Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 207 2 Men and 1 Woman New Educated Youth

Chapter 207 Two men and one woman new educated youth
On the No. 20 day of the first lunar month, the village party secretary drove an ox cart to pick up the educated youth.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, there was movement outside the educated youth spot, and Tang Ying, who had been waiting for He Yuan who hadn't slept, hurriedly opened the half-hidden kitchen door.

Before that, they burned firewood, and the fire in the fire pit was not extinguished. They also heated hot water, hoping to dispel their uneasiness of coming to a strange place for the first time and the fatigue caused by traveling for a long time.

This was the first time they came here, and they hoped that what the old educated youths in the educated youth had prepared for them had finally made some compensation for themselves.

Regarding the series of stupid behaviors of the two of them, the other person involved, Chen Yue, was happy to see the results, and did not lose her temper coquettishly. The current educated youth spot is no longer the former educated youth spot.

At that time, she had the right to lose her temper because she had someone to back her up and her sisters to comfort her. Now she lives alone in the educated youth spot, and no matter how ignorant she is, she will be pushed out and bullied.

This time she also stayed up late, waiting for the arrival of new educated youths. She planned to win over the hearts of these new educated youths, and win them over with a gentle, generous, warm and kind-hearted image. She wanted to change her current position, a marginalized person, she Never want to be again.

He Yuan and Tang Ying have made a series of preparations. She can blur the concept and pretend that she has made a contribution. She can use this to win people's hearts!

As soon as Chen Yue heard the noise, she woke up from her drowsiness. However, she was not completely awake after all. When she came to her senses, she was still a little slow.

Seeing that Tang Ying and He Yuan opened the kitchen door, she rushed up with a brisk stride, and rushed to the front position before the two parties could speak.

The smile on his face froze on his face when he saw Chen Zongze, the village party secretary standing in the front. Why is it him?

The scene she made at Chen Liangyu's house back then was a huge one. At the beginning, she was fearless, but now that she thinks about it, she is full of fear.

Seeing that one of the parties involved at that time was also one of the parties whom she pointed at her nose and scolded, Chen Yue felt embarrassed and wanted to scratch the ground with her toes. before.

"Now there are only you three old educated youths in the educated youth spot. These are the three new educated youths. You get to know each other. The old educated youths will make arrangements for the new educated youths. I will go first." Chen Zongze slipped away after finishing speaking.

He didn't want to get involved in the next thing. He was already annoyed enough by the arrival of three more educated youths, but now there were three more freelancers, how could he have the heart to arrange them!

The five people who came last time were pretty safe. It’s been a year and they haven’t caused any trouble. I hope the three who came this time will also be safe and happy. Let’s live a good life!
The last time Captain Chen Aiguo brought Qin Xi, Tang Ying and the others to the educated youth spot, he also said a few words before leaving the educated youth behind, so his departure this time was a big deal for Tang Ying and He Yuan. It's not surprising at all.

As soon as the village party secretary left, Chen Yue, who seemed to have been sealed before, put on a friendly smile on her face: "Hello, my name is Chen Yue, and I have been here in Chenhui Village for three years."

"I've been running around all day today, so I'm tired!"

"Come into the house to cool off the cold. There is hot water in the house. Feel free to take it. You're welcome. It's all prepared for you."

"When you get here, it's like coming to your own home. From now on, we will be a family. Come in and sit down!"

Several new educated youths, after hearing these words, finally let go of their previously hanging hearts. It seems that the old educated youths in this place are not bad, and the relationship between the educated youths is quite harmonious.

The three educated youths who came this time were two males and one female. The two male educated youths were Xuzhou Xu Mu and the female was Yuan Ping. All three came from Wusha City.

Xu Zhou and Xu Mu are cousins, and like the three brothers and sisters of the Qin family, they belong to a natural alliance.

As for Yuan Ping, she was just a fellow villager from the same city as them. They had never met each other before, and they only got to know each other this time when they went to the countryside.

"Thank you." Yuan Ping reached out to take the cup of hot water handed over by Chen Yue, and sincerely thanked her.

Braving the cold wind and driving at night, the companions in the car were all men she didn't know well. She was worried all the way. When she arrived at the educated youth spot, she saw these two educated youths, and her heart was truly relieved. up.

"Where are you all from?" Chen Yue took the opportunity to sit next to the female educated youth named Yuan Ping.

This female educated youth is her key target to win over. As long as she is wined over, she and Yun Qing and the others will not go together as three people, and she will be a follower behind.

When the time comes, the four of them will leave together, and she will be accompanied.

"We all came from Wusha City. We've been driving for a day, and we're only here now."

Wusha City is also a city under the jurisdiction of Ontario Province. It is quite far from Chen Hui Village. The three of them took a bus on the way and arrived at Qingyu County. Chen Hui arrived at around ten o'clock this evening. village.

To be honest, after riding in the car for so long, they were already exhausted. If they had the opportunity to fall asleep, they would not hesitate, but no, they would have to make the bed later.

"Hearing what you said, I remembered that when I came here, I also sat in the car for a long time, and I was so tired."

Tang Ying couldn't get involved in their conversation, and she never thought about getting involved, let alone making friends with the new female educated youth. She just had Qin Xi as a good friend.

The friendship between her and Qin Xi has developed to a very deep level. The two came together, their personalities are very compatible, and they are very compatible in all aspects. She has always felt that the two of them became friends, and it was a match made in heaven. No one else He can be more in tune with her than Qin Xi.

Next to him, He Yuan and the two brothers Xuzhou and Xu Mu had a good chat, mainly because He Yuan was introducing some basic information about the educated youth spot to them.

To be honest, since Yang Jianhua moved out, the educated youth spot has become a mess. You do what you do, and I do mine. Except for living together, there is basically no intersection.

Oh, by the way, the vegetable garden assigned to the educated youth in the village was divided by them. It was divided into three parts before, but now it will be divided into six parts. Not to mention, small dishes such as onion, ginger, garlic and pepper still need to be prepared by yourself. Plant something to eat.

Tang Ying sat beside He Yuan, silently observing the new educated youth. From some small details, one could deduce this person's personality and way of doing things.

It's not that she doesn't want to sleep, but she lives in a multi-person bed, as long as one of them is awake and making continuous noises, the others will naturally not be able to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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