There is a tacit understanding between her and her mother.For example, her spirit pupils are as powerful as a cow.

After Yu Yueqing's pain passed, she felt a coolness that spread all over her limbs.

After a while, as if countless ants were gnawing at her bone marrow, her skin became scorching hot again, and bean-sized beads of sweat covered her cheeks.

Lingling didn't dare to say anything, found a clean handkerchief, and wiped her mother's sweat silently.

In the space, a tornado-like vortex formed and entered Yu Yueqing's body. At this moment, Yu Yueqing felt as if she was swimming in a hot spring.

"Host, the space upgrade is complete, you should rest well."

Xianxian's voice couldn't hide his joy.

Yu Leqing opened her eyes with difficulty, and saw Lingling looking at her worriedly.

"Lingling, mother is fine."

Yu Yueqing showed a weak smile,

"Really? Mother, you had a nightmare just now!"

Seeing how uncomfortable her mother was, Lingling hurried out and brought a basin of warm water over.

"Mom, come and wash it, I'm watching people, no one will bother you."

Seeing Lingling being so caring, Yu Leqing felt extremely relieved.

Yu Yueqing closed the windows and doors tightly, and drew the curtains tight.

Hastily dodged into the space,

Unexpectedly, the purpose of entry turned out to be a hundred-acre field.

There are also three three heads, which are visible to the naked eye, and you can see a green uphill.

The Ganoderma lucidum that I planted casually before, unexpectedly grew a huge piece, as much as an acre of land, which was a surprise.

"Xianxian, this?"

Yu Yueqing stuttered a little, took the opportunity to take a bath in the Lingquan.

"Host, now there are more than a hundred acres of land. Moreover, you are willing to do good deeds and save people by using medicine. There are countless medicinal herbs growing on the mountain."

"Huh? Medicinal herbs? Qiwu Town is to the north, and the land is dry, so there aren't many medicinal herbs growing. This time, it really helped me a lot."

Yu Yueqing couldn't stay in the space for too long, so she stepped out immediately and deliberately sprinkled water in the room.

Yu Yueqing took out the basin, and several children quickly surrounded her.

"Mom, come on, it's time for dinner."

This meal is very full, and the family is really happy to eat together.

"Mom, I want to tell you that the watermelons will be harvested in a few days."

Yu Yueqing couldn't do it by herself, so she had to ask her mother to help.

"Yueqing, you and your mother are still polite! If you have anything to say, just say it directly."

Yu Leqing looked at Zhang's face, which became more and more rosy and plump, and felt extremely happy in her heart.

Often adding spiritual spring water to food is good for the body.

"The whole village collects that basket now, and it's still worth a penny. This is what I exchanged for ten taels of copper coins!"

Yu Yueqing turned around and went to the room to take out a large bag of copper plates,

"From now on, go to the village to collect baskets every day. You take the change."

Mrs. Zhang had never taken so much money by herself, and felt a little embarrassed.

"Yueqing, I, I'm afraid I can't do well."

When she came into contact with the matter of money, Mrs. Zhang felt a little uneasy, and she was afraid that it would fail.

"Mother, you just collect the basket every day, and let Lingling and Erya stay with you. It's okay for them to keep accounts now."

Seeing Yu Yueqing letting the child go, Mrs. Zhang couldn't help but give her daughter a high look.

"Okay, let the children exercise in advance, and when they get married in the future, they will understand human relations better."

Mrs. Zhang saw that Yu Yueqing trusted herself so much, so she made up her mind to do well.

Seeing that everyone was asleep, Yu Yueqing happily went to the space.

"The two acres of lychees and cherries can't be eaten up in Qiwu Town. Otherwise, I'll try selling them to Fengling County."

Going ahead, Yu Yueqing took advantage of everyone's sleep and picked a few carts of cherries and cherries in the space.

I even rinsed them in the Lingquan water, so I'm not afraid of bad things at all.

"Host, I have good news for you, the space has an extra function."

Immortals are mysterious, but Yu Yueqing is a little short-tempered.

"Don't keep it up, talk about it."

"Host, you didn't notice, did you wash the essence?"

"Wash the essence and cut the marrow? I don't understand,"

However, under the guidance of Xianxian, Yu Yueqing lowered her qi to her dantian and contemplated inwardly.Feeling a kind of cool air, sinking into the body, and then staying in the dantian, becoming warm.

"Try to attract the qi of the dantian and let it out."

Yu Leqing tried more than a dozen times, and finally,

The Lingquan water gradually produced countless splashes.

"Is this internal strength? Can I practice martial arts?"

As a modern person, Yu Yueqing yearns for Gu Wu very much.

"That's right, but you need to learn some moves, otherwise you won't be able to use your internal strength if you have nothing, and it will be useless if you meet a master."

How could Yu Yueqing not know, so she went back to the house contentedly and fell asleep.

On the second day, early in the morning, Bai Mu brought people to fetch the medicinal materials.

"What? The medicine in the warehouse of the yamen has run out?"

Bai Mu nodded with a gloomy face.

"Okay, you wait for me."

After finishing speaking, Yu Yueqing moved out box after box of medicinal materials from her room, totaling twelve boxes.

"Save these, they should be enough for today. I'll go to the back mountain to collect more today, and you can come back tomorrow to get them!"

There are more than 20 villages nearby. Yuyueqing did not give Lingquan water, and if there were too many, it aroused suspicion.

Yu Yueqing knew that it was impossible for him not to take revenge for hurting the county magistrate yesterday.

It's just that I didn't expect to tamper with the medicine.

Bai Mu took the medicinal materials and left.

"You guys, stay here to listen to Miss Yu's arrangement. You guys are in charge of the soup and medicine in Wenjia Village."

Bai Mu left behind three doctors and ten guards, glanced at Yu Yueqing, and left.

Seeing Bai Mu's meaningful look, Yu Yueqing was a little puzzled.

"Is there something on my face?"

Yu Yueqing hurried back to the house, looked in the mirror,
I saw the woman in the mirror, her skin was as immature as a child's.The facial features are more refined, and the eyes are particularly dark and bright, as if wearing colored contact lenses.

Yu Leqing sighed, for a widow, being good-looking is really not a good thing.

I hurriedly went to the space to find a foundation, deliberately painted my face yellow, and looked in the mirror, and then I felt better.

I went to the melon field first. Since the incident with Mrs. Huzi last time, no one in the village dared to think about the cold melon.

"Ms. Wen Qing, you are here too. Our cold melon looks really good, like an emerald."

The leaves are emerald green, and the patterns on the melon are clearly scattered, which is gratifying at first glance.

"Sister-in-law Qin Ying, why don't you come to the melon field too? I'll pick two, and we'll taste it together."

"Hey, no need, pick my family's,"

Qin Ying didn't stop her, Yu Yueqing still went to her own field to pick two.

Although Yu Yueqing didn't know how well the melons were ripe, she still picked two that were more pleasing to the eye.

Hit it with your fist and it splits.

"Huh? So red? Can it be picked in a few days?"

Qin Ying took the melon that Yu Yueqing handed over, tasted it, it was really sweet, and ate a small half of it in a while.

"Hey, Jade Widow, these cold melons are ripe, neighbors, how about giving me two?"

The fields in the village are all in patches, one family next to the other.

"Lizheng, oh no, Qianlizheng. This is what I planted so hard, and I want to keep it for money!"

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