Chapter 92.

As soon as Mrs. Qi walked to the door, she saw Mrs. Chen who had recovered to normal.

"Mother-in-law, you're finally back! I'm so worried about you, you don't know, Brother Rui was also taken away when you were away..."

Qi covered her face with a handkerchief, and began to cry.

"Auntie, what are you talking about, why was I taken away? I went to the village to serve my grandmother."

Chen Rui was wearing the new clothes prepared by Yu Yueqing, originally for Lei Qiu.But he was about the same stature as Lei Qiu, so he borrowed it.

Indigo blue brocade clothes, Yuhuan's half-twist hair, at first glance he looks like a young man full of vigor.

"Rui, Brother Rui?"

Seeing Chen Rui standing out from behind, Mrs. Qi couldn't pretend anymore, and began to speak incoherently.

"Impossible, the government doctor and the invited doctor have said that Madam is dying.

I have no choice but to send the old lady to Zhuangzi, you look alive and kicking now, you look ten years younger than the old lady!

You are not an old lady at all!"
The Qi family preemptively attacked, and Chen Rui was impatient. No wonder Aunt Qing said that she was not Qi's opponent.

Mrs. Chen raised her hand to signal Chen Rui, don't worry.

"Brother Rui asked for medicine for me, but you replaced it with ordinary grass. If it wasn't for me, I would have gone to see Lord Yama long ago!
My concubine's eldest son didn't come, doesn't that mean everything?

You murdered your mother-in-law and mutilated your son-in-law, your crime is unforgivable, pack up your things and go back to Qi's house! "

Mrs. Chen didn't want to pester her anymore, she didn't need to prove anything.

She is the authority of the Chen Mansion, and the current family business of the Chen Mansion is all built by her.

With a wave of his hand, two people appeared behind him.

"Trouble both of you, help me send this Qi family over there, and return her dowry in full.

The two are the people most valued by the master, and this is the first time that the old man bothered them. "

Mrs. Chen mentioned her deceased husband, and Mrs. Chen obviously felt pain.

Although she is a concubine, her husband dotes on his concubine and destroys his wife. Before the birth of the concubine, she gave birth to the eldest son of the concubine.

Later, he died of a sudden illness, and the woman went with him, making the two of them more sincere.

But I can't act willfully, and I still have three children to raise.

She had never treated the eldest son badly, even she turned a blind eye to his concubine's fiancée.

Unexpectedly, Qi's life was missed, which made her feel resentful.

Yu Yueqing didn't ask about the situation here, thinking that the matter had come to an end, she went to see Wen Qing.

"What? Wenqing is in the dormitory? Can I go there then?"

The guard at the gate also knew that Wen Qing was highly valued, so he let Yu Yueqing in.

He also found a student to lead Yu Yueqing the way.

"It's here, you go in."

Yu Yueqing knocked on the door, but there was no response.

At this moment, Wen Qing was having a high fever.

He's been dreaming about episodes lately, scenes from when he was a teenager, and scenes from his adulthood.

It was intermittent every time, but this time, it became coherent.

"You are the oil bottle! You are the disaster star!"

Every time my mother was in a bad mood, she always beat them with a cane or a broom.

He is the eldest brother, and he must suffer the most every time.

As soon as the screen changed, there was another lively scene where he was patrolling the streets wearing the No. [-] scholar uniform.

Later, I saw another young woman who went to the door of his house to ask for help.

Wen Qing couldn't hear what the woman was saying, it was the woman with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes, she looked a bit like today's mother, that was Lingling.

Wen Qing's heart was shocked, what happened to Lingling, she came to Wen Mansion for help, but was stopped outside the door.

Wen Qing's heart hurts, he is absolutely not willing to hurt Lingling.

He also saw Wen Hui as an adult, dressed in armor, extremely mighty.He grew up with tendon and flesh, but in the end he fell in a pool of blood.

Wen Qing left two clear tears.

"Wen Qing,"

Wen Qing heard a nice voice calling him, so familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while.

Yes, this is his mother, completely different from the one in the dream.

Wen Qing struggled to wake up, but couldn't wake up no matter what.

She heard Lingling crying and shouting, don't marry that bandit, but the mother in the dream coaxed her to drink the medicine and sent it over.

Wen Qing is anxious, why do they have such a vicious mother, why, why!
God is so unfair.

"Wen Qing, Wen Qing, wake up, why do you have a fever? The backup medicine your mother gave you!"

Wen Qing heard that pleasant voice again, and in the next instant, a sweetness flowed into her throat.

Wen Qing suddenly opened his eyes,
The eyes were full of hatred, and Yu Yueqing couldn't help feeling a pain in his heart when he saw it.

"Wenqing, you have a fever, why don't you send a message to your mother..."

Yu Yueqing's voice was clear and crisp, but it was a little softer for the children.

Only then did Wen Qing realize that this person is no longer the girl in her dream.

This mother must be God's compensation for them.

"You, why are you here?"

Wen Qing calmed down his hatred, and spoke leisurely.

He always felt that something was wrong before, but now he realizes that this mother is no longer what she used to be.

Wen Qing guessed something, but her expression remained the same as usual.

Thinking of the tragic situation of his younger siblings, Wen Qing couldn't help but feel angina in his heart.Did God hear his request and give them a kind mother?

Wen Qing decided in his heart that it must be so.

"I've given the medicine to my classmates. I'm afraid you will infect it and pass it on to your younger siblings."

"Silly boy, the whole town is infected, what's the difference with you? But, you have taken the medicine in advance, so you should be fine!"

Yu Leqing couldn't figure it out.

Wenqing also felt tricky,

"Students in the academy, at present, I am the only one who is infected. At first I thought it was because of my weak constitution. Now that I think about it, could it be that someone deliberately poisoned me?"

I have to tell the truth about Wen Qing, but he is just a fish in a pond who was affected by the disaster. The target of their poisoning was originally Bai Qilai.

Yu Yueqing took out a bottle of medicine from her cuff and handed it to Wen Qing,

Tell him to drink it and get some sleep.In the college, it is not convenient for her to stay for a long time.

"Obviously everything has been cleaned up, why is there still someone poisoning? Didn't Bai Qi just come to the school for a few days?"

Yu Yueqing felt that something seemed to be missing.

Thinking of Wen Qing's nightmare, Yu Yueqing decided to go back and give Wen Qing some soothing medicine.

After returning to Zhuangzi, Jing Qian came over.

"Little widow, I'm going on a long trip, you have to take care of yourself. Be low-key in everything and don't push yourself. Also, be careful of that Huanlan, she has admired Huanfeng for many years."

"I didn't expect you to be such a big man, so gossip?"

Yu Yueqing didn't say it directly, but Jing Qian had already found out that Yu Yueqing deliberately kept silent about Huanfeng, it seemed that he was not interested in him.

And at this moment, Huan Lan was completely filled with jealousy.

"Huan Lan, where have you been? You've gotten better these two days, let's pack up and go find the master, shall we?
There was a message from Huan Xing, and it was a secret order calling us back. "

 It's three o'clock today, everyone go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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