Chapter 22 Contribution
Qin Xi and Qin Jiang read a book together. One is to review the past and learn new things, and the other is to ask for advice. When they are free, they take a branch and write and draw on the mud.

A few days later, Qin Xi and Qin Jiang went to the supply and marketing cooperative and bought two pencils and two notebooks, one for calligraphy practice and the other for trying to write something.

For things like picking herbs and mushrooms, the money came too slowly and too hard. Qin Xi had to find other ways out, and writing articles for newspapers was one of them.

This is a new attempt. Even Qin Xi only wrote articles for clubs in the past. In her era, newspapers were far away from her life, and she seldom even read them, but now she wants to make a living by doing so. This is a challenge for her.

As a newcomer, she was still not sure about the way. She went to the scrap yard to get some old newspapers and came back to read them. Her eyes were dazzled by the ones from this newspaper office and that newspaper office.

In the end, she planned to contribute to Pingshi, which is the flat newspaper in the urban area where she lives, because among the pile of old newspapers she got back, this newspaper office had the most newspapers, and she read and studied the most.

The newspaper has the contact number and address of the newspaper. The phone is impossible. She has been here for so long, and she has never seen this precious thing. She plans to write a letter to the newspaper directly.

As for the content, the autumn harvest is coming soon. Is it more appropriate to use this to praise the laborers and the leadership of the party and the country?
After confirming the theme, Qin Xi started to write. She was very clear about what should be written and what should not be mixed with her. The whole article was full of praise, positive things, and those sensitive things. should touch.

It took Qin Xi three days to write this article, and another two days to polish and revise it, until she read it dozens of times by herself, knew the content inside, and confirmed that the content of the article was clear, simple and moving , just stopped writing.

Qin Xi placed high hopes on this article, and naturally hoped that it would be hit right away.

On the day of NO.12, Qin Jiang accompanied Qin Xi to the post office. After sending the letter, Qin Xi bought a whole set of zodiac stamps. Collection value, met, if not buying a whole set of collections, it feels like reckless waste.

Of course, it's all her guess about the added value, and who can say what will happen in the future.

Even if the value does not increase in the future, it is good to buy a set for collection. After all, this is a stamp of the Chinese zodiac, which makes people feel pleasing to the eye.

She bought a total of thirteen stamps, one of the Chinese zodiac, five cents each, which cost her sixty cents, and as for the stamps to stick on the envelope, she bought the cheapest one, two cents each.

In the first two days after posting, Qin Xi was so restless that he didn't even want to go out, for fear of missing the mail.

The address she filled in was Qin's house at No. 30 Ping'an Street, and she had no other choice other than this address.

Although she is not very willing to let her family know about her contribution, this is inevitable. She can only hope that her family will find out later, or find out, but ask less, because some things need to be explained. It's really tiring, and some things may not be explained clearly.

If Qin Qing, who is in the first year of junior high school, submits the manuscript, whether it is Liu Qin or Li Chunhua, the first reaction will be pride, but for Qin Xi, who has never been to school and does not know a single word in their eyes, their first reaction is Must be suspicious.

One day, two days, three days and four days, there was no news. Gradually, Qin Xi's expectations became less and less.

NO.20 At noon that day, a postman suddenly came to the door, and Qin Xi happened to be at home that day.

"Qin Xi is your family, right? There is a letter from her."

"Yeah, just give it to me, I'm Qin Xi."

After Qin Xi signed his name, he got the letter smoothly.

When she didn't get the letter before, she was always entangled with this and that. Now that the letter is in her hands, whether it is a rejection or a success, there is finally a result.

Qin Xi couldn't wait to open the envelope. The first thing he saw was a piece of letter paper. After taking it out, he found that there was a money order in the envelope.

Opening the letter paper, Qin Xi found that it was a letter from the editor of Pingbao, which said that they welcomed her contributions and hoped that she would continue to contribute to their newspaper in the future.

For a newcomer like her who is not well-known at all, the manuscript fee is usually 2 yuan per thousand words.

As for the remittance slip, Qin Xi could go to the post office to withdraw five yuan with it, but her identity certificate was needed to withdraw the money, and she didn't have an ID card now, so she needed the piece of paper in her household registration book.

But that piece of paper is in her mother's hands, how to get it?
frank?Then the ownership of the manuscript fee for her future contributions will definitely not belong to her, it is a few dollars, not a few cents.

hide?If you really want to hide it, then you will have to think hard in the future. As for the piece of paper that belongs to her in the household registration book, you have to get it secretly.

The household registration book is still easy to get. Her mother took the household registration book to sign up for Qin Qing and the twins. If she remembers correctly, the household registration book was placed in the big closet in their room. Their room is usually not locked, but The wardrobe will be, the clothes and bedding inside are important assets of the family, if they are not locked, they will be harmed by mice.

Of course, if the lock is locked, mice may also cause harm, because the teeth of mice are very powerful, and they will make holes in the wardrobe. After all, it is made of wood, so how can it be against the steel teeth of mice.

Liu Qin and Qin Shan have two keys to the closet, one is in Liu Qin's hands, and the other is in Li Chunhua's hands. Many of her important things are kept in the big closet. There are no small tables, let alone large items such as wardrobes, so the cotton-padded quilts for winter can only be placed in their room.

At noon, after Li Chunhua finished her lunch, as usual, she lay in bed and took a mid-morning rest. Qin Xi sat down next to her without blushing and heartbeat, while his hands got into the straw under the mat. I got the key that Li Chunhua put there.

Liu Qin and Qin Shan's house is not locked. When they sleep at night, they can lock the door from the inside, but during the day when they are not at home, they can at most use a lock to lock the door frame. There is no lock, and Li Chunhua will not allow it. After all, in her opinion, locking the door in broad daylight, who is it to guard against?
Qin Xi went into Liu Qin's room, while Qin Jiang stayed outside to watch the wind.

Within 3 minutes after entering, Qin Xi came out with her account page in her pocket, and she could go to the post office with Qin Jiang to withdraw money later.

As for the key, of course it was put back. She didn't touch the things she shouldn't have in the house. She has money in her hand, and she can buy what she wants.

(End of this chapter)

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