Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 208 Spring Ploughing

Chapter 208 Spring Ploughing

The arrival of the new educated youth caused ripples in the village, but it was quickly overshadowed by the new news.

The village lacks everything, except for all kinds of gossip and rumors that are not lacking, and some people say that they have nose and eyes.

Adding oil and vinegar, fanning the flames, they use their skillful skills, the news at the entrance of this village changes every day, and the people watching are overwhelmed, just two words, exciting.

If the rumormonger provokes those who are bad-tempered and fearless, they will be chased and beaten with a bench or a big stick. If you are lucky, you will run away. Just don't be mean next time. If you are not lucky, you will not run away. His body was bruised and bruised, and he deserved it. For the next half month, the talk in the village was the confrontation between the two of them.

In Chenhui Village, where there are no other recreational activities, the information exchange station at the entrance of the village is the biggest source of spiritual food for some people, and they rely on this news every day to pass the boring life.

In a blink of an eye, it was another month, and spring plowing came.

The group of old women who gathered at the entrance of the village every day to talk and laugh, also went to the ground one by one.

As soon as the autumn harvest ended last year, the dry land in the village was plowed by the villagers with hoes. If the snow in winter is heavy and the ice is thick and lasts for a long time, the insects hiding in the soil for the winter may freeze to death.

In the era of no pesticides to kill insects, this is the simplest way to kill insects.

As for the paddy fields in the village, they are all filled with water. The five old yellow cattle in the village are ready to wait. As for the two calves born last year, they are still too young to plow the land without even wearing a nose rope. .

The cattle in Chenhui Village are not too small among the ten or so nearby villages. Therefore, the pressure of spring plowing in their village is far less than that of other villages.

For example, in some villages where there are very few cattle, the young people in the village have to take turns plowing the fields. This work is very hard, and people with poor health and weak strength cannot do it.

The rice fields used for raising seedlings are naturally the first to be plowed. When these fields are plowed, the time has come to the beginning of March, and the seeds have already been soaked. After soaking for two or three days, when the rice seeds germinate, they can be sprinkled on the ground. The rice fields were swept into very flat fields. These fields were also covered with bamboo frames and covered with straw, which was equivalent to a large shed for the rice fields.

The villagers made it themselves, in order to keep warm, increase the temperature and humidity, and create good conditions for seedlings.

It takes almost a month to raise seedlings, which means that by mid-April, the village will be able to plant them.

During spring plowing, everyone is busy. The edge of each paddy field needs to be inspected and repaired by the villagers. Some places that are broken and leaking need to be repaired with mud. Throw it directly into the paddy field and use it for composting.

Some shrubs or tall reeds that are too lush to block the sunlight in the field need to be cut down and rooted.

Qin Xi and Tang Ying were assigned to the same work group. The work they do every day now is to pull weeds. The fields are covered with shepherd's purse, dandelions, gray vegetables, wild peppers, shallots and other wild vegetables, as well as wild grasses. These grasses It will compete with the crops in the ground for nutrients in the ground and needs to be pulled out.

Wild vegetables can be taken home and eaten by yourself. Although weeding is not a lot of work points, it only takes five work points for a full day, but there are extra rewards!And it's not tiring, at most it's just backache and leg pain.

This is for Qin Xi who has never been in the ground before. Although she often drilled in the woods last year, it was different from mechanically squatting or bending over to pull weeds now.

Besides, after all, it has been raised for a whole winter, and the bones of the body are a little tired. After returning from work, I really don't want to move at all, or the kind that makes me feel tired even if I move my fingers.

After the snow melted this year, Qin Xi went into the mountains a few times, but the places she took care of last year had very little harvest. Even if she deliberately kept the seeds, it still couldn't compare with last year.

Last year, she dug herbs in the woods. On average, she could earn seven or eight yuan a month. But this year, if she continues to do this work, her income may be cut in half, and it is still not as good as every year. , Career development is severely limited.

There are only so many resources in this forest. Where she has dug, the resources will naturally become less and less. In short, this road is almost blocked, and it is time for her to find a new way out.

She didn't want to work hard in the fields and sweat with others every day. It wasn't that she looked down on this. She wasn't afraid of sweating, but she was afraid that she would sweat in vain.

She has always felt that the effort of farming is not directly proportional to the harvest. Like her elder brother and second brother, they can get eight work points a day. Excluding the rainy leave and rest time, let’s count them as two hundred days of work a year!

After two hundred days of sweating in the fields, in the end, they only had about three hundred kilograms of grain and about ten yuan. This was their entire harvest for a year. During the working period, they were not provided with food or shelter. It was a huge loss for grandma. Home, they can't even earn the little food they eat every day.

Although a small part of the work points of the two brothers was used to buy Qin Xi's head rations last year, it was still not worth it. If they didn't care about Qin Xi, they might be able to share more than 20 yuan alone, which is also considered Nothing.

When she was a child, she had seen countless times the scenes of her grandparents hunched over and working hard in the fields. The income brought by such hardworking people from farming was only enough for the family to eat and drink very frugally.

When I was young, I worked hard to cultivate the land, and half of the grain had to be handed over. If I rented the land from others, minus the handed-in rent, rented and planted an acre of land, and the rice left for my own food in the end was only a few dollars. Ten catties, not worth it, right?But there is no way, I want to eat!
She has never understood why the older generation of farmers, who have worked so hard to pay taxes and have contributed so much to the country, do not have any protection when they grow old. All their contributions seem to have been wiped out. Everyone All naturally ignored them.

Therefore, most of the villagers in the village have left their homes to make a living in other places. A large amount of farmland has been abandoned. The fields that were previously cultivated with hard work are now overgrown with weeds, thorns, shrubs, and even pine trees.

But this is also a return to nature in another sense. There are more and more snakes, insects, rats and ants in the wild grass.

Turning around, Qin Xi turned his attention to the rabbit he bought years ago. Now there are eight rabbits at home, and only five of the eight little rabbits that came with the big rabbit are left.

As for the litter that the big rabbit gave birth to later, even though they had taken great care of it, there were still only two left, and the others died for various reasons.

(End of this chapter)

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