Candide in Chronology is on strike

Chapter 23 Representation

Chapter 23 Representation
In the afternoon, Qin Xi successfully went to the post office to get the money. To celebrate this success, she also bought two popsicles, one for each of her and her brother.

The sun is scorching, take this bite, not to mention how comfortable it is.

After staying at home for another two days, Qin Xi was extremely bored. Her peers were either in school or took care of their younger siblings to do housework. They had been here for several months, and she hadn't even made a single friend. If it wasn't for With her brother by her side, how difficult it is to live every day!
Recently, Qin Xi has developed a new hobby, which is fishing.

There is a reservoir in Yongxin County, and it is not far from the county seat. It looks like four or five miles. Now her walking is not slow, and it takes half an hour to walk to Yongxin Reservoir.

The location of the reservoir is very particular. In the past, this place was a large paddy field with an area of ​​more than 200 mu. However, in the past few years, the government called hundreds of people in the surrounding towns. They worked here day and night. In the first month, the reservoir was built.

Usually the reservoir is not guarded, only when the gate is opened to release water, there are people to control it, other times, there is no one in this place.

Qin Xi and Qin Jiang went fishing in the reservoir on the first day. Although they only caught two small crucian carp the size of a palm, this gave them great confidence. They firmly believed that as long as they persevered, they would always catch a big fish .

And while waiting for the fish to take the bait, they can also go about their own business. Generally speaking, fishing is just a pastime.

The elders in the family are well aware of the matter of the two brothers and sisters, but since the two brothers and sisters got together, it has become more and more difficult to manage. Fortunately, the fish they catch will be taken home to eat, which is considered a gift. They don't bother to take care of adding food at home.

In the evening, the family was eating, and there were two palm-sized crucian carp in the large basin in the middle of the table. These two crucian carp, against the background of the full soup, looked very thin.

There is no way, there are many people in the family, and if the fish is eaten, each person will be gone with one chopstick. The fish is nothing to eat, but the fish soup is full.

After eating, Qin He cleared the table very consciously, and it was his turn to wash the dishes today.

At the beginning, he was very reluctant, but now he eats and drinks at home, whether he wants to or not is up to him, if he doesn't want to be hungry, then he has to be obedient.

After more than a month, he has adapted well, and now he doesn't need to be urged by others. As soon as he finishes eating, he consciously clears the table and washes the dishes.

At first, whether it was Liu Qin or Li Chunhua, they were very opposed to the fact that the men in the family did the dishes, but they couldn't stand up to Qin Xi's lobbying!
Besides, Qin Xi is really picky, if they don't wash it, they really don't wash it, either they do it themselves, or when the family eats, they look at the pile of dirty dishes together in silence.

It's not that they haven't tried not to give Qin Xi food, but they turned their heads and went to the director of the street office, saying that the family didn't give her food, which made them feel ashamed. Pointed into a typical, was pointed out for a long time.

During that time, even Li Chunhua, who loved to go out and visit the house the most, felt ashamed to go out and face other people's strange eyes, and stayed at home, not to mention Liu Qin and the others.

If it wasn't for something more explosive that happened later, their incident must have not passed by now!

Later, they directly took over the burden and carried it on their own, but whether it was Liu Qin or Li Chunhua, they were all very strong-tempered, and they thought far more than ordinary women in this era. They never felt that because of their gender, Lower than the men in the family.

So, after a long time, if they quit, why should the whole family eat and only the two of them wash the dishes?
With them pressing down on the rest of the family to work, things became much easier. Whether it was Qin He Qin Qing or the twins, each of them had to take turns washing the dishes every day.

My lord, it's hard work, how can I have to work again when I come back, so the six children in the family take turns to wash the dishes. Regarding this, Li Chunhua has no objection, she is a person with vested interests, at most it is the baby's turn When her granddaughter, Qin, was cleaning the dishes, she went to help, and both grandparents and grandchildren joined the battle.

As for whether they will be clumsy and break the bowl at home?

The women in the family have made it clear that if the bowl is broken, the money for buying the bowl will be directly deducted from their various expenses. If there is really no deduction, all the red envelopes for the New Year will be confiscated, or they will work twice as hard at home. To pay off the debt owed for breaking the bowl.

After the meal, Liu Qin sat on the chair without saying a word. Obviously, she had something on her mind.

Her eldest brother from her natal family has a grandson in her arms. As the second aunt, she should express that this is the first grandson of their old Liu family, and the meaning is different.

Say it early or say it late, she won't go to work on the weekend tomorrow, so she has to go there no matter what she says: "Mom, my natal elder brother has a grandson in his arms."

When Li Chunhua heard this, her heart skipped a beat: "Really? When did it happen? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It was activated the night before yesterday. Early in the morning, as soon as the sun came out, it was born. It is a big fat boy who weighs five pounds and four ounces."

"Damei, who works with me, told me this. Her husband's house is only a few tens of meters away from my mother's house. She has been an old neighbor for more than ten years. She knows what's going on with my mother's house."

Damei was still her childhood playmate!
She married very close, her husband's family and her mother's family are just across the street, and her life is many times better than hers. Not to mention both of them have jobs. I don't know how beautiful it is.

Although she is two years younger than Damei, when they stand together, anyone will think that she is ten years older than Damei. , the child is up to date, she has less to worry about, and naturally looks young.

"Oh, it's good to give birth!" Li Chunhua shut up after only feeling this sentence.

She was afraid that if she didn't pay attention, she would talk too much and fall into Liu Qin's trap. It would be bad if she forced her to show something. After all, this kind of thing had happened before, but luckily she was smart , escaped.

"I plan to go back to my mother's house tomorrow." Speaking of this, Liu Qin paused: "Mom, how many eggs do we have?"

When Li Chunhua heard that Liu Qin was trying to crack her eggs again, she immediately exploded: "No, I sold all the eggs at home yesterday. There are no eggs at home."

I don't even look at the conditions at home, I can't get enough to eat, and I take this and that to my mother's house every day, how could she do that.

(End of this chapter)

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