Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 9 Settlement Cave

Chapter 9 Settlement Cave
Li Chunhua's unreasonableness, Qin Xi had a deep understanding in just two days, seeing Liu Qin came out now, he was greatly relieved, someone who could communicate came out.

"Then that..." Qin Xi couldn't say the word "Mom" no matter what, he hesitated, and finally took a deep breath, and went straight to the point. The name should not be that important, I believe Liu Qin will not care.

"This is the frog that my elder brother and I caught last night. It's enough to feed the family."

After finishing speaking, Qin Xi took all the frogs in Qin Jiang's hand into her hand, and stretched out his hand to Liu Qin.

Liu Qin just looked at it, didn't answer it, and didn't have any expression on her face. To her, this thing is really not worth mentioning, just three words, it's not rare.

This time she wanted to teach the two of them a profound lesson, as far as their current state of mind was concerned, it was far from enough.

The two are now subdued, just because they are homeless and have no food in their stomachs, not because they have truly recognized their mistakes, and they have not truly respected their elders, so the lesson is not enough. The two haven't received enough lessons outside, and haven't understood the true meaning of the four words "clothing, food, parents".

"I don't want it. Aren't you two very tough yesterday? Why are you soft today?"

"Your father bled and sweated, worked so hard for so many years, and raised you two bastards. Now I don't know how sad I am!"

"The two of you are so capable! Let's go! There is no room for your two great Buddhas under my temple."

Li Chunhua was very moved by the frog in the hands of the two, it was meat!It is difficult for the family to eat the meat last time in a month.

Although there is no need to work in the city, the food is not much better than in the village. The main reason is that there are too many people in the family. The salary of two people needs to support six children plus her an old woman. Liu Qin has always been generous to her family. Every time she went back to her natal home, the whole family had to tighten their belts for three days.

She hasn't eaten meat for more than a month. Now that someone has delivered meat to her door, there is no reason not to eat it. Thinking of this, a smile quickly appeared on her face, and the broom in her hand was also behind her back. With a flick, she threw the broom back into the house.

"Look at me, I woke up early in the morning, my eyes were blurred, I thought it was Mrs. Wang from next door who came to the door!"

"Blame me, blame me." Li Chunhua patted his face lightly a few times: "I'm getting old! You can't accept the old age, you can read it wrong, you don't blame me, do you?"

Qin Jiang and Qin Xi didn't speak, but they both shook their heads. Liu Qin was very resistant to them, and her attitude didn't soften in the slightest. Although Li Chunhua had other goals, they could only pin their hopes on her now.

"That's good, that's good, you are all good kids, I knew it, and you won't blame me." Li Chunhua said as she approached the two of them, and took the things in their hands very naturally.

"Quack, croak, croak." The frog, who had been quiet for a long time, cried out uneasily because of her actions.

Li Chunhua turned around and went back to the kitchen with her things, but she turned back quickly: "However, your behavior yesterday was too much. This time I am standing by Liu Qin's side. My son was injured by you, and he still has to go to work." , to earn money to support the family, what are you doing!"

"I've lived for nearly 60 years, and this is the first time I've seen my children dare to fight with their parents. If it was in the past, no one would care if you were killed, and the neighbors would have to say hello."

"So, you better go!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chunhua sighed and dragged Liu Qin back to the house, and closed the door behind her.

"How long are you going to hang them?"

"It's not long, ten days and a half months! It's fine if you don't starve to death. This time, you have to teach them a big lesson, otherwise it will be difficult to manage in the future."

"Okay, my old lady doesn't care about this matter, I will listen to you."

Anyway, it wasn't born by her, and my own mother didn't feel bad about it, why did she feel bad about it!
After the two turned back to the house, Qin Jiang looked at Qin Xi worriedly: "Sister, I will work hard, I will support you."

"Don't worry, the world is so big, there is always a place for us." Qin Xi forced a smile and comforted him.

The two wandered around the county town for a while, and they were really hungry, so they went back to the forest they went to yesterday afternoon. Among other things, there are still a lot of wild fruits there.

The Qin family didn't intend to go back either. They gathered a bunch of hay and carried them to Qin Jiang's secret base, that is, the cave, and spread the grass on the ground. This is the bed they slept at night.

There are some things in the cave, but most of them are firewood picked up by Qin Jiang. There is no food, and there are cooking utensils. These are all problems that they need to solve urgently.

Thinking of this, Qin Xi couldn't sit still, and took Qin Jiang out.

They haven't slept all night, and their eyeballs are covered with bloodshot eyes, but they have no intention of sleeping at all now. The harsh living environment is like a knife hanging above their heads, and the flustered sense of urgency is always there. It oppresses their nerves and makes them dare not stop.

It took half an hour to return to the county seat. Qin Xi and Qin Jiang went back to Qin's house quietly. At this time, Li Chunhua was usually outside bragging with old ladies of the same age, or gossiping and not at home. , which facilitates their actions.

After peeking around the corner of the neighbor's house for a long time, after confirming that Li Chunhua was not at home, Qin Xi led Qin Jiang and swaggered open the door of Qin's house.

After entering the house, the two went straight to their respective rooms and packed their things, mainly clothes and so on. They had been running outside for the past two days, and their bodies smelled bad.

After packing up the things that should be packed, Qin Xi went to the kitchen. The Qin family only had a big iron pot, so she didn't move it. She just took a broken clay pot with a chip in the corner. She didn't move the matchbox, but inside She took more than a dozen matchsticks, as well as discarded matchboxes that had been used before.

After leaving the kitchen, Qin Jiang was already waiting in the living room: "Have you got your clothes?"

"Yeah, I've packed all my things." Qin Jiang nodded obediently, because what they were doing now was too exciting, and he was a little excited when he spoke.

"Then let's go!" Qin Xi led Qin Jiang away from the backyard, and even picked some fruits and vegetables from the vegetable garden.

The two ate persimmons and cucumbers on the road, and walked while eating to relieve their hunger.

For lunch, the two of them ate stewed beans. Although it was boiled, the taste was not very good, but the two of them who hadn't eaten for a few meals directly showed off everything.

In the afternoon, the two picked up firewood. Qin Xi also found a large piece of honeysuckle in a mountain depression. It took the two of them more than two hours to pick all the flowers and wrap them back in their clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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