Chapter 5 Don't Be Afraid, I'll Overcome My Father

Qin Yuanwai saw Zhong Zhongqing, and the news that he wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law spread like a gust of wind in the town.

"Wenqing, I went shopping and heard that Master Qin has taken a fancy to you and wants you to be his son-in-law."

During the lunch break, a classmate came to Wen Qing's side and muttered in a low voice, and the others naturally heard it too, and gathered around one after another.

"That's right, Wen Qing, I heard that Mr. Qin's family is very rich, he has no son, only one daughter, and she looks pretty good."

"Tch, our Wen Qing is only ten years old, and Miss Qin is already eighteen. It is obvious that Wen Qing is a good candidate, so give them the Qin family Xu Xianghuo!"

Wen Qing and the others are divided into classes according to their grades. Wen Qing passed the entrance examination and the placement examination, and was assigned to Class B.

Baiyun Academy is divided into "A, B, C, D", four classes.

Class A are all related households, the children of rich and powerful, including the children of college investors and the dean's wife's family.

Class B basically has real knowledge, and so on.

"It's okay, I know about my classmates' concerns. My mother has told my fortune for me, and I have given my horoscope. I was born to restrain my father.

In the second year after I was born, my grandfather passed away, and my father disappeared when I was five years old. If Master Qin knew about it, he would definitely not miss me anymore. "

Wen Qing spoke unhurriedly, as if he was telling someone else's story.

"Wenqing, I didn't expect you to be so miserable at such a young age. Don't worry, I will protect you from now on."

"Thank you Brother Zhang!"

"Zhang Shuqi, your family opened a grain and oil shop in the town. If Mr. Qin is really determined to take Wen Qing by force, you won't be able to stop him."

At this time, the master came, and everyone returned to their seats.

Wen Qing didn't take it to heart at all, he had plenty of ways to solve this matter.But, didn't this still happen?

I don't know if my mother knows it, or if she will be afraid.Although his mother sent him to study, it fulfilled his wish since he was a child.

But thinking of her abuse of the three brothers and sisters, Wen Qing still has hatred in her heart.

Wen Qing shook his head. What he has to do now is to study hard so that he can have the opportunity to talk about other things.

Sure enough, on the second day, this word reached Yuanwai Qin's ears.

"Is this true?"

Qin Yuanwai's pale and bloodless thick lips spat out a few words with difficulty.

"Really, I heard from his classmate himself. This thing can't be faked, just go to their village and you will know."

The boy whispered.

"Go and inquire about this matter quickly. I don't have much time. If I don't settle Ranran's marriage, I won't be able to close my eyes!"

Master Qin closed his eyes.He didn't have to find such a small one for his daughter.

It was he who dreamed that there was a child prodigy, whose family was poor when he was young, and who would become a marquis and worship minister in the future.

When he woke up, he ordered someone to draw a portrait, which was obviously what Wen Qing looked like.

On Wenhui's side, when he arrived at the school, during the break of the first class, he naturally heard his friends talking about it.

"Hey, have you heard? Then Matchmaker Sun went to Wenhui's house, and she was very happy when she left."

"This matter, I heard from my grandma. My grandma said that Wen Huiniang just wanted to fatten up Wenling and sell it for a good price..."

When Wen Hui heard this, he clenched his fists and his eyes were red, full of disbelief.

He never heard his mother and sister mention this matter.

But what everyone said has a nose and an eye, it is probably not groundless.

"You are talking nonsense, my mother will not sell eldest sister, my mother is very good to us! You are not allowed to slander my mother."

Wen Hui shouted at the top of his voice,
"Wen Hui, you will find out if you go back and ask your mother. But will your mother tell you?

Your mother used to beat you every day, everyone in the village knew about it, and said that your mother loves you, who would believe it! "

The other friends also booed,

Wen Hui remained silent.

Why didn't he know that Mother always beat them, but most of the time, it was the eldest brother who protected them, and very few fell on him.

But that doesn't mean he didn't know, he forgot.

Mother has indeed treated them well in the past month.If it was really for the sake of letting the eldest sister out, he would stop it even if he tried his best.

Wen Hui made a sudden decision, as if he had suddenly figured it out, and felt relieved.

Mother has been nice to them recently, not like fake ones, otherwise there would be no need to send him and his eldest brother to study, and the price would be too high.

Wen Hui spent the last class in a daze.

When Wen Ling came to pick him up, he was silent all the way.

No matter what Wen Ling asked, he remained silent.

When Wen Hui came home, Yu Yueqing was making wormwood juice with peanut oil.I'll go to town tomorrow to see if there is a suitable small box.

The better the packaging, the better the price.People in the village don't buy much, and if it's too shabby, people in the town won't buy it.

After Yu Leqing finished her work, she discovered Wen Hui's abnormality.

"Wen Hui, what's wrong with you? Your eyes are still red, maybe other children bullied you. Tell mother, mother will go find them!"

As soon as Yu Yueqing asked, Wen Hui burst into tears.

Yu Leqing hugged Wen Hui distressedly, and asked Wen Ling with his eyes.Wen Ling also shook her head in confusion, but she didn't ask anything.

(End of this chapter)

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