Chapter 6

"Mom, my classmate said, you want to sell Big Sister. Don't sell Big Sister, okay. I will grow up and earn a lot of money for you to spend. Don't sell Big Sister."

Wen Hui cried for a long time before raising his head to look at Yu Yueqing.

Yu Yueqing and Wen Ling couldn't laugh or cry, it turned out that Wen Hui was sad because of this incident.

"Wen Hui, who told you that I'm going to betray your eldest sister?"

Seeing that Wen Hui had calmed down, Yu Leqing asked softly.

"Several classmates in the school have said it, and they said that everyone in the family knows about it. Wow, mother, don't sell eldest sister!"

After speaking, Wen Hui burst into tears again.

Yu Yueqing raised her forehead, did she always think of a girl when she was pregnant with Wenhui?Otherwise, why would Wen Hui be such a gossip, cry-loving and caring person on weekdays.

"Hmph, mother, Grandma Huzi must have spread the word! When I went to pick up Wenhui for lunch, she saw my eyes were red. She also said,..."

Wen Ling didn't go on, Yu Yueqing naturally knew that she was talking about her, and it was definitely not very pleasant.

"Hmph, old godly woman, watch if I don't tear her mouth apart!"

Yu Yueqing was very angry, forget about gossip, and spread rumors everywhere.So he spoke in his original tone.

"You guys wait at home, if I don't go to this old godly woman and say something, my surname will not be Yu."

After speaking, Yu Yueqing took the broom and went out.
It's not dark yet, it's dusk.

"Grandma Huzi, you old godly woman, come out! Who is spreading rumors in the village that I'm going to sell our family Lingling,
Come out for me, if you don't come out, I'll scold you until you come out!
The people in the village don't know about your sneaky activities, do you want me to help you promote them! "

Grandma Huzi is very greedy for cheap, and she always likes to take an egg and a vegetable from other people's homes on weekdays.

Everyone in the village knew it, but they chose to turn a blind eye to those who looked up and didn't see them when they looked down.

"Jade Widow, how dare you talk nonsense! Do you think I'm afraid of you? Takako, your old lady has been bullied, and you still don't come out!"

Grandma Huzi has two sons, the eldest son lives on the other side, and she lives with the younger son Wengui, who is Huzi's father.

"Father, you can't go out. It's not like you don't know what kind of virtue mother usually has.

She and Widow Jade often quarreled, but the old saying goes, bullying a middle-aged widow is not tolerated by heaven and earth.

You can't go out and bully other orphans and widows together. "

Wen Gui thought it made sense, so he didn't dare to go out, mainly because Jade Widow was known as a shrew, so she was willing to let go.

Yu Yueqing didn't know that he was said to be middle-aged when he was just 28.

I am an unmarried young lady in my previous life.

"Old godly woman, look, your son knows your virtues. Are you an old godly woman, saying everywhere that I'm going to sell my family Lingling?

Which eye did you see? "

The more Yu Yueqing talked, the more angry she became, only to realize that she also had the potential to be a shrew.

"Widow Jade, do you dare to say that Sun Matchmaker didn't go to your house? Do you dare to say that you are so good to the child now, and you sold it for a good price to make you fat?
Don't say you found out with conscience, no one will believe it! "

Huzi's grandma, Mrs. Liu, is not to be outdone.

"Let me tell you, whoever is careless again, I will drive her out just like Sun Matchmaker.

My own child, it hurts as much as I want, and there is no chance for an outsider to intervene!There is no need to prove anything to outsiders! "

After finishing speaking, he gestured twice with the broom, making a vicious expression.

Mrs. Li took several steps back in fright.

"If it weren't for your age, this broom would not just fall to the ground!

Starting tomorrow, if I hear anyone talking nonsense again, I will sue the officials!Slander is also subject to punishment! "

In fact, Yu Yueqing didn't know whether flying slander was considered a crime in ancient times.

But it is enough to fool the villagers.

Li Shi was so frightened that she hurried back to the house and closed the door tightly.

The people around quietly watching the excitement also trembled.This jade widow has been silent for a month, and her prestige has not diminished.

I still have to tell my children when I go back, but I can't pass it on anymore.Otherwise, if Widow Jade came to her to make trouble, ordinary people would not be able to stand it.

"Lingling, let's go, let's go home."

Wen Ling looked at Yu Yueqing with admiration on her face, she didn't expect her mother to protect them, so majestic.

"Mother, you were so powerful just now, so it feels like mother is protecting you, so good!"

Wen Ling met for the first time, Yu Yueqing was protecting them.

In the past, they didn't ask any questions, and let the villagers talk about them and laugh at them.

"Silly boy, the three of you are my mother's heart. Especially you, you are cute and cute, and my mother loves you especially. Let's go home and my mother will cook delicious food for you.

Today on the mountain, I found a lot of mushrooms and fried green peppers for you to eat.How about making another fungus egg soup? "

"Mom, I want to drink egg soup. I love soup cooked by mother the most. Recently, mother's cooking skills have really improved!"

Wen Hui hid beside the big tree in front of the house, that's how he hid before when his mother scolded them.

But Niang is different now, Wen Hui's psychological defense has been slowly removed.

"Okay, make egg soup for my little Wenhui, let Wenhui grow taller, and protect my mother from now on!"

Yu Yueqing pulled Wen Ling, Wen Hui also extended his hand, the mother and son stepped into the gate, and everything was developing in a good direction.

 Don't miss it when you pass by, come and leave your valuable comments!

(End of this chapter)

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