Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 210 Seedling Fungus

God was not kind to him. On the third day after transplanting the rice seedlings, there seemed to be a hole in the sky and it began to rain heavily.

Even so, work cannot be stopped. When the rain is too heavy to affect work and planting rice seedlings, everyone will go back to hide from the rain and change clothes. When the rain stops or the rain stops, they must go to the battlefield immediately.

Although it was uncomfortable to work in the rain, Qin Xi felt that she had time to take a breather, otherwise she didn't know if she could hold on if she continued to work like this.

Of course, she would only ask for sick leave unless she was really unwell, otherwise, she would have an inexplicable sense of guilt for being a deserter, which would make her feel very uncomfortable.

She is not afraid of sweating, she can walk continuously for three or four hours in the sweltering woods, and the sweat soaks all the clothes on her back. This kind of calf pain is at most a pain in the calf. After a night of rest, she will recover almost the next day. , but she was afraid of this kind of labor that specifically dealt with her lower back.

It took five days to bend her back, and she spent more than eight hours a day. Who could stand it? Sometimes, she even felt that her spine seemed to be spaced apart, and she could only stand or lie down. Resting on the bed, she felt that she was really alive.

In her previous life, she remembered that one of her cousins ​​​​had a weak waist at the age of 40 because she was too overworked when she was young. After sitting for two hours, she felt uncomfortable everywhere in her lower back, which was a little sore and painful. I can't do any work at all. Sometimes after sitting for a long time, when I stand up and walk, my body is stiff due to pain and looks very awkward.

She drank countless doses of bitter Chinese medicine and tried everything from acupuncture and physical therapy, but the effect was almost nonexistent, and her waist still hurt.

With the lessons learned before her eyes, Qin Xi really took a warning. She would absolutely stay away from jobs like transplanting rice seedlings that required frequent bending over, but the key was that she couldn't avoid it. Worst.

After working in the rain for two days, the job of transplanting rice seedlings was finally over. For this, Qin Xi just wanted to pat her very sore back and laugh out loud.

Because it was still raining, the village went on holiday directly, and continued after the rain stopped.

At that time, the peanuts, soybeans, and corns in the dry land will all grow. One is to loosen the soil for these crops when the land is dry, so that the roots of the crops can breathe and thrive. The other is to grow the weeds that grow together with the crops. It's ripped off, it's still the kind of root digging, absolutely don't give them a chance to revive.

These weeds will be thrown on the field ridges to be baked by the hot sun. Besides, ruthless big feet will trample on them at will.

At this time, the fungi in the forest emerged in groups. The fungi at this time are collectively called rice-planting fungi. In addition, there is also a threshing fungus, but it is not the time yet.

In the afternoon, it was just a small white fungus that popped out. By the next morning, the canopy had been fully opened, and the canopy, which had absorbed the rainwater, looked very moist and attractive.

Early in the morning on the second day after the seedling planting was over, Qin Xi took Qin Jiang and Qin He out of the house when the sky was only slightly bright.

There was a white mist this morning, and people could be seen clearly within three meters, no different from usual, within five meters, people could be seen faintly, and ten meters away, there was a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing could be seen clearly.

"When we get into the woods later, the three of us shouldn't get too far away. Once we lose sight of the others, we have to make a noise immediately." The fog was so thick that Qin Xi was afraid that the two of them would pick up mushrooms and get excited. At that time, separated from others.

What's more, in this kind of foggy weather, she felt that it was very dangerous to walk around in the woods by herself. It was better for three people to go together, even if the harvest was less, it didn't matter.

"Okay, listen to you."

"Me too."

It's not a good experience to be alone in the woods in this foggy day!
Not to mention, they only heard Tang Ying finish the story of being alone in the woods yesterday. In short, it was really, really scary, and they empathized with it, as if they could immediately become the kind of scary protagonist.

Today's atmosphere is really suitable for Nasha's appearance, Qin He has already made up his mind, he will stay by his brother's side today and not leave, seeing his brother's tall body, his sense of security is immediately full.

The three brothers and sisters have been living together for more than a year, and they have never had any quarrels. Even if they have disagreements, they can talk it out and compromise with each other, and finally reach an agreement.

I have to say that this kind of family relationship is really comfortable to get along with, and no one will deliberately pick things up and feel uncomfortable.

As soon as he entered the forest, Qin Xi found two mung bean fungus with his super eyesight. They were very close, only a dozen centimeters away. He squatted down, grabbed the umbrella cover, pulled it out, and threw it into the basket. .

These two mung bean mushrooms are small mushrooms that have not yet opened. This kind is the most delicious, with a thick and firm texture. The most important thing is that there is a [-]% chance that there will be no maggots in these young mushrooms.

Now in the woods, it's hard to check, it's too time-consuming, so I put the mushrooms and the soil and grass leaves on the umbrella cover into the basket, and when I go back, I break off the dirt on the bottom of the umbrella handle. Whether a mushroom has maggots.

Mushrooms that have been eaten by maggots are soft to the touch as long as you open the handle of the mushroom, and you can feel them at a glance. .

In addition to maggots, there is also a small red worm, which is smaller than a sesame seed, and looks like a miniature red ant. This kind of worm also likes to eat mushrooms.

In addition, jumping cicadas, slugs, mushrooms, mosquitoes, flies, etc., all eat mushrooms. Slugs especially like to hide under the canopy of mushrooms, especially on rainy days.

The current temperature is not too high. Most of the mushrooms in the forest have no maggots. Only a few old mushrooms have maggots. After half a month, the temperature will gradually rise. The mushrooms picked up in the woods are very likely to have maggots, unless they are tender mushrooms.

The most solid mushrooms are the two kinds of mushrooms, the Gallus pratense and the milk pulp. No matter what time they are, they will not produce maggots. They are very popular mushrooms. At least Qin Xi has never seen them produce maggots. If you want to list the mushrooms In terms of the most popular ranking, chicken fir is definitely the first.

As for the boletus, because of its ugly shape and gills different from other mushrooms, many people think it is poisonous. When they see it, they either dare not pick it, or feel that the poisonous fungus is harmful, so they just step on it.

The boletus grown in the forest of Chenhui Village is a type of black boletus. It is indeed poisonous if it is not cooked, but it is safe to eat if it is cooked, and it is non-toxic.

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