Chapter 21 Copper Knife
Qin Xi planned to go to the waste station to find a few books to read. After all, she always had to find a reason for her literacy. She couldn't be an illiterate in the eyes of others forever.

As for who would teach her how to read, there was someone nearby. Her brother Qin Jiang was a serious second-year student, and he knew common characters, so teaching her how to read would be no problem at all.

In fact, it's not that there are no books at home, but the key is that the brothers and sisters can't touch them!
Needless to say, Qin He, one repeater, just studied in the fifth grade for two years, but still failed to pass the junior high school entrance examination, a proper scumbag.

Later, he simply dropped out of school, and followed a few so-called brothers he knew to venture into the rivers and lakes.

Qin Qing is a stingy person, it's okay for her to ask you for something, but if you need her for something, you have to be made things difficult by her, don't be ridiculed and ridiculed by her when you don't borrow the book.

As for the twins, they are still in first grade!Their books, Liu Qin's precious ones, are well kept!
Qin Xi didn't have the guts to ask Liu Qin for a book. At that time, he didn't know what would be involved. Anyway, Liu Qin probably wouldn't say what she liked to hear.

Anyway, the books at the junkyard are cheap, so you might as well try your luck there.

The two went to the scrap yard closest to their home. The location was very remote. Apart from a large open space, there were three low mud brick houses with mottled exterior walls, which had experienced the baptism of years.

There is also a small shed built on the left side of the waste station. It is no problem to keep out the sun and rain, but if there are more, it will not work.

There is a long table under the shed. Although one leg is missing an inch, it can be used as a cushion with a brick.

An old man sat in front of the table. The glasses on his face made him look very old. There was a book in front of him, and the old man seemed to be fascinated by reading the work in front of him.

When the two arrived at the place, they greeted the old man and went in.

The first thing the two of them went to was the place where the books were piled up. After searching, Qin Xi took a Chinese textbook for the first grade of primary school in his hand. As for Qin Jiang, he held a small book with pictures The kind that I can't put it down.

"Do you want it?" Qin Xi asked after seeing his appearance.

"I think so." Qin Jiang nodded without hesitation. This is beautiful and the story is interesting.

"Then buy it."

With the harvest, the next time, the two of them are like the hardworking bees, looking here and there, looking for everything to be useful, and thinking that everything is a treasure, and they are confused.

But thinking about the money in his hand and the environment of the Qin family, he could only reluctantly put down the things in his hand.

Finally, Qin Xi found a small wooden box full of scratches. It was ugly, but it was still usable.

She plans to take this box home and use it, because she shares the same room with Qin Qing and Li Chunhua, so it's fine if she doesn't have any private space in the room. The next time Qin Qing used this to provoke trouble, she wanted to crush her to death.

Take it home and buy a lock, so she can use this box to store things.

Qin Jiang pried out a rusty strip from the ground. It was not very long, about fifteen centimeters in shape. It was shaped like a knife, but it was different from the shape of the knife in her memory. People's feelings are weird.

"Here, after I grind it out, it will be useful for chopping firewood." Qin Jiang looked at the knife cheerfully, and he could already imagine himself holding this knife and looking majestic on the tree.

Qin Xi didn't pay much attention to it at first, but when she got started, she found something was wrong. The material didn't feel like iron, and the weight wasn't right, it felt like copper.

This knife was picked up by Qin Jiang from the mud, and he didn't know how long it had been embedded in the mud.

Qin Xi brushed off the rust on the surface of the knife with his hands, and pinched it hard, and some patterns could be vaguely seen on it, which really looked like an antique.

"Where did you find this thing?"

I don't know if this scrap yard is the only one, or there are others.

Qin Jiang directly took Qin Xi over there, and showed her where the knife was found.

There was indeed a depression on that piece of ground, and the shape of the depression was exactly the same as the shape of the knife in his hand.

"Just this one."

"Brother, let's take it away! Put it here, let it rust for a few more years, and you won't be able to see this knife."

Qin Jiang was naturally happy to agree. He likes knives and sticks. There are many sticks he likes in his room. They are all straight and made of various materials.

Every time he goes up the mountain, he has to choose a stick that he likes. On the mountain, if he sees a stick, he has to find a way to get it back no matter what.

Even if the sticks he got back are not very good-looking, after being repaired by his skillful hands, they will definitely change a lot. The twins are very greedy for his collection, but it's useless to be greedy. Liu Qin will not feel very boring because of these For them, to stand out for them, so that they don't lose their minds.

When going to the uncle to settle the settlement, Qin Xi was still worried that he would question the things in their hands carefully, but later found that she had thought too much, and the uncle's attention was always on the novel on the table from the beginning to the end. In the end, They paid fifteen cents and left with everything.

After collecting the money, the old man put on the glasses on the table again, and couldn't wait to read the book in front of him. When he saw the most exciting part of the fight, he was interrupted. It's nice to be able to read a book in peace.

Qin Xi took the bronze knife directly to their secret base, that is, the cave in the abandoned quarry, wrapped it tightly with dried lotus leaves, dug a hole, and buried it.

She didn't know how to take care of this thing, and the Qin family didn't dare to take it back, otherwise some little bastard in the family might take it away and play with it.

Put it here, and when the general environment improves in the future, if the knife is not stolen, hand it in. Whether it is an antique or not, professionals will definitely be able to identify it, and it can be regarded as a result.

After burying the things, Qin Xi finally had time to look at this secret base that he hadn't visited for a long time.

There are much more things inside than when they first came. The herbs they picked and dried before were bundled and piled up in a small corner, while the other corner was piled up with bundled whole herbs. The neat arrangement of dry firewood makes people feel comfortable.

In addition, there are some hay and dried wild vegetables, which were all dried before.

At the entrance of the cave, there are some herbal medicines that have a strong taste, which worms and snakes don't like very much. Every time they come here, they will use things like mugwort leaves and mint to smoke the cave. This time is no exception. After all, they are not Living here, this cave may be occupied by snakes, insects, rats and ants. At that time, it will be impossible to guard against it, and it will be bad if it hurts people.

(End of this chapter)

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