Chapter 7 Girls need to learn to love themselves first
Yu Yueqing quickly prepared dinner, and Wen Hui ate it so happily that he even forgot about the unpleasantness just now.

"Mom, this fungus and egg soup is really fresh! When the school is on holiday, I will accompany you to the back mountain to pick more.

This plum meat is sweet and sour, delicious, I have never eaten such delicious meat. "

Wen Hui talked while drinking, his tongue almost fell off.

"Puff, Wen Hui, you little greedy cat. If you pick too much and can't finish it, wouldn't it be bad? You have to be restrained in everything!"

Lingling opened her mouth, she really has the demeanor of a sister,

"Wen Hui, look at my sister, what you said makes sense. Everything should be done in moderation, but, this little wish, mother will try her best to satisfy you."

Yu Yueqing picked up a piece of fried boletus and ate it with relish.There is no rule of not talking when eating or sleeping at home, but when eating, we still try to talk as little as possible.

After dinner, Wen Ling and Wen Hui cleaned up the dishes together.

"Mom, I'll wash it, you go to rest."

Wen Ling took the initiative to take over the job of washing dishes,
"Stupid girl, washing the dishes can still make your mother tired? You go to Tong Wenhui and put your own bathtubs in the house. I'll boil water for you when I'm done. Go quickly."

Yu Yueqing felt that washing the pots and dishes was quite relaxing, and it was nothing.

After the water was boiled, Wen Hui poured water, and the little guy hurriedly asked Yu Yueqing to go out.

"Mom, I'll sleep with you tonight."

Wen Ling was actually a little embarrassed. In the past, she was the one who slept with Wen Hui, and Mother didn't care about them.

A month ago, Mother said that Wenhui slept by herself and she slept with Mother.

At first she was extremely disturbed, but gradually, she found that her mother would occasionally sleep with her arms around her.Mother's embrace is extremely warm.

Wen Ling didn't know when Mother would become as vicious as before.Now that Mother likes her so much, she still wants to get closer to Mother.

"Okay, mother said, you are always mother's delicate baby.

Come here, my mother will help you wring your hair dry.Girls must not suffer from the cold.You must learn to put yourself first and love yourself well. "

While twisting Wen Ling's hair, Yu Yueqing taught women to love themselves more.She didn't want her petite daughter to be easily abducted in the future.

"Mother, it is said in the book that a woman obeys her father at home and gets married..."

"Stop, Lingling, mother doesn't care about others, but she will never let you be so humble.

The beloved son of parents has far-reaching plans for it, and you will never let you learn to compromise.

Filial piety is well-done and measured, but it must not be at the cost of sacrificing oneself, remember? "

Wen Ling seemed to understand, but she firmly remembered what Yu Yueqing said.

I can't help but feel sore eyes, my mother is really hurting her to the apex of her heart now.

Otherwise, how could you say such deviant words, but it makes sense after thinking about it.

Wen Hui put on his clothes, scooped out the water with a small basin and poured it out.

"Mom, do you only love your sister now?"

Wen Hui pouted,
"You, mother loves you so much too! Wen Hui is also mother's sharpest heart, but the elder sister is a girl, and our whole family has to favor her."

Yu Yueqing took the opportunity to instill in Wenhui the words to respect and love women.

So later, sons and grandchildren loved girls very much.

"Mother, elder brother also said that elder sister is a woman, and elder brother and I are men, we must protect elder sister!"

Wen Hui's chest was lined up, with an expression I knew a long time ago, so Yu Yueqing couldn't help pinching his face.

Yu Yueqing praised Wen Qing in her heart, but she didn't know who this child looked like.

He knows a lot, looks mature and stable, and has a lot of eyes.

Wen Qing, who was lying on the bed in the academy, couldn't help but sneezed.

I also miss home in my heart, and I can go back after two days of rest.

In the academy, there are two days off in half a month. Some students will live in the school to study, and some students will choose to go home.

Of course Wen Qing wanted to go back to accompany her younger sister, younger brother, and that person.

Now, Wen Qing still has a gap in her heart, and she is unwilling to fully accept Yu Yueqing.

Wen Hui dawdled for a long time before going to sleep in his own room.

"Mom, remember to wake me up tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, my mother will definitely wake you up early and make delicious fried eggs and pancakes for you!"

Yu Yueqing actually wanted to stay in bed, but as a mother, she had a biological clock every day and woke up at dawn.

Sure enough, early the next morning, Wen Hui woke up to the smell of rice.

After happily eating breakfast, I went to school.As soon as Wen Hui arrived at the school, several friends came over to apologize,
"Wen Hui, I'm sorry, we didn't understand the situation yesterday, so we said hurtful things. I hope you don't care about it. In the future, we will still be good friends."

"Well, then I won't be angry. In the future, you must not be double-tongued, let alone lie. This is not what a man does!"

Wen Hui also spoke the words taught by the Master, and several friends looked at Wen Hui with some admiration.

Sure enough, Wen Hui had an older brother who was studying in the town, and his homework was the best among the group.

In fact, they didn't know that Yu Yueqing would discuss with Wen Hui every day.Learn something during the day, and help him review it, and also express my own opinions.

After sending Wen Hui to school, Yu Yueqing took Wen Ling to the town to buy porcelain vases.

(End of this chapter)

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