Chapter 93.

Wei Shuyun closed the door early that afternoon and went to his elder brother's house.

"Sister-in-law, is elder brother at home?"

Wei Shuyun took out the cold melon while talking, and Yu Yueqing gave three.She gave one to her elder brother's house, one to her own, and one to her in-laws'.

"Shu Yun? Yes, your elder brother just came back!"

Wei Shuyun's sister-in-law greeted her with a smile, and Wei Shuyun was also very happy.

Knowing that my eldest brother was in the study, I asked my sister-in-law to help cut the cold melon and send it to the study.

"Shu Yun, why are you here? You go to the front hall and wait for me!"

Wei Shuling is over 40, slightly fat, and looks like a tiger with a smile on his face. Although he is smiling, his brows are furrowed.

"Brother, I know that most people are not allowed to enter your study. But today, I'm here to discuss business with you."

Wei Shuyun was on the way here, but after listening to many people's discussions, he knew that Yu Yueqing had developed very well recently.

He even had a close relationship with the eldest son of Bai County Magistrate, and even donated medicine to save people.

Wei Shuyun had to give Yu Yueqing a high look, and of course, he also had his own little Jiujiu.

"Shu Yun, you are a clothing store. You sell your clothes to other places, and you have no competitiveness at all. I have nothing to talk to you about."

The eldest brother was not polite, and Wei Shuyun said that he didn't know what to say.

"Yes, yes! My tailor shop is just a small shop, and it's just for living.

Come today, but there is something new, and I was also entrusted by others. "

Seeing that his elder brother wanted to refuse, Wei Shuyun shook his head with a smile. The beautiful dimples made his elder brother feel a little softer.

"Come on, come and taste, this Laoshizi melon smells very sweet."

Wei Shuling saw his wife coming, and then looked at Wei Shuyun's expression, and he understood that this was the new thing Wei Shuyun was talking about.

Wei Shuling took it and took a sip. It was sweet and juicy, and it really tasted good.

"What is this? It tastes good!"

Wei Shuyun told her elder brother again what Yu Yueqing told her.

Wei Shuling's wife returned the things after sending them over.

She also seldom comes to the study, she still has these proprieties.

"This? There is still a pie in the sky? Besides, this cold melon is probably not easy to transport, and there is still some loss."

Wei Shuyun knew that his eldest brother always focused on safety when doing business, so he also missed many opportunities.

"Brother, I don't understand this matter, so why don't you make an appointment in two days for an interview.

But I have agreed that if this kind of business becomes my share. "

Wei Shuyun's son is almost eighteen, and will get married in the next two years, so she naturally wants to earn more money.

"One share? Let's see when the time comes. If you get one in every case, it's for the sake of your own sister. There can't be any more."

It's not bad to get one in case, anyway, I have pocket money.

Wei Shuyun ate two pieces slowly before going back.

"Go and see where your parents are when you have time. I'm a married daughter, so it's not convenient for me to go to my mother's house all the time."

Wei Shuyun hesitated to speak, sighed, and went back.

On the second day, I heard the notice that Yu Yueqing was wanted, and I regretted it in my heart.

Unexpectedly, the reversal came so quickly, everything was just a farce.

Only then did Wei Shuyun believe that Yu Yueqing wanted to repay her, and she just raised her hand to help.

Yu Yueqing, who was being talked about, came back from the school at this moment and was rushing to the village.

She had already discovered Wen Qing's abnormality, and Wen Qing's deep glance made her feel that Wen Qing seemed to have discovered it.

But he didn't expose it, Yu Leqing secretly decided that when Wen Qing recovered, she would stay away from Wen Qing for a while.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I arrived at the gate of the village, I saw two familiar figures.

"Erya, give me some pocket money!"

Yu Yueqing saw a foolish man and stopped Erya from retreating.

"You, get out of the way, I don't have pocket money!"

Yu Yueqing stopped there and looked at it for a while, but she didn't expect that her natal family would come to pester Er Ya after a while.

Sure enough, the stinky cowhide is not so easy to get rid of.

"No pocket money? Look at your clothes, which are comparable to those of the ladies from rich families in the town.

Still wearing hair flowers, Erya, I'm your big brother, why don't you give me some money?
Don't think that everything will be fine when you are in your aunt's house, let me tell you, I have too many ways to make you punished! "

After finishing speaking, Yu Tiegui went to grab Erya's head flower.


From Erya's cuff, a string of copper plates fell out, more than 50 of them.

Tie Gui happily picked it up,
"I'll spare you today, and remember to prepare the money next time, otherwise, I'll sell you up the mountain to the bandits!"

As soon as Tie Gui finished speaking, Erya rushed up, Tie Gui was caught off guard and was pushed to the ground.

The copper plate in his hand was also snatched by Er Ya.

"Tiegui, let me tell you, I've been sold by my parents! It's useless for you to threaten me!

This money belongs to my aunt, I cannot be taken away by you!Don't try to bully me like you used to, no way! "

After Erya finished speaking, she walked towards the village, Yu Leqing saw that Erya was doing well, and nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that what I have learned recently is still useful.

It was too late to say that, but soon, Tie Gui took a stone from the ground and threw it at Erya.

"Ah, squat down quickly!"

Yu Yueqing's heartbeat suddenly missed a piece. Erya heard her aunt's voice and instinctively squatted down, but it still hit her back.


Er Ya was in so much pain that she couldn't move for a moment.

Yu Yueqing jumped off the bullock cart, picked up a stone and hit Tie Gui.

"I let you hit Erya! I let you bully my people!"

Tie Gui covered his head from the beating and tried to escape, but Yu Leqing was so strong that he couldn't break free at all.

"I'm telling you, if you come to our village to make trouble again, I'll sell you to the small house.

You often go to the town, you should know where it is! "

Yu Yueqing's attack was too ruthless, Tie Gui was really frightened by the beating, and ran away rolling and crawling.

"Erya, let's go back and give you medicine! The village is not allowed to run around, Tiegui ran out at this time, it must be on purpose!"

Seeing Erya's red eyes, Yu Leqing didn't know how to comfort her.

"Ah, what's wrong with you?"

Both of them tacitly did not tell Zhang.

"Grandma, it's okay. I saw my aunt coming back. She ran too fast and accidentally fell."

Er Ya smiled reluctantly, it really hurt, like a needle poking a bone.

"Mom, I'm going to apply medicine to Er Ya, and today I want to eat your stewed chicken with potatoes."

"Okay, I'll go to the back mountain to catch a chicken. By the way, I'll call Liang Lingling back. She took Xiaobai with her and said she was going on a treasure hunt."

Zhang only felt that Lingling was joking.

Yu Yueqing didn't explain, Xiaobai is an expert in treasure hunting.

Suddenly, a commotion was heard outside.

"Does Wenyu live here?"

Two men in official uniforms drove a carriage and followed behind.

 Welcome to leave footprints, and opinions can be raised, and I will try my best to correct them.

(End of this chapter)

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