Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 12 The Qin Family

Chapter 12 Returning to the Qin Family

"Grandma, you really deserve to be my own grandma, that's great." Qin Xi looked at Li Chunhua with tears in her eyes, and said with a smile.

Although Qin Xi's words were a little strange, Li Chunhua didn't think too much about it: "That's right, just put your mind at ease! I'm here!"

"Yeah." Qin Xi nodded obediently, and then rubbed her flat stomach with her hands: "Grandma, my brother and I haven't eaten for two days. We are really hungry. Is there anything to eat at home?"

Qin Jiang didn't realize it at first, but finally understood the wink Qin Xi gave him, and said, "I'm hungry, I'm so hungry, I want to eat."

"Grandma, is there anything else to eat at home? My brother and I are so hungry that our legs are so hungry."

If you want her to work, you can't do without giving something.

Of course, this is mainly to force Li Chunhua to take out food. If the stomach is really full, other miscellaneous symptoms will also appear, such as eating too much all at once, and the stomach hurts!Hungry for too long, dizzy and dizzy!Don't take a good rest for a few days, take care of your body and then talk about work.

If you want the horse to run, then of course you have to feed the horse. Li Chunhua still understands this truth. Besides, she doesn't have any doubts about what Qin Xi said before.

So, although she was very reluctant, she still took out the food she secretly saved by cooking these days.

She doesn't want to take care of those troublesome things at home. She has been entangled in these trivial matters. She hasn't gone out to chat with the old lady for many days. Got it, she doesn't know what will happen next!
She didn't feel it when she was busy before, but now that Qin Xi came back, she felt an itch in her heart!I can't wait to fly to the secret base where the old women communicate with each other to find out the news.

Thinking of this, Li Chunhua really didn't want to wait any longer, so she went back to the house and took out a cloth bag, which contained the food she had "saved" these days. It was originally intended to be an extra meal for herself, but now it can only be cheaper for them .

There was not much food in the bag, only half a catty less, and she was not stupid, if she picked too much, she would be noticed.

"Here, save some food! This is what I managed to save." Li Chunhua reluctantly handed out the bag.

Even though they knew that there would be nothing left, they still had to point out the main points, otherwise, how could Qin Xi and the others know what she had done, and then appreciate her as their own mother!

"Thank you grandma, you are so kind." Qin Xi smiled as soon as he got the grain bag.

As for where the food came from, she didn't want to pursue it, but her behavior gave her an inspiration. Could she be a little more stuck in cooking in the future?
Think about it carefully, forget it, there are so many people in the family, there is not enough food to eat, if it gets stuck, the porridge will be as thin as water, besides, she is not like Li Chunhua, she is an elder, it is this Even if the oldest person in the family is discovered, at most she will be lectured, and there will be no other consequences, not necessarily for her, a junior.

The pay is not proportional to the benefit, and the risk is too great to be worthwhile, so you can't do it.

"It's good to know, I'm the only one in this family who still misses you, and secretly left food for you." Li Chunhua said with a proud smile to the two skinny grandsons in front of her.

"Okay, I'm going to chat with the old sisters, you guys cook and eat yourself! Don't worry about me."

After finishing speaking, Li Chunhua walked out of the house. Her first steps were not in a hurry. The farther she was from home, the faster her steps would be. One wanted to fly over immediately.

As soon as the people left, Qin Xi opened the cloth bag and saw that the dried sweet potatoes inside were mixed with some rice grains, and his eyes narrowed with a smile: "Let's go cook something to eat!"

In fact, happiness is very simple. Now she is very satisfied as long as she can eat enough.

After eating the extra meal beautifully, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang went directly back to the room to sleep. They were really tired these days, and now they can relax. Of course, they need to have a good rest.

Li Chunhua was so busy eating melons that she didn't even come back for lunch, so she took a casual bite at the home of an old sister she knew well.

When she came back in the afternoon, she thought that the family work had already been done by Qin Jiang and his sister. Who knew, they didn't move at all, the clothes were not washed, the water was not picked, and the four chickens in the family were hungry. Just thump.

She only opened the opening to see if the chickens were laying eggs, and ran out three chickens. She tried to stop them, but the hungry old hen got stubborn and couldn't stop them at all. She was also afraid of hurting them. Don't dare to act rashly, after all, these four chickens are the treasures of the family.

The successive discoveries made Li Chunhua furious. Since Qin Xi and the others had eaten, they should handle things well. This should have been a tacit understanding between them, but who would have thought that they would be so ignorant.

Angrily, she went back to the house to look for someone, and as expected, in her and Qingqing's room, she found someone who was sleeping comfortably on the bed.

The movement of Li Chunhua opening the door was not small, so Qin Xi was naturally awake.

"Qin Xi, you have gained a lot of courage! You even dare to play tricks on me." Li Chunhua's words were full of anger.

She had never looked directly at this granddaughter, but today she was swayed by an inconspicuous little person in her eyes, and the anger in her heart can be imagined.

"Grandma, where do you start with this?" Qin Xi stared straight at Li Chunhua, his words were full of confusion.

"As soon as my elder brother and I finished eating the food you gave me, my stomach felt uncomfortable. I ran to the toilet several times and my stomach still hurt. I had no choice but to lie on the bed."

"Tsk, I have a headache. I don't know why. As soon as I wake up, I feel that my eyes are jumping a little bit, and I feel dizzy and hurt when I move a little bit." Qin Xi put his hand on the temple, frowning , said in a deep tone.

"Grandma, what do you think is wrong with me? Am I sick? Will I die?"

"Grandma, do you have money? I want to go to the doctor to see, let me borrow it from you, and I will definitely pay it back in the future."

Looking left and right, Li Chunhua felt that Qin Xi's current appearance was faking, otherwise how could it be so coincidental that he fell ill as soon as he came back.

"You won't lie to me, will you?"

"Just because you don't want to work, so you deliberately pretended to be sick?"

Qin Xi categorically denied it: "Absolutely not. If you don't believe me, take me to see the doctor!"

"Grandma, ask the doctor to have a look, and you will know that what I said is true or false."

Seeing what Qin Xi said, although Li Chunhua still didn't quite believe it, she couldn't find any flaws in her. As for taking her to see a doctor, she didn't even think about it. Hospitals cost money to enter, and she How can there be that money for Qin Xi to spend.

(End of this chapter)

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