Chapter 85. Talking about the cold melon business

"Hmph, be stingy, then I'll buy it later!"

Ever since Li Zheng was replaced, he hated Yu Yueqing to the core. Of course, he hated the current Li Zheng family the most.

Seeing the people leave, Qin Ying went to her melon field to choose two bigger ones, tied them up with straw ropes, and went home.

If there are rare things, it is natural to send them to the parents-in-law.

"Here, is the cold melon ripe?"

"Yes, father-in-law, Wen Qingniang picked one in her own field, I tasted it, it was so sweet, I brought it here for you to taste."

Qin Ying's in-laws are still very good.

"This thing is a rarity, keep it and sell it for silver, why give it to us? I won't spend it like this next time."

Seeing that her parents-in-law are really thinking about them, Qin Ying felt very relieved.

"Well, I got it. Wen Qingniang said that the melons that are the first crops can be picked and sold in two days. But they should be picked early in the morning, lest the melons will burst if they are too ripe.

Should I send a letter to the child's father and ask him to come back and help for a few days? "

Xiaohua's father found a carpentry job in the county town, and the salary was not bad, [-] Wen a month, including room and board.

Throughout the year, I don't come back many times.

"If you don't let him come back, your mother and I will go to help with the melons in the two-acre field these few mornings.

We are still so young, can we watch you work so hard and not help? "

Qin Ying said thank you and went back.

The parents-in-law's house also planted an acre, which is not too much.Qin Ying didn't tell them, but Yu Yueqing said that the first stubble could give them a penny and a catty.

Think about a melon that weighs more than five catties or even seven or eight catties, this is a golden lump.

Yu Yueqing picked two more and took them home. The watermelons in her space are harvested one crop after another, and they can't be sold out until the New Year.

"Hey! Mom, are the melons in the field ripe?"

Erya and Lingling greeted them happily.

"Wen Hui, isn't he usually the most active?"

Yu Leqing saw that the courtyard was quiet.

"Mom, you forgot, Wen Hui has already started school!

Although few people go to school and recuperate at home, Wen Hui said that next year he will go to take the entrance examination for children with his elder brother, so he must hurry up. "

Yu Yueqing didn't take it seriously, thinking it was because she was too tired recently.

"Yes, you have ambition. Whether you pass the exam or not, it's a good job! Are you ready? Next month, I plan to send you to Jinxiu Girls' School!"

Yu Yueqing thought of this incident, and after a few days the illness in the town was under control, so she went to ask Qin Ran to write a letter of recommendation.

"Really? Okay, mother!"

Erya's eyes were also full of longing and joy, and she smiled softly.

Seeing that the children were happy, Yu Leqing went back to the house to cut watermelon.

A few people went to the village to get the medicine and came back, and saw that grandma also hurried over from grandma.

"I'm so pissed off. Some people want to pass it off as a good one. Fortunately, I took a look, otherwise they would have succeeded."

Mrs. Zhang took a sip of water, and several people waited for the next sentence.

"You don't know, today I go door to door to collect baskets, but there are a few, and the first few are good.

The latter is considered a defective product, and before I was asked to give the second article, I really thought our money was blown by a strong wind, so I refused on the spot! "

Seeing Zhang's mighty words, several people couldn't help covering their mouths and giggling.

"Mother, you are right to do this. It will be too troublesome for you to ask them to deliver it by themselves in the future. Those few companies will not accept them in the future."

Mrs. Zhang became more and more confident, and she was no longer the ashen-faced, submissive Mrs. Zhang.

Yu Leqing really wanted to tell her mother that her money really came from a strong wind.

Yu Yueqing did not expect that the villagers were very cooperative, and the next day, they were all sent over by themselves.

Lingling registered, Erya counted the money, Zhang inspected the goods, and several people cooperated seamlessly.

Yu Yueqing took the opportunity to go to the back mountain, and brought back a lot of medicinal materials.

No way, the weeds in the space, no, the elixir, if you want to cross the clear road, you can only use this stupid method.

"Yueqing, what are these weeds for?"

Mrs. Zhang saw her daughter walking back and forth a dozen times, her hot clothes soaked through, and couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Mother, this is not a weed, but a medicinal material. It has its own magical effect."

Mrs. Zhang saw that Yu Yueqing had her own ideas, so she didn't ask any further questions.

At about two o'clock in the afternoon, the sound of cicadas came and went, and a gust of wind blew by, and the air was scalding hot.

The weather in Qiuhu is really hot.

Yu Yueqing went to the house to take a shower, changed into clean clothes, and went to the town.

Yu Yueqing first went to the tailor shop, but unexpectedly the door was ajar.

"Miss Wei?"

Yu Yueqing yelled a few times, and Wei Shuyun quickly came to open the door.

"Big sister, I haven't seen you for a few days, how are you doing?"

Wei Shuyun smiled, the two apple muscles were all flesh, making him look extraordinarily amiable.

"Sister, I went back to the village to farm. I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. I'm here today, and I have something to ask you."

Wei Shuyun poured a cup of tea and handed it to Yu Yueqing. It turned out to be Taiping Monkey King. Yu Yueqing glanced at Wei Shuyun in shock.

"It was given to me by my natal brother. He is in the tea business. He sent me some leftovers that were not in good condition.

It doesn't look good, but it tastes delicious. "

"Well, it's really delicious, very elegant."

Yu Yueqing drank half a glass before opening her mouth leisurely.

"Sister-in-law, I heard you say before that my natal brother runs a caravan. No, I have something good to ask if you want it."

Wei Shuyun heard that Yu Yueqing was because of business, and the smile on her face faded a little.

"This matter? Let's hear it."

She wanted to see what Yu Yueqing was up to.Seeing Yu Yueqing pitiful in the past, she was naturally helpful, but if Yu Yueqing got close to her and had other plans, she would not be polite.

Yu Yueqing didn't expect Wei Shuyun to think so much.

"It's like this. A friend of mine got some cold melon seeds from a Hu merchant. Fortunately, I planted them. I want to contact a few merchants to see if they can be shipped out."

Wei Shuyun had heard of cold melons, they were tributes, but he didn't expect the peasant girl in front of him to be able to grow them.

She saw an opportunity right away.

"Then, should we only borrow the strong team to transport the goods, or hand over the sales to the caravan?"

Wei Shuyun explained it to Yu Yueqing in detail. It turns out that the strong teams at this time have already diversified.

It probably means, one is to only ship the goods, and collect a shipping fee.

The second is to transport the goods, help sell them, and get a [-]% profit.

The third is to sell directly to the caravan and let the caravan sell it themselves.

Yu Yueqing is such a troublesome person, of course he chose the third option!

"Okay, I'll ask my sister-in-law about this today. As for what they say, you can sit down and talk about it some other day."

When it comes to business, Wei Shuyun acts like a businessman, and Yu Yueqing likes such a person.

Public is public, private is private, when doing business, don't bargain with favors.

Yu Yueqing took out three cold melons from the basket outside the door, all packed in baskets.

The handle of the basket is also tied with colorful silk, which looks quite stylish.

 Occasionally, red envelopes for recommendation tickets will be issued, thank you for your support all the way.


(End of this chapter)

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