Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 11 You Sing, I Come On

Chapter 11 You Sing, I Come On

"My son!"

"I finally found you. Where have you been all these days? I'm looking for you because you don't think about food and drink, and you can't sleep all night!"

"Do you know how worried I am? Heaven has eyes, and I finally found it. Come on, go home with grandma. Your parents will not be angry a long time ago. If they come home from get off work and know that you are back, they don't know how much happy!"

When Li Chunhua saw the Qinjiang and Qinxi brothers and sisters, it was like seeing her parents who died early. She was so excited that she could only express her true feelings by crying and screaming.

Finally, she found it, and her hard life was finally over. From now on, she never wanted Qin Xi to leave her.

To be honest, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang were dumbfounded by her combination of punches. What's going on?The last time we met, didn't you still feel weird, pointing fingers and scolding Huai?It's only been a few days!It has become a routine of tears when relatives meet each other.

Seeing that there were more and more people around, Qin Xi couldn't bear it any longer: "Grandma, if you have anything to say, you should go home and talk about it! This is a public place, and you will make people laugh at you like this."

"Maybe some of our neighbors are among the people watching the excitement, and those old ladies saw this scene, so I can't make a statement for you, how bad it is!"

In the memory of the original body, Li Chunhua still pays great attention to her image in the eyes of outsiders. She is afraid that others will say that she was born in the city with mud legs and can't change the habit of the village. It has never happened to show her emotions outside like today. !
"Yes, let's go home, go home."

Li Chunhua held Qin Xi with her left hand and Qin Jiang with her right hand. With short legs, she walked very fast.

She held on tightly, for fear that if one of them didn't pay attention, the two of them would run away.

After the two of them "run away from home" for a week, she finally understood that Qin Xi stayed at home, and the biggest beneficiary was her. Commuting to and from work, housework is ignored, if Qin Xi doesn't come back to help her, she will be driven crazy.

Qin Xi also roughly knew why Li Chunhua was so excited when she saw the two of them. In fact, when she saw Li Chunhua for the first time, many thoughts flashed through her mind.

She thought about wandering with her brother Qin Jiang all the time, living an unfettered life, but the life of wandering is not easy. These days, the complexion of the two of them is worse than before. They look disheveled, and it can be seen that they have not eaten well and are nutritious bad.

It is still summer, and there are countless wild herbs and fruits in the woods around the cave. How will they live in winter?
Even if they can collect herbs and sell them for money, the price of those common herbs is really low, and the supply and marketing cooperatives ask for tickets for everything. Just a quilt in winter can make them worry to death, let alone other things.

Therefore, Qin Xi chose to go back with Li Chunhua. Among other things, three bowls of thick porridge a day can still be guaranteed. When the time comes, she will take Qin Jiang outside to get some extra money, and her life will not be happy.

Of course, when I go back this time, my own personality can be revealed. She was worried that there would be mistakes before, but now she has figured it out. None of the smart people from top to bottom in the Qin family put their original body on their own. In their eyes and hearts, no matter how much she changed, they would only go wild when she was successful, and after they captured Qin Jiang, their true nature was revealed.

As for Qin Jiang, he didn't care about whether he would go home or not. Anyway, he only believed in one thing, that is, to follow his sister, where Qin Xi was, he was where Qin Xi was, and nothing else mattered.

After returning to the familiar place, Li Chunhua immediately relaxed: "Xiaoxi, where have you and the boss been running these days? I'm really worried that something will happen to you!"

It's really strange, in their original expectation, whether it is Qin Xi or Qin Jiang, they are the fish on the dead hook, they can't escape, they should just circle around the Qin family's house, desperately performing, looking for opportunities to seek Forgiveness from the family.

They have all made up their minds, and when the two of them are so hungry, they will give them something to eat. The condition is to let them work at home, give them a stick, and give them a sweet date, so they don't worry about their disobedience, but who knows, The two men ran away and searched everywhere they could, but there was no news of them.

The Qin family was prepared for the worst, thinking that Qin Jiang and Qin Xi were abducted by traffickers. After all, those two were not smart, and they didn't know a single word. They felt that the traffickers just took a steamed bun, or You can fool people away by grabbing a candy.

"Just wander around! We've slept in places like Damaluqiaodong."

"We also picked up two broken bowls. When we were hungry, we took a broken bowl and knocked on doors. If we were lucky, we could also eat a bite of food."

"If you really can't find anything to eat, we'll go to the wild to pick wild fruits and vegetables. We've spent seven or eight days like this. We can't hold on today, so we want to come back and have a look."

"Of course, my brother and I are afraid of losing our family, so the place to beg for food is a little far away from home, so as not to see acquaintances, which will make it difficult for you." Qin Xi blinked, thinking about all the sad things in his life, and the eyes finally A little bit wet, it looks so pitiful.

It is not easy for her to make her words appear more real!

Li Chunhua can open her eyes and talk nonsense in order to lure them back to work, why can't she!Just say it casually, the worse the better, true and false, who can tell the difference.

"Sister." Qin Jiang knew that what Qin Xi said was not true, but seeing her sad and lost appearance, he couldn't help but walked to her side, patted her thin shoulder with his hands, and comforted her.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to have such a hard time outside. I knew it would be like this. I would never agree with your mother to drive you out."

"I thought she was joking, so I went as she wished. When her anger subsides, you will come back naturally, but..."

Li Chunhua looked at the two brothers and sisters hesitatingly, her eyes gradually filled with drama: "Forget it, let's not talk about her, this family is not covered by her alone, I will decide what you come back, so you can stay at home with peace of mind." !"

"With me here, no one can touch you."

That's right, she was sowing dissension openly and aboveboard, so Qin Jiang didn't say anything. She is a fool who can't understand human language, but Qin Xi is still worth sowing. Qingqing is good to her. If Qin Xi wins over Come here, her voice at home will naturally be louder.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been fighting openly and secretly for so many years, and Li Chunhua has gained experience in fighting. Facing Liu Qin, when he used to fight with his sister-in-law, the way of slapstick and roll copying guys is no longer applicable. It doesn't work.

(End of this chapter)

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