Chapter 91
Feng Tan was walking in the front when he tripped suddenly.

"He NN's..."

I wanted to scold something, but I saw the overwhelming chili noodles.

"Pfft, ahem... so spicy, my eyes..."

A group of people who took the lead before leaving the teacher,

Except for the person brought by Zhao Kui, who knew how to dodge in time, everyone else was so stung that they couldn't open their eyes.

Zhao Kui snorted silently,
"Master Feng, what's the matter? Do you want to go back first?"

"Master Zhao, just stare at it for a while, I'll find a source of water to wash my face."

After finishing speaking, a dozen or so people narrowed their eyes with difficulty and went to find the water source.

Lei Qiu in the dark couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hero, I am also entrusted to catch criminals. The government is acting, please make it convenient."

Yu Yueqing heard the commotion ahead, so she hurried over to see the commotion, how could this matter be rare without Jing Qian.

"Government business? What about the waist badge? What about the county magistrate's approval? You want me to make it easier for you to break into my Zhuangzi casually?"

Before the people of Yuyueqing arrived, the voice came first.

"Girl, you..."

When Zhao Kuigang asked, he recognized Yu Yueqing and immediately snorted coldly.

"Who do I know? So it's you, a shrew! You hurt Sun Ting, and you still say that we martial artists have a false reputation?"

"Sun Ting?" Yu Yueqing heard it familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while.

"Boss, that's the martial artist we invited!"

Lei Qiu rubbed his nose in embarrassment, haha, he said that their martial artists were incompetent, but he was Lei Qiu.

"Oh, I said it, you probably can't even beat me,"

"Arrogance, you know, I have at least ten years of internal strength. Although I am not famous in the Jianghu, I am still ranked first."

Zhao Kui is famous, but it is only limited to his own small circle.

"Oh? Jing Qian? Have you heard of Zhao Kui?"

Yu Yueqing tilted her head and asked Jing Qian behind her.

"What Zhao Kui, Li Kui, you don't deserve to hear me!"

There is no way, Jing Qian has always had his eyes above the top, but he does have the capital of arrogance.

"Hmph, let me learn from you!"

How could Zhao Kui bear to listen to two people singing and humiliating himself.

He waved his palm towards Jing Qian.

Yu Yueqing greeted him with a palm, shocking Zhao Kui back several steps.

Jing Qian was somewhat shocked. This little widow has no internal energy fluctuations at all, but she can push back Zhao Kuizhen, who has ten years of internal energy.

"Hmph, little boy, you know how to hide behind a woman. What kind of skill is it? If you have the skill, come and challenge me one-on-one."

Jing Qian ignored him, looking cheerfully at Yu Yueqing who was eager to try.

"If you can't even pass me, let alone him!"

After Yu Yueqing finished speaking, she started to fight Zhao Kui with the self-defense technique she had learned.

Zhao Kui began to sweat coldly from his contempt and contempt for half a cup of tea.

"The Angry Dragon Appears",
"Silkworm spinning"

"Welcome the Buddha from the East"


Jing Qian saw that Yu Yueqing didn't know any moves at all, so he pointed out from the side,
Yu Yueqing couldn't understand that elegant move, but with her intuition, she hit it right.

Zhao Kui was beaten to the ground.

"Young lady is amazing, it's true that I, Zhao Kui, are inferior in skills! Farewell!"

Zhao Kui kept his word and left as soon as he went.

When Feng Tan and his party arrived, Zhao Kui was nowhere to be seen.

Looking at the traces of fighting on the ground, I thought someone had already taken it down.My heart is ecstatic.

"Go, go back and recover!"

But when he arrived at the Yamen, Liu Shun put him in the bottom of the valley with a single word.

"Trash, I didn't see Zhao Kui at all, let alone anyone being captured!"

Liu Shun's eyes were still tied with white cloth, his clothes were crooked, and he was extremely embarrassed.

"Master calm down, I'll go find out."

It was the first time for Feng Tan to be scolded directly by Liu Shun. In the past, Liu Shun was very obedient to him.

Feng Tan also got angry, and lashed out at the group of punks.

If Yu Yueqing was here, she would definitely recognize that among this group of gangsters, there was Gao Ye and Heizi from Wenjia Village.

This is what they said, the so-called, is also a respectable person in the town.

Really, not ashamed, but proud, very sad.

Feng Tan went to ask Zhao Kui, but unexpectedly, Zhao Kui was speechless.

"Master said he was catching a thief, guess who I saw?"

Feng Tan knew right away that what he said next was not good, but unexpectedly, he heard Zhao Kui say it.

"I saw that person was familiar, and after some fights, I realized that he was a kind person who donated medicine to save people a few days ago.

I thought it must be a misunderstanding, so I apologized and came back.

Guess what I saw in town again? "

Before Feng Tan could speak, Zhao Kui took the lead again.

"I saw the eldest son of the White Mansion posting a notice, which was written by the county magistrate himself, and there is also a seal!

It said that Master Zunyun has already gone back, and I am grateful to the Wenyu family in Wenjia Village, who took the lead in testing the medicine to save people, and then applied the medicine again.

The people in the entire Huayao City were saved, and now the antidote contributed by the Wen Yu family has been transported to Fucheng.

Later, the rewards given by the governor and city lord of Huayao City will be delivered later. "

"No, you lied, she clearly kidnapped someone!"

Feng Tan knew that if he couldn't handle this matter well, Liu Shun wouldn't let him go.

He still knew a thing or two about Liu Shun's methods. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel horrified.Still want to do the last struggle.

"Slow walk without sending!"

Zhao Kui issued a deportation order and closed the door of Wu Xing.

"Hmph, that's all right now, that peasant girl has become the hero of the whole city, and ordinary people can't touch her anymore. However, she still kidnapped the young master of the Chen family."

But what Feng Tan didn't know was that Chen Rui and Mrs. Chen, under the escort of Jing Qian, were driving high-profilely in sedan chairs and ostentatiously passing through the streets.

"Huh? Isn't that the young master of the Chen family? Didn't he say he was kidnapped? Why are you here?"

"That's right, I heard that Mrs. Chen is dying. Look at her in high spirits. She doesn't look like a fifty, but she's around forty."

Pedestrians on the road talked a lot, and Chen Rui, his grandfather and grandson, broke the rumor of Yu Yueqing's kidnapping without saying a word.

Some people who like to watch the excitement also followed the sedan chair to the Chen Mansion.

"Old lady, are a human or a ghost!"

The boy at the door is terrified,

"I'm still alive, are you disappointed? Why?

Inform your master to come out, today, my Chen Mansion will clean up the house in front of the whole town! "

Mrs. Chen closed her eyes and rested her mind. The bearers who had stopped stood by her left and right, showing no intention of leaving.

Jing Qian listened to the noisy crowd, he hated this scene the most, but he had no choice but to let that woman show her teeth and claws, let him escort the grandparents of the Chen family back.

Thinking of Yu Yueqing's compliment, Jing Qian couldn't help but groan, hmph, he still knows that his martial arts are so strong that no one can match him.

After Qi knew about it, he asked someone to notify her husband to come back.

But after waiting for a quarter of an hour, what he got was a letter of divorce.

Qi staggered, and forced himself to go to the front hall.

"Don't be afraid, I still have two sons. Chen Hai is so promising, he won't leave me alone!"

Qi's words were extremely unfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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