Chapter 34

"No, guess what, Wen Qingniang beat up her brother and sister-in-law all by herself, and even drove her away!"

After speaking, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other and smiled.

"I knew that Wen Qingniang was a good person.

Granny, they saved Shuanzi last time, but they didn't say a word of credit.We also know what kind of character she is.

In the future, if Wen Qingniang encounters any trouble, we will help as much as we can, and we can't stand by and watch. "

Shuan Ziniang has decided that she will abandon her prejudice against Wen Qingniang in the future and help her whenever she can.

Of course, there are also jokers in the village, waiting for Lingling to be pushed into the fire pit.

"Xiaohua, the matter of Lingling's family has spread all over the village today, so be more vigilant in the future!"

Qin Ying still wanted to say something, so she didn't say anything.In fact, she also found out that Jade Widow is not a mercenary as spread by the villagers.

Or, has it changed?I don't know.

"Mother, don't worry, I won't go to Lingling's house alone, but if Linglingniang really sells her to her uncle's house, I..."

As Xiaohua said, tears came out of her eyes.

"Xiaohua, if Lingling has nowhere to go, let her stay at our house for a few days.

If Jade Widow really sends Lingling to the fire pit, there is nothing we can do, we can't help much. "

"Mother, do you agree to help Lingling?"

Yu Yueqing went to the town and delivered Jiang Qifeng the promised twenty bottles of lip balm per day.

"What is your cotton quilt wrapped in?"

Yu Yueqing found a wooden barrel and wrapped it with a cotton quilt.I rented a small cart to push it, and the bullock cart is not allowed to walk around on the street.

"This one? You may have seen it before. It's watermelon ice and aiyuguo."

The wooden barrel is divided into two with a board, one side is watermelon ice, and the other side is aiyuguo.

Jiang Qifeng looked at Lingling who was pushing a small cart at the door, and knew that this was the woman's child.

"How do you sell this! Let me taste it, watermelon? Is it a cold melon that Wusun Kingdom paid tribute to?"

Jiang Qifeng opened it to look, and sure enough, his eyes sparkled, it was a good thing.

But he didn't ask again, where did he get it.

"Mmm, it's cold and sweet. This flick is Aiyujong, which is really rare!"

Jiang Qifeng glanced at Yu Yueqing appreciatively, he didn't expect a grown man to like this.

"This is indeed delicious, but few people have seen it, so it may not be easy to sell.

Have you finished eating? After eating and paying the bill, I have to set up a stall. "

Yu Yueqing didn't have a good face towards Jiang Qifeng, she could tell that this man didn't want to renege on his debt.

"In this way, you put it at my door. Although my shop is very uncomfortable, it is not small.

There are a lot of people coming and going every day.But this cold melon is a rare item, if it is sold cheaply, it is not worth it. "

After Jiang Qifeng finished speaking, he thought about it, and he saw the scarlet in the woman's eyes.

Didn't she cry, did she need money?

"In this way, if you put it at my door, the people who come and go here are relatively rich, and they can be sold at a high price."

After Jiang Qifeng finished speaking, he gave ten Wen, and the money for the twenty bottles of balm just now, a total of thirty Wen.

Yu Yueqing was not too polite, and took out the bamboo tube cup and bamboo spoon that had been prepared in advance.

"Lingling, you stay here first, I'll go find Ling Jing and Xiao An. If you are in danger, just run to a crowded place, nothing is important."

Yu Yueqing was worried about finding Ling Jing, so she could only go by herself.

"Mother, don't worry, this street is so lively, there will be no bad people."

Lingling reassures Yu Yueqing and deliberately pulls out a forced smile.She was a little restless today, frightened, and didn't want to laugh at all.

"Don't worry, no one dares to make things difficult for you at my door!"

Jiang Qifeng saw how much Yu Yueqing loved the child, so he couldn't help talking.

"Stinky fart! There are many rich and noble families in the town, so not everyone will give you face."

Yu Yueqing didn't like braggarts, so Jiang Qifeng couldn't help but slapped himself on the mouth.

Let you mind your own business.

In fact, Jiang Qifeng really wanted to say that no one in this town dared to provoke him.

It's just that the woman said that he was talking big.

Yu Yueqing didn't have ink stains, and took out a package from the basket, which contained clothes for Ling Jing and Xiao An.

It is the cloth I bought last time, and it is new.

Soon, when they arrived at the ruined temple, Ling Jing's group of thirteen people were cleaning wild vegetables, wild fruits, and many fungi in the yard.

"Ling Jing, I need your help. You and Xiao An change into your clothes and follow me."

"Boss, wait a moment."

Ling Jing believed in Yu Yueqing very much, so without saying a word, she changed into new clothes and went out with Yu Yueqing.

When they arrived at Jiang Qifeng's shop, Yu Yueqing took the prepared paper.

"Shopkeeper Jiang, do you have pen and ink? I want to write a few words."

Yu Yueqing took out a relatively hard cardboard, rectangular, which was taken in the space.

"You can write?"

Jiang Qifeng was a little surprised, she was obviously a village woman, but she was wearing nice new clothes.

Mainly because of her demeanor, he thought she was an illegitimate daughter living outside of Beijing.

"I won't, my daughter will."

Yu Yueqing didn't talk much with Jiang Qifeng, she promised to pay back eight taels of silver today, and she was going to use her brain for these things.

Lingling heard her mother call her, asked Ling Jing to help look at the shop, and ran in quickly.

"Lingling, write 'The silt is not stained, the clear ripples are not demonic, the gentleman of flowers is also!'"

I saw the characters written by Lingling in the thin gold body, the strokes were a little immature, but they already had a bit of character.

"That's right, there is still some talent. That is, what kind of flowers are you writing about?"
Jiang Qifeng was really cold and cold on weekdays, but today he became talkative, Yu Yueqing ignored him and called Ling Jing instead.

"Xiao Jing, this is the lotus flower I found in the back mountain. You take Xiao An to the door of the bookstore, and the restaurant where the ladies often go to parties.

Take this brand and sell these lotus flowers.You and An An will get one out of ten of the silver you sell. "

Yu Yueqing knew that Ling Jing was hiding something, and she was also anxious today, otherwise she wouldn't let Ling Jing take An An to sell these things.

"Boss, you have finally seen my talent. Don't worry, An An and I will be sold out today. There is no need for compensation, these two sets of clothes are worth a lot of money."

Ling Jing carried two large baskets in both hands, and An An followed closely behind.

Yu Yueqing's mouth grew wide, Ling Jing is really a practicing family, this strength.

"So it's a lotus? It's really unstained from the mud. Hey, little lady, what kind of font did your daughter write just now?"

Yu Yueqing knew that this was a fictional time and space, different from the original world.

So Jiang Qifeng didn't know that the poems and fonts in that world were normal.

"I don't know, I'm guessing. Come on, don't delay my business."

Yu Yueqing began to yell and put out the plums.

"Old sister, they said you went to the house, but I really found you.

let me help you! "

When Qian Hu heard Yu Yueqing called Ling Jing away, he was not to be outdone, and wanted to show himself.

(End of this chapter)

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