also obtain the method of immortality. For you, there will never be a crisis in the prosperous age!"

"What about her? What should she do!" Chen Mo pointed at Wei Linger and said angrily.

Xiao Lin shrugged: "She has been dead for a long time, and her soul has been scattered. What you see now is just a part of the magic circle, a container that holds telekinesis, and is the same thing as a clay sculpture of rigor mortis!"

Another ethereal song came from the cave hall, the song of a mother coaxing her unborn baby to sleep.

Everyone was silent. The fate of Wei Ling'er and more than 700 women was determined the moment the Japanese Army Major ordered them to enter the mountain.

Chen Mo's search and efforts for decades have been in vain, and the guilt and regret deep in his heart will continue forever, and there will never be a day of relief.

Wei Linger, who was in the arms of the antlered girl, raised her head and looked at Chen Mo, her eyes full of sadness, but she still squeezed out a smile.

"It doesn't matter, I can see you again, I'm very content."

Yue Xinxin shook her head secretly, maybe there is a way, I should try it, I can't just accept it!
She closed her eyes and concentrated, feeling the Xiu Pavilion in her mind again.

This time she stood on the second floor and looked up. A small door opened in the ceiling, and a staircase dropped down to rest at her feet.

Climbing up the stairs to the third floor, she saw that there was nothing else here, only rune marks floating all over the room. It was the rune marks that she had collected from all over the cave and carved on the ground with stones.

At that time, she couldn't figure out the structure of the magic circle even if she thought about it, but now she couldn't help but sneer.

There are so many incredible things about this magic circle, how can normal people imagine it?

Who would use the body of a five- or six-year-old girl to make a magical weapon?Who would gain telekinesis through virgin pregnancy?Who would allow telepathy to explode during childbirth?

This idea is not only weird but also cruel. Even if it is given hundreds of years, Yue Xinxin is not sure that it can be solved!

She sighed and fiddled with the suspended rune marks to rearrange them.

Soon, a complete magic circle appeared in front of him, and the spiritual power gathered at the eight eyes of the magic circle, where the eight clay sculptures of rigor mortis were located.

Yue Xinxin could tell at a glance that the eyes of this magic circle were dead. The spiritual power gathered in the clay sculpture of zombies could only go in and out, and could not be transferred, refined and absorbed. In other words, the core key could not be completed. Ji Tianyun's The goal cannot be achieved.

This also directly caused Ji Tianyun's three souls to be detained in Xiao Lin's body, and his seven souls to escape, and he was unable to return to the realm of the throne.

She opened her eyes and carved all the rune marks on the ground, and everyone gathered around to look at them.

The deer-antler girl, white cat Ling'er and others were confused. Xu Xiangyang, Xiao Hei and others had only a half-understanding. After thinking for a long time, Chen Mo could only sigh: "This is a dead end, and the game can't be saved."

Ji Tianyun's eyes flashed with anger. "Then none of you can get out of the cave!"

Chen Mo snorted coldly: "Although I don't have a physical body, you only have three souls. If the fish is dead and the net is broken, you don't talk about immortality, I'm afraid you will be gone immediately!"

Xu Xiangyang, Qian Yukun and others were also indignant: "That's right, so many of us are still afraid of her? At worst, we have to fight her! If we get rid of this kind of evil, we can also make a contribution to the world!"

Xiao Hei held the white cat Ling'er tightly in his arms and comforted him softly: "Don't be afraid, I will be with you whether you live or die."

Yue Xinxin hesitated and said, "Wait a minute, don't get excited! I have an idea, but... I'm not sure."

It has entered the later stages and is about to be completed!I went out with my family a few times during the summer vacation and ate a lot of saved manuscripts. I was also quite busy at work, so I couldn’t update twice a day. I’m really sorry!I have a few friends who support me along the way, which makes me really happy!I will try my best to update it next time, because I must keep it safe during the holiday season!

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