Chapter 10 Regret
It took a day to dry the honeysuckle. Of course, they were not idle during this day.

Qin Xi found some other medicinal materials, such as black nightshade lantern fruit and small bupleurum motherwort, and she picked them no matter whether they could be sold or not.

Early the next morning after the herbs were dried, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang set off with their things, and they went straight to the pharmacy in the county town.

As a result, as soon as they entered the door, they just asked about selling medicinal materials, and then they were kicked out.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's all stipulated, private buying and selling are not allowed, don't come here to harm me, if you want to sell something, go to the buying station, we don't accept it here."

"Sister." Qin Jiang looked at Qin Xi with worried eyes.

"It's okay, didn't he just say, sell things to the buying station, let's go there and have a look, we finally found a place to sell things." Qin Xi comforted with an optimistic attitude.

Her heart has always been big, and these words from strangers are nothing to her, and she forgets them after hearing them.

The two went directly to the buying station. They were collecting honeysuckle, but the price was unimaginably cheap, one yuan and one kilogram, that is to say, only fifty-five cents a catty. They had been busy for several hours before picking the honeysuckle. , After drying, it is only four or two dollars.

Standing at the entrance of the buying station, Qin Xi, who was holding a quarter in his hand, felt quite uncomfortable. The money was too difficult to earn, so a big bag of honeysuckle was sold for this little money!
Qin Jiang was quite happy, they had money, and it was their own money.

"Sister, we have money."

"Well, let's go to the supply and marketing agency to buy salt first. I haven't eaten salt for a few days. After a long time, my body can't stand it."

Although at this time, daily necessities such as rice, flour, cloth, egg toffee, etc. are in short supply. First, the price is high and cannot be bought. It is one of the few materials that can supply daily needs at this time.

Salt that costs [-] cents a catty and doesn't require a ticket, to be honest, it's not expensive, especially compared to before, the price is not too cheap, but the key now is that she has no money.

Qin Xi only bought salt for five cents, which was enough for the brother and sister to eat for a long time.

The remaining money was not enough to buy other things, so Qin Xi simply took Qin Jiang to the scrap yard.

There isn't much good stuff in there, and if there are really good things, it's not their turn to pick them up.

Rummaging around inside, Qin Xi bought a pair of rusty iron plates from the janitor for two cents, and spent a little effort grinding them out. This iron plate may not be useable as a knife.

The knives in the supply and marketing cooperative are not only expensive, but also need industrial coupons, which they can afford.

With the rest of the money, Qin Xi bought grain from farmers in the suburbs. Refined grains were unaffordable, but the cheapest sweet potatoes could buy eight catties.

At noon, the two ate a meal of steamed sweet potatoes. Although it was a sweet potato, it was a bit hard and the sweetness was not so obvious, but to them, the taste of this sweet potato was already a delicacy in the world. People who have been hungry for a long time can eat anything. fragrant.

In the afternoon, the two continued to be busy. The honeysuckle vines that they had picked a lot of honeysuckle before were also squandered by them, but they did not kill them all.

The two of them went to the woods to collect a lot of firewood, and checked to see if there were any herbs they knew, and took them back. After a week passed, the sweet potatoes they bought before were finished, and this time the two of them went to the county town with two large bags of herbs. .

The herbs they brought to the city this time were much more mixed. There were more or less common herbs. When Qin Xi sold honeysuckle last time, he asked about them. The purchasing station accepted them all, but The price is relatively cheap, but no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

When the two of them came out of the supply and marketing cooperative, it was seven or eight minutes later, and they had a "huge sum" in their hands, one yuan and twenty cents, which was the result of a week's labor of the two of them.

In fact, firewood can also be sold. Neatly arranged firewood can be sold for two or three cents a load when it is picked up in the county, but the two of them don't even have a handy knife in their hands. Those that can be sold for money, little The two of them couldn't do anything about the branches as thick as the child's wrist. Those small branches that were blown down by the wind were not burnt. It was okay to pick them up and burn them. No one wanted to sell them.

After leaving the supply and marketing cooperative, both of them were excited. The money was earned by their own ability, which showed that they had the ability to support themselves. Next, they had to take a good look around the county and decide what to buy.

Li Chunhua was told by a neighbor that he saw Qinjiang and Qinxi brothers and sisters on Xiushan Street, and threw the bucket of water to the neighbor directly, and hurried to Xiushan Street, his legs and feet were so quick.

This period of time has exhausted her terribly. If Qin Xi doesn't come back, her old bones will fall apart. Therefore, Qin Xi must still wait for her there!If they didn't call them back this time, who knows when they will show up in Yongxin County next time.

Liu Qin, that unreasonable crazy woman, clearly made her decision to drive people out to admit their mistakes, but she never interfered in the family affairs, and just acted as the shopkeeper. She lived a chic life, but it made her old woman miserable.

When I open my eyes every morning, what I think about is cooking breakfast for the whole family, washing dishes and feeding the chickens, a lot of dirty clothes at home waiting for her to wash, the water in the water tank at home will always be used up so quickly, and the vegetable garden Grass grew and worms grew in the yard, and everyone would only call her, as if they had no long hands, which really made people angry.

In the past few days, the Qin family has been scolded by her, like Qin Shan, who was scolded bloody by her, who told him that his eyes can't see things, his eyes are dull, and when he yelled a few words, her throat I was in pain, and I didn't see how he could help. He was as lazy as a pig. He crawled out of her intestines. How could he hide the small thoughts in his heart from her.

Even Qin Qing couldn't help being sprayed by her a few times. Who told her to be busy, whether she had to take a bath and wash clothes, or thought there was chicken feces and dust, once or twice, she still had the patience to serve her, After all, she is her favorite granddaughter, but there are so many times, no one can help it!

In the past few days, the Qin family's life has been called a lively one. When the whole family is at home, they are so noisy that the neighbors around them can see all the excitement.

Inevitably, the Qin family's expulsion of Qinjiang and Qinxi was revealed again, but this time, it's not a one-sided criticism. The public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the woman is right. The final conclusion is, Li Chunhua is too useless, this family can't do without Qinjiang and Qinxi.

Li Chunhua also endured to the limit. She greeted all the neighbors she knew. If anyone saw the Qinjiang brothers and sisters, they must inform her. She figured it out. As long as Qinjiang and Qinxi come back, she can continue to live. In the leisurely days before, the most urgent task is to find the person back.

(End of this chapter)

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