Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 206 Will there be a new educated youth?

"Stay at home, who would go out in the weather like before!" Tang Ying replied angrily.

Such a tone of voice would make the interrogators feel unfriendly, but she just wanted to make them feel uncomfortable, so that they would not come to pester her.

"Hehe, that's right!" Zeng Rou felt a little uncomfortable because Tang Ying's reaction to her was too indifferent.

This is the first time she has been treated coldly by others since she was pregnant these days. To be honest, she is not used to it, and of course, she also hates Tang Ying.

Next, whether it was Tangying Qinxi, who was eager to get rid of the three of them, or Zeng Rouyunqing, who didn't know what to say, they all fell silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

Of course, the most embarrassing thing was Chen Yue, who couldn't say anything and felt a little self-pitying.

She has now become a marginal figure in the trio formed with Zeng Rou Yunqing.

Zeng Rou and Yun Qing are both married people, there are many topics to talk about between the two parties, one is envious of their young couple living alone and living a comfortable life, the other is envious of the other party having elders to help them, once they start talking, the two will disagree If it's over, at this time, Chen Yue can't get in her mouth at all.

In contrast, Chen Yue, who was still alone, didn't seem very gregarious in their trio.

What's more, it was Zeng Rou's sister-in-law who snatched her partner. The sister-in-law relationship between the two is still very deep in the eyes of outsiders. This knot has always existed between the two of them, and it can't be ignored if they don't touch each other.

Chen Yue is getting older and is already twenty, and she also wants to find a home for herself. The young man in the village, she thinks he is rustic and smells like mud, so she doesn't like him.

Unless it is the son of a village cadre, she may still consider it, just like Zeng Rou back then, but three years have passed, and those who are the same age as her or two or three years older than her have all married wives and had children. No chance.

Originally, her best choice was Yang Jianhua, but if she didn't pay attention, she completed the big event of getting married in just one month, just a few years ago, and now the young couple is already living in the office of the village primary school. Now, we are in the period of sweet love!
He has been going to the countryside for many years, and he has always been single, and he has never even seen him come out. Who knows, seeing the girl Fangfang from the left neighbor village next door, it was like an old house on fire. The marriage was decided, and half a month later, the process was completed, and the two got married directly.

There was no banquet, the two bought wedding candy very low-key, and after sharing it with the children in the village, they moved in together.

After Yang Jianhua got married, he became a member of the elite. Now, the only single educated youths left in Chenhui Village are He Yuan, Qin Jiang and Qin He.

The relationship between He Yuan and Tang Ying, she lived with them every day in the educated youth spot, how could she not be clear, she couldn't get in the atmosphere between the two at all, it was very ambiguous, and He Yuan didn't like to talk to her.

Not to mention Qin Jiang and Qin He. Qin Jiang was the target of her rumors in the first place. Qin He had no contact with her, and neither brother wanted to talk to her.

Not to mention, these two people are younger than her, so she can't stop chewing on young grass!

If she wants to develop something with Qin, Qin Xi should be the first one who is not happy!Don't look at her inconspicuousness, she is the one who is sad. After all, the friendship between the three brothers and sisters who went to the countryside together cannot be easily compared with other people.

In short, the reason why all these things add up is the fact that she is still alone, and she is still alone without a goal.

She didn't understand, she was not bad in appearance, why no one liked and chased after her!At the beginning, Zeng Rou had seduced the male souls of the entire Chen Hui Village, and many people showed love to her. In the end, Chen Liangyu, relying on his status as the youngest son of the village party secretary, embraced the beauty.

"Hey, do you know that in a few days, the educated youth will come to the village again?" Zeng Rou thought of what she was listening to her father-in-law at home, and finally found another topic to cut into.

Because it was about educated youth, she paid close attention to it and listened carefully.

"What?" Tang Ying and Chen Yue exclaimed together.

Both of them live in the educated youth spot, so this incident has the greatest impact on them.

"This time, how many new educated youths are coming to the village?" At this time, Yun Qing was glad that she and Fangzheng had moved out, otherwise, they would not have known that new educated youths had arrived, so what would have happened!

I have lived in a place for a long time, and a stranger suddenly broke into it. Everyone will have a stress reaction related to rejection!This is also the reason why she and Chen Yue wanted to give Tang Ying and Qin Xi a blow in the first place.

They are also afraid of being bullied by the newcomers, so they simply take the initiative to let the other party know that they are not easy to provoke and bully, and if they want to make a soft persimmon in the future, they will weigh their weight, because they are not newcomers and can be bullied.

"It seems to be three or four. Before NO.20, they will come to our village."

"It's only been a few days. I don't know the specific situation very well. When the person arrives, you can just go and meet him."

"Hey, there are more and more educated youths in Chen Hui Village, and I don't know when they will be big!"

Although Zeng Rou is also an educated youth, she has left the ranks of educated youth since the day she married Chen Liangyu, but she also pretends to be aloof and has been unable to integrate into the village for a long time, so she has become a middleman.

As a member of Chenhui Village, she naturally does not want educated youths to come to the village again. The grain, firewood and wild vegetables that those educated youths eat are all resources of Chenhui Village. The ones in the hands of people will naturally decrease.

Although she no longer lives in the educated youth spot, she still has contact with the educated youths in the educated youth spot. If someone is unreasonable or particularly scheming, there will be trouble.

Oh, what she dislikes the most are those women who are particularly scheming and know how to behave. The former will make her feel that she has seen a copy of herself, which will cause her a sense of disgust. The latter will make her feel uncomfortable because she has not taken this aspect into account. To straighten things out, let alone do them well, her popularity in the village has never been very good.

On some occasions, it's the same with her or without her, which makes her feel that she has been completely neglected, and she is not very comfortable in this kind of place.

She didn't understand, she had already been polite and reasonable, and smiled when meeting people, but in front of some elders in the village, especially Chen Liangyu's elders, her reputation was mediocre. Those feudal old antiques, not only did not look up to her because she was an educated youth and educated, but they were very picky and preached to her, which was very annoying.

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