Chapter 20 The Village Bully Came to Find Faults

Who knew that after Yu Yueqing finished speaking, Grandma Huzi bit her mouth open when she was eating chili that afternoon.

The weather was hot, and I was very angry, so my mouth rotted early the next morning.

I don't know who spread the word, Jade Widow sold things in the town and made a lot of money.

"Hey, do you know? Jade Widow is selling small porcelain vases at the door of the tailor shop.

I heard that selling five cents a bottle can make a lot of money. "

A group of women at the head of the village were chatting and enjoying the shade in the afternoon.

"Really? Mommy Qiuxia, don't be careless? A bottle worth five cents, what kind of precious is that?

Five cents can buy a catty of brown rice. What good things can we have in our village for her to sell? "

This woman is Shuanzi's grandma, who usually likes to join in the fun and talk about her family's gossip.

"Who knows! I saw it with my own eyes. It was placed in a wooden box, full of it, and sold for a lot of money."

The people in the village sighed unceasingly, the jade widow didn't know what kind of shit luck she had, but she was still enlightened.

"What about Mai Jiwen's money? She went to her mother's house before and borrowed a lot of money.

Even if she figured out the flowers, she couldn't easily pay back the few taels of silver.

How do you say I know?My natal family lives in the same village as her.

Her sister-in-law is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and she has taken a fancy to her family Lingling.Otherwise, how could Jade Widow take those taels of silver. "

A woman in her 20s interjected,

"Wen Liang's family, are you right? If this is the case, the children of Widow Yu's family are pitiful!"

One afternoon, everyone also knew about it.Little Hua Niang, of course I've heard of it too.

"Xiao Hua, you have to keep a distance from Wen Ling from now on.

With her mother's appearance, maybe one day you will be implicated too. "

Little Huaniang Qin Ying has two children, the eldest is her son, who is now fifteen years old and works as an apprentice in a carpentry shop in the town.

Xiaohua is 11 years old. Although she is a girl, her eyes hurt like her eyes.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be willing to spend a lot of money to let Xiaohua learn embroidery for a few months.

You know, a woman knows a handicraft, and she is rushing to find her husband's family.

"Mother, Lingling is Lingling, and her mother is her mother.

Moreover, her mother has treated them very well recently, otherwise how could Lingling have time to come and play with me? "

Xiao Hua pouted her mouth in disbelief, she was more introverted, and she finally had a friend, but her mother still didn't agree.

"Xiaohua, you are still young, you don't understand the world of adults, you must be on guard against others.

That Jade Widow is not a cheap lamp. There are several men in the village who are fascinated by him.

Such a person can teach his daughter well? "

Qin Ying didn't like Widow Yu the most, a deviant person who was aggressive and selfish.

"Mother, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. When will the eldest brother come back? He said that he will help me take the lead next time when he comes back!"

People in the village talked about Yu Yueqing making money, and of course a few bums in the village heard it.

After lunch, the four of them were drinking mung bean soup.Yu Yueqing secretly put a bowl of spiritual spring water, to see if it would make the child stronger.


The door was kicked open, and several people looked out the door one after another!

"Oh, sure enough, you have money, and you ate meat!

Widow Yu, I'm a little tight recently, how about lending me some money? "

The bum who stood at the front should be in his 20s.

But he is a fool, and his kidney qi is insufficient at a young age, so it seems that he is not a serious person.

"Who are you? Do I know you well? You don't know that our family is notoriously poor in the village. What kind of money do you want to borrow?"

Yu Yueqing didn't get up, Wen Qing and Wen Hui had already stood up with stools.

Like a leopard ready to go, it waited viciously for the few people who broke in.

"Stop talking nonsense, I came to lend you money because I think highly of you. Who hasn't heard of my name, Takano?
Give me five taels of silver, and I will cover you from now on.No matter in the village or the town, no one dares to bully your family. "

A man named Takano is a tyrant in the village.

Father and mother are doing some small business, but they don't care about him, he usually follows his grandparents.

So he was extremely arrogant, and felt that he was the richest man in the village, so he had to give in to them.

"No need, go out and fix the broken door!"

Yu Leqing saw her two sons protecting her, and Lingling also stood up holding a stick, her heart was very warm.

"It's not up to you, brothers, search for me!"

After Gao Ye gave an order, several people walked to the kitchen and bedroom.

Yu Yueqing's violent temper couldn't be tolerated anymore, and immediately took the stick in Lingling's hand.

"Last chance to go quickly, for the sake of a village.

If you dare to break into the house and rob, I will dare to defend myself properly. Don't blame me for missing arms and legs. "

Yu Yueqing didn't want to expose herself in front of Wen Qing, but now someone is bullying her.

If he didn't fight back, no one in the village would have any worries about bullying her in the future.

"Hmph, I'm so scared. Leave him alone, just go in and collect it for me."

Yu Le was happy, but she was really lawless.

"Then don't blame me, Wen Qing, come on! Wen Hui, close the door!"

When Yu Yueqing gave an order, his son naturally cooperated.

One person, one foot and one stick, several people lay on the ground in pain and rolled on the ground, wailing!
"Come on, put out the fire! Someone is robbing!"

The neighbors heard it and ran out too!
"Jade Widow, where is the fire!"

Someone passed by and heard it, so hurry in and help!
"Uncle Wen Bo, someone entered our house to rob, and my son and I have already taken it down!

You see, they are going to my house to find money! "

Yu Yueqing burst into tears immediately!
"This is deceiving my widowed husband, my orphans and widowed mother!"

While crying, Yu Yueqing patted her thigh, secretly giving herself a thumbs up.

"Ms. Wen Qing, what's the matter? Which bastard came here to rob?"

People in the village didn't see the stranger coming, and there was a robbery, everyone must be scared in their hearts!

Kuroko!Brother Kei? "

A group of spectators who gathered around discovered their own child.My heart skipped a beat.

"Look, these are the children of someone else, come and recognize them, Lizheng will be here soon.

This is not a small matter, if we rob our house today, we may rob someone else's house tomorrow! "

Yu Yueqing made up her mind to teach them a lesson, and breaking into a house for blackmail is no small matter.

"Lizheng is coming,"

Someone in the crowd yelled,
As soon as Lizheng came, he saw four or five people crooked in the yard, their beards shaking with anger.

"You guys have turned against the heavens. You snatched things and snatched them from your own village! They are all children from someone else. Claim them and go to the ancestral hall to accept the punishment!"

After Lizheng finished speaking, he glanced at Yu Yueqing, but he didn't have a good face.

"Lizheng, my Takano is not sensible, he is still a child. He must have seen Wenqing come back and made a joke with him."

The one who spoke was Takano's grandfather, with deep eyes, eyes always blinking unconsciously, with a mouth full of ghostly teeth, it looks like someone who is lying and not drafting.

(End of this chapter)

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