In mid-April, rice planting began in the village, and Qin Xi followed suit.

When other times are not too busy, Qin Xi can go to clear pigweed like the children in the village, but now it is spring plowing, even children and pregnant women have to go to the fields to help with the work. It is about food, and no one can escape Work, unless you are really disabled, or very old.

At this time, the piglets were only a few dozen catties, they were not big, and they ate little. With that little pigweed, a few people would fight back, and there was no need for so many people at all.

When Qin Xi was planting rice seedlings, his eyes would always uncontrollably glance at the ten-year-old girl who was not far ahead, but who was extremely quick at work.

The little girl was only as tall as her chest, but she hadn't finished planting one field yet, and the little girl was already planting the second field. What's more, this person was about to catch up to her, which made her seem Very pulled.

Qin Xi straightened up, thumped his sore waist, and looked at Tang Ying, who was obviously not as good as her, and regained a little bit of confidence.

As for the new female educated youth, she adapted very quickly and was almost on the same level as her. She found out that this person is very tenacious. She is not afraid of bugs in the paddy field, such as water spiders, leech and small flying insects, which makes her work much faster.

At the beginning, the seedlings planted by Yuan Ping looked crooked and out of shape, but soon, she arranged the seedlings neatly like a formation, and they looked very beautiful. The person who taught her The sense of accomplishment is also directly full. Everyone will like such a good student who is diligent and studious and has excellent grades.

In her comparison, Chen Yue, who has been in Chenhui Village for three years, is very trash. She is the slowest worker among all the people, and the seedlings she planted are also the ugliest.

The seedlings she planted are like drunkards who can't stand upright, staggering to and fro, just three words, hurting the eyes.

If this work is too sloppy, you will eventually be asked to make amends and re-insertion. If you are still as sloppy and unclean as ever, your work points may be deducted in the end.

The adaptability of seedlings is still very good. As long as the roots touch the soft and wet soil, they will take root in three to five days, and it will not take more than a week at most.

Then, the seedlings will grow longer and straighter with the passage of time. Some villages have fewer people, but in villages with a lot of fields, it is not transplanting at all, but throwing. This kind of work is done very quickly. Of course, throwing , it is inevitable that there will be some unevenness, but the flaws do not conceal the virtues.

In villages with serious labor shortages, this method is really necessary.

Like Yunzhuang, they belonged to a village with a vast land and few people. The area occupied by that village was too large, and there was a high mountain behind it.

There are only 500 native villagers in Yunzhuang, but they occupy thousands of acres of land and hundreds of mountains. Some of the mountains are planted with fruit trees, and some with pine trees. Everything on these mountains can be For cash, especially fruit, they have their own cannery.

Like the paddy fields in Yunzhuang, spring plowing uses the method of throwing rice seedlings. When the harvest season comes, they will hire people to work for them in the name of the village collective. After all, if the grain in the field is not at a specific time Once the ripe grains are collected, if they encounter heavy rains, or if the sweet potatoes are not collected from the fields, or if the weather is cold or frosty, the food will be spoiled and lost.

It can be seen from this that the village of Yunzhuang is rich.

"Qin Xi, look, there's another one." Tang Ying held on tightly to the two-finger-sized fish, which was quite exciting, there must have been too many surprises today!

After finishing speaking, she wrapped the little fish with rolled up trousers.

Tang Ying was very lucky today. This was the fifth fish she had caught, and they were all wrapped in her trousers.

"You're so lucky today." Qin Xi said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

In the same paddy field, she spent exactly the same amount of time in this field as Tang Ying. As a result, Tang Ying was the fifth fish. She only saw the leech not far away, and there was another fish entangled in her before. On the leg, it was about to suck blood, but she tore it away and threw it forward.

Things like leeches are too ugly, she doesn't like them, if she is not forced to, she will not take the initiative to touch this thing, if she can throw it to the shore, Qin Xi doesn't mind spending some time to kill this thing Ugly bug, but she is now in the middle of this huge paddy field.

The field she is in now has a quarter of an acre. Every time a field is filled with seedlings, she can get a work point. This field is artificially divided into 14 yuan with seedlings. Then he can get fourteen work points today. To be honest, it is very difficult.

Although the village usually assigns work points, when it comes to sowing and harvesting, work points must be calculated according to labor. The more work you do, the more you get, and the less you work, the less you get. This, to a certain extent, curbs the lazy fishermen in the village. Bastard.

If this is a strong laborer who can't earn four or five work points a day, he will definitely complain when he goes back. The more radical parents will definitely use a big stick to discipline their children.

The three aunts and six women in the village will not forget to help you spread the word. When the time comes, others will come to your home to see you and ask the people around you. Isn’t this a bad thing?

Of course, more importantly, there is a time limit for sowing and harvesting. If the villagers are not given an upward goal at this time, things will be delayed. In the village, food matters are the top priority. No delay.

Like Qin Xi and Tang Ying, during spring plowing, they can get four or five work points every day. If they don't hinder the village too much, they can be regarded as serious efforts. After all, the work of planting rice is really wasteful!
After bending over in the paddy field all day, when the afternoon is approaching evening, when I straighten my waist, I can really hear the cracking sound of my bones.

If Qin Xi had to use one word to describe Chun Geng, it would be tired.

She was one of the early leavers. At about 05:30, the sun was packing up and going down the mountain, and she was going home. The rabbits at home needed her to mow the grass and feed them, as well as dinner. .

For these, Qin Xi is very happy to do it. Cutting grass to feed rabbits and cooking are much easier than bending over to plant rice seedlings. She can squat, sit or even kneel to cut grass, and she can sit on a small bench to cook.

To be honest, sometimes it is too tiring to bend over to plant rice seedlings. She even thought about squatting down or sitting directly in the paddy field to give her back a vacation, but that was just a thought, and she didn't want to be the leader of the whole village. object of ridicule.

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