Chapter 19 19. Opening the Crow's Mouth Mode

Wen Qing responded in a strange way. If he hadn't said a word before, he didn't know what happened today.

He decided that he didn't want to disappoint Wenhui and Lingling, um, that's it.

"Brother, sit down! Try it, this is spicy rabbit meat, this is plum meat, this is braised pork, and this is braised pork trotters!

When you came back today, Mother specially cooked a few more dishes. Normally, Mother would cook a plate of meat and a plate of vegetables.Sure enough, my favorite is my elder brother! "

Wen Hui obsequiously offered his elder brother what he thought was the most delicious pig's trotter.However, there were some big pieces, which fell on the table.

"Wen Hui, hurry up and eat by yourself, I'll drive it to Big Brother!"

Lingling had already discovered that the eldest brother was hostile to his mother, and felt a little helpless.

How could Wen Hui not know, they all knew.It's just that they were always afraid of the elder brother, so they didn't dare to say anything, and they were afraid of hurting the elder brother's heart.

Seeing that the two children were protecting her, Yu Leqing felt warm in her heart, and her efforts would not be in vain.

Wen Qing has been drooling for a long time, but he is only a ten-year-old child, no matter how sensible he is, he still has the characteristics of a child.

The family had a great time eating. He had never eaten rabbit meat, but the plate in the bowl was really game.

The umami taste cannot be replaced by other meat.

After a meal, a few people ate rustlingly, without speaking, and the laughter of the past was gone.

"Lingling, I'll clean it up, you guys go to accompany Big Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, let's have a good chat."

Yu Yueqing didn't want to join in the fun either, so she went to the kitchen to pack her things.

"Mother, I'll help you, it's too hard for so many bowls and chopsticks!"

Lingling didn't say anything else, and just followed Yu Leqing to help.

"Brother, why don't you talk, you don't call me mother! Look at how hard mother worked so hard to make food for us, and pushed all the delicious food in front of us.

You only eat lettuce yourself, why are you doing this! "

Yu Yueqing heard it in the kitchen, and thought to herself, I like to eat lettuce, and secondly, I want to keep fit.

I didn't expect Wen Hui to tell himself such bitterness, this child.

The dishes and chopsticks were cleared away, Lingling reported the watermelon to the kitchen, and Yu Yueqing cut a tooth and a tooth.

"Come and eat watermelon, it's so sweet. Wen Hui, eat less, or you'll have to wake up at night again!"

Yu Yueqing did not forget that last time Wen Hui ate a lot of watermelon and got up five or six times a night to go to the bathroom.

"Mom, I know!"

Wen Hui was a little shy, lowered his head and started eating.

Wen Qing hesitated for a while, seeing that everyone was eating, so he reluctantly started eating.

Well, it's delicious.Wen Qing ate one tooth after another, and didn't stop until four or five teeth were eaten!

"Brother, shame on your face, just now you still have something of unknown origin, you don't want to eat it!"

Wen Hui secretly covered his mouth and smiled, Wen Qing was extremely embarrassed.

"Wenqing, are you wondering about the changes in the family and the origin of the money?"

Yu Yueqing wiped her hands and took out the copper plate!

"This is the mosquito repellent ointment I made with wormwood and mint when I went to the back mountain and found honeycomb.

It also uses the lip balm made of impatiens and sells it for silver.I sold more than 100 articles twice, and the quota is here! "

Yu Leqing looked at Wen Qing, and when she heard her say this, Wen Qing raised his eyes, his pupils trembling.

"Do you still want to ask about Matchmaker Sun? Then I'll just say it, about Matchmaker Sun. I refused right away.

Lingling and I drove her out together, and let her own son be her son-in-law! "

Seeing Wen Qing's awkward look, Yu Leqing thought it was not easy for this child to be a mother like the original owner.I was beaten and scolded every day, and I had to protect my younger sister and younger brother.

"Yes, big brother, mother did not agree to that marriage, the money is earned by selling lip balm in the town with mother!"

Lingling also quickly explained, looking at Wenqing with some sadness!

"You child, you have suffered a lot. The nonsense mother doesn't want to talk too much. If you have any questions in the future, just ask them directly.

I am your mother. I was wrong before, and I am trying to make up for it. I don't expect you to forgive me.

I just hope you guys can be happy, forget about the pain, and start over with an open heart. "

Yu Yueqing's tone was a little blunt, and Wen Qing was also a little unnatural.

"I see, I shouldn't doubt you. It's just that you used to, forget it, don't talk about it.

I don't hate you, but I will not let my guard down, because I am the eldest brother, and I have the responsibility to protect my younger siblings. "

After Wen Qing finished speaking, he went to the house.

Yu Yueqing spread her hands helplessly, with red eyes, Lingling threw herself into her mother's arms.

"Mom, thank you for loving us so much now!"

Yu Leqing patted Lingling on the back and told her to rest in the house.

Early the next morning, Wen Qing got up to clean the yard.

"Hey, Wenqing is back! It's good now, Widow Jade can't succeed!"

Grandma Huzi didn't change her nature, she was still gossiping in front of Wen Qing.

"What did you succeed in?"

Wen Qing was also a little puzzled, maybe something happened that he didn't know about.

"You don't know this, do you? Your mother agreed to Sun Matchmaker and promised Lingling out!
You can see that Lingling and Wenhui were raised in vain and fat, but they didn't want to find a good family..."

Grandma Huzi was talking happily, Yu Yueqing grabbed the broom and threw it over.

"You old godmother, I said, let me hear it next time, and the broom will be thrown on you!
If you don't know, just talk nonsense, see if I don't tear your mouth open! "

When Yu Yueqing went up, she started fighting with Grandma Huzi. Wen Qing had no choice but to say, hey, she was still the same mother, and her fighting style remained the same.

Little did they know, Yu Yueqing was just putting on a show and didn't exert any force.

"Ouch, Miss Wen Qing, stop hitting me."

Xu Hong came over to pull Yu Yueqing, and took the opportunity to pinch Grandma Huzi.

"Oh, you two killed each other today!"

After finishing speaking, he ran into the house in a hurry.

"Xu Hong's sister-in-law, I told you to read a joke. Look at my family, Wenqing, who just came back, and she was grinning. Isn't this intentional to make our family divorced?
If you ask me, a person like her should have a bad mouth, and she won't get better in ten and a half months! "

"Ding dong, trigger the crow's mouth mode! The opponent's fault is first, and the strong will be punished to help the weak, and one point will be rewarded. The opponent's punishment will start today!"

Yu Leqing opened his mouth wide open, this, he can still do this.God, isn't this a revenge weapon?

Don't be afraid to walk in the rivers and lakes anymore!And rewards?This space system is really unbelievable!

"Yes, yes, yes! She bullies me a lot on weekdays, Yumeizi, you are really amazing!"

Xu Hong looked like she was often scolded by Grandma Huzi, with that elated look.

Wen Qing said that he didn't see it, what can he do with such a savage mother?
Lingling is washing her face, knowing her mother's supernatural power, she doesn't worry anymore.

"Brother, after dinner later, let's go fishing in the river together!
Niang said, the spicy dried fish is delicious, once made it can be stored for several days. "

Lingling obviously also relaxed, and the whole person became more lively.

(End of this chapter)

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