Chapter 33
Grandma Lingling is a kinder person.

Unexpectedly, both the son and daughter resembled their dead father very much, and even the daughter-in-law they married had such virtues!
Fortunately, the granddaughter Erya is more sensible, otherwise her old lady would want to let go of her.

"Le Shan, tell me something, you also agreed to lend the money to your sister at that time.

That is the money for Wenqing to go to school. Wenqing is talented, and it is not uncommon for you to know.

At that time, Wenqing will be admitted as a scholar, Juren, won't you follow suit? "

Yuleshan looked down on this submissive, useless mother the most.

And his mother-in-law said that letting Lingling in is the best guarantee, so can Wenqing let his sister suffer?
"Mother, when my little sister came to borrow money, she didn't guarantee anything.

And it's not like you don't know, Wen Qing, seeing us is like seeing enemies.

I think it is more reliable to let Lingling enter the door.

Lingling is so cute and sensible, she will definitely respect you, better than marrying someone else, right? "

Yuleshan looked disgusted, if it wasn't for the purpose of persuading his mother to go to Wenjia Village to make peace, he wouldn't be able to speak patiently.

"Hmph, do you think I don't know what your plans are?
There is no room for negotiation on this matter, you will bully and starve my old lady to death at worst.

I won't let that girl Lingling jump into the fire pit, and Wenqing is not something you can figure out. "

Grandma ignored them and took Erya to the mountains to look for wild vegetables.The two of them eat, but they have to support themselves.

"The head of the house, the old lady won't go, we will go by ourselves.

Let's discuss a good date and bring Lingling in so that we can carry on the family line for our precious son. "

In this way, the two came to Wenjia Village.

Early in the morning, Yu Yueqing packed up two baskets of lotus flowers, twenty boxes of mosquito coils, forty bottles of mouth grease, and two baskets of plums, planning to set up a stall.

I also made watermelon ice and love jade jelly. Today I have a lot of things and heavy tasks, and I need Ling Jing and the others to help.

"Mom, I'll accompany you today, you can't do it alone."

Lingling saw that the weather was so hot, and her mother ran to the town, feeling very distressed.

"No need, Lingling, mother will go there in a bullock cart, and when she arrives, she will sell it directly, without delay."

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, her eyelids kept twitching, and she panicked for no reason.


Lingling still wanted to say something, seeing Yu Yueqing clutching her heart with some discomfort, she hurriedly cared.

"Okay, then you can go with mother, mother is not at ease if you are at home by yourself.

Let's go early and return early so as not to delay Wen Hui's lunch. "

As soon as the couple put their things on the bullock cart, they heard Yu Yueqing's annoying voice.

"Sister, sister-in-law is here to see you!

Hey, Lingling, I have gained a lot of weight recently, and I am getting more and more juicy. I will definitely be a good child in the future. "

Sister-in-law Wu Rong's eyes lingered on Lingling.

Yu Yueqing felt disgusted when she heard her say that.

Lingling was still a child, and she still looked at Lingling with the eyes of objects, Yu Yueqing hurriedly pulled her daughter behind her.

"What's the matter with you, we have to go out if it's okay, let's go!"

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, she told Lingling to hide, and took a step forward by herself.

"Oh, Yueqing, didn't you borrow eight taels of silver from us before?
I told your brother to think about it, we are all one family, so we don't talk about it. "

When Wu Rong said this, she probably didn't believe it herself, with a calculating face!
"Wu Rong, didn't you say that within two years, it must be returned to you?

And it also promised to give you two taels of interest. For such a good thing, even if you go for loan sharks, you won't get so much interest on the money.

Why do you come to the door now and ask if you have any plans for this matter? "

Yu Yueqing opened the skylight to tell the truth, she was still in a hurry to sell money in the town, and she didn't bother to talk nonsense with the couple.

"Hey, what can I do? I think your family, Lingling, looks very well-behaved and sensible.

I was thinking that Tie Guier, our family, also needs to find a wife.

Come to make a marriage for you, take Lingling home in these two days, and give us a grandson. "

When Lingling heard this, she trembled with fright, and looked at her mother with tears in her eyes.

Eight taels of silver is not a small amount, if mother sent her to her aunt's house, wouldn't she be ruined for the rest of her life?
"Yuleshan, you also mean that, right?"

Yu Yueqing couldn't respond in her heart, but she still had patience and asked her cheap brother.

After all, for the sake of that cowardly mother, I still have to go through the process.

"Sister, you are, but my sister. Lingling is my niece, isn't it good for us to get closer?"

Yu Leqing was very happy when he heard what his elder brother said.

"When I borrowed money, I wrote an IOU.

It wrote time, interest, and both parties must not cheat without reason and ask for money halfway!
Even if you go to the Yamen, you can talk about it. "

"Yu Yueqing, you bastard, I can see your money-losing products to save face.

Repaying debts is a matter of course!

Let me tell you, let me take this money-losing product away today..."

Before Wu Rong finished speaking, Yu Yueqing came up with two slaps.

"Wu Rong, let me tell you, if you say one more disgusting word, you won't be able to walk out of Wenjia Village completely naked!
And you, Yuleshan, take your disgusting mother-in-law and leave quickly.Otherwise, I'll even cripple you.

Yinzi, I will send it to you tonight.

Wu Rong, let me hear another sentence!From your mouth or someone else's mouth.Talk about Lingling or something, just wait! "

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, she saw that Wu Rong's face was swollen higher than a steamed bun.

Yu Yueqing is very strong now, she just wants to hit Wu Rong in the face on purpose, to let the big guys see, she will end up shameless.

"you you you……"

Yuleshan was stern and cowardly, and dragged Wu Rong away.

Seeing that Lingling was a little frightened, Yu Leqing felt extremely uncomfortable.

If she hadn't brought Lingling with her today and let Lingling be at home, wouldn't Lingling have been taken away.

Thinking of this, Yu Leqing hated her so much, she was really worried about having shameless relatives.

The ox cart driver, who was watching the excitement, thought that this jade widow is really powerful, no wonder she can pull three children by herself.

"Lingling, go, don't be afraid.

Mother has a way, you go to town with mother, mother will not let anyone hurt you. "

Two people sat on the bullock cart, and the two baskets of lotus flowers and jade Yueqing were covered with black cloth. .

Lingling nestled in her mother's arms all the way, it's so good, her mother didn't push her out, which proved that she really loved her.

But, eight taels of silver, Lingling gritted her teeth as she thought of this, as if she had made a decision.

Yu Yueqing's quarrel was so loud that of course the villagers heard it.

"Hey, before my sister-in-law of Widow Yu's natal family tried to trick Lingling girl.

At that time, I was still thinking, Lingling is so small, probably not.

Or, after a few years, there is still room for repayment. Unexpectedly, I came to the door today. "

Grandma Shuanzi heard it on the road, and hurriedly told her daughter-in-law.

"Grandma, then, is Lingling okay?"

Shuan Ziniang is now a die-hard fan of Yu Yueqing, and she is grateful to Yu Yueqing from the bottom of her heart.

 Beat the dog in the water, lol

(End of this chapter)

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