Chapter 24 Red Eggs

"Qin Xi, did you sell all the eggs at home yesterday?" Liu Qin ignored what Li Chunhua said and asked Qin Xi directly.

Her nephew and daughter-in-law are in confinement, and they have to bring at least ten eggs with them before they can be sold.

She has a deep understanding of Li Chunhua's picking, so she never counted on her.

Upon hearing this, Qin Xi didn't say anything, Li Chunhua jumped out by herself.

"You ask her what she is doing. She is a child and plays like crazy all day long. She doesn't know that I went to sell eggs yesterday."

"What? You don't believe me?"

All the eggs at home were sold by her hands, and Qin Xi really didn't know how much they sold.

However, Qin Xi lived in the same room with her, and she was in charge of feeding the chickens and collecting eggs, and she knew exactly how many eggs were in the egg basket.

She thought that the market for eggs was not so good in the recent hot weather, and they could not be sold at a high price, so she saved all the eggs laid by the old hen at home, that is, there was no medicine for regret, otherwise she would have to sell the eggs at home early, Lest someone worry about it.

"I believe." Liu Qin gritted his teeth and said these two words.

She didn't want to cause greater family conflicts because of this matter, she couldn't help but not believe it on the surface, but she was not stupid, seeing Li Chunhua's performance, she knew that what she said was tricky, so she could only choose a compromise.

"I'll go to the Wang Po's next door to ask later. If there are any, I'll borrow some support from her first. In a few days, our chickens will lay eggs, and I will return them to her at that time."

"By the way, I heard that the lady next door went to the street office to apply. She is now making firewood boxes at home every day. She earns a lot from this."

"Last month alone, her family made [-] firewood boxes and earned three yuan."

"She earns as much as an old lady a month, which is a lot." When Liu Qin said this, her eyes kept looking at Li Chunhua. It was self-evident who she was speaking to.

Her family meets the standard of a poor household. There are nine members in the family. She and Qin Shan earn money. The combined monthly salary of the two is only 43 cents. No, the family is really poor!

Most of her and Qin Shan's wages are spent on the food and drink of the family. After all, the food book is only a qualification to buy food, and it costs money to buy food with the food book.

What's more, there are three children in the family who are studying at school. After one semester, the tuition and book fees alone are not a small sum.

The couple have been working hard for so many years, and the total savings of the family are only about three hundred yuan. This is because there is no major accident in the family. The whole family can only save so much if a family member is sick or because of other reasons Anything needs money, and this little money is really unnecessary.

Li Chunhua's eyes flickered, but she didn't speak.

Although she likes money, she prefers to get something for nothing, and she can talk about it. If it takes her a lot of time and energy to get a few dollars a month, she would rather give it up.

She is quite old, and over the years, she has saved more than a hundred yuan one after another. This figure is already very good for an old man of her age. She is still working hard, so why do she work so hard? It's not that life is too long.

"Mom, do you think our family should make an application?"

"Usually you just mess with firewood boxes at home. How leisurely you are, Qinxi and Qinjiang can help you with the work at home. After school in the afternoon, the fourth, fifth, and sixth will also come to you to help."

Liu Qin was very accurate about the little old lady's thoughts, and used other people to help with the work to lure Li Chunhua to agree.

As long as she thinks that she doesn't have to do too much work, but can earn a few dollars a month, she will definitely not refuse such a beautiful thing that she can get for nothing.

"That's fine, I'm an old lady, my eyesight is dim, and my hands and feet are not flexible, how can I do any work!"

"When the time comes, we'll have to look at these young people. I'll just beat them up from the sidelines."

As soon as Li Chunhua heard that there was a bargain to take, Li Chunhua immediately agreed.

But the ugly words are up front, she wants to get the money, but due to physical reasons, she really can't do much work, so don't count on her to deliver the goods in the future.

"Okay, that's it. I'll go to Director Chen of the Sub-district Office tomorrow to settle the matter."

Liu Qin thought about the application again, looked around the room, and finally focused on Qin Qing: "Fourth brother! I will leave the application to you, and write down the real situation of our family on it." .”

"Wait, it's better to write it no matter how difficult it is. This way, it's safer."

The burden of the family is all on the shoulders of the husband and wife. No matter how strong she is, she has to show weakness and show her family's unbearable situation to outsiders.

This policy is new. In the past, it was not their turn to do such a good thing as sticking firewood boxes. Now that they can finally earn extra money, of course they have to be active. What face is shameful? How strong is not strong, and it cannot be used as a meal eat.

"Oh, I see." Qin Qing reluctantly agreed.

She is the most educated person in the family. Although her grades are not high or low, she can pass the exam smoothly every time and go to junior high school smoothly. She is much better than Qin He's scumbag.

After explaining this matter, Liu Qin felt that the big rock in her heart was a little looser.

It's too late today, it's inconvenient to go to someone else's house, so let's borrow eggs tomorrow!Early the next morning, Liu Qin got up and went to the next-door Mrs. Wang's house to borrow ten eggs. When she got them back, she specially rolled the eggs into red eggs with a piece of red.

It is a great event for a nephew and daughter-in-law to give birth to a child. Of course, red eggs must be used, which does not take much trouble.

The eggs were still raw and not cooked. It was hot and the boiled eggs would not hold.

As soon as Liu Qin went out, Li Chunhua would beat her up at home and whisper small things to show her dissatisfaction. When Liu Qin was at home, she didn't dare to make trouble.

"Mom, this is a normal relationship, so don't be angry. Didn't her mother's family come when our child was born?" Qin Shan hurriedly persuaded.

His wife has many brothers and sisters from her natal family, so there are naturally many human relationships. Over the years, he has long been used to it.

Although he still feels that he has a sense of distance from the relatives of his wife's mother's family, and he can't blend in, but with Liu Qin as a bond and lubricant, the two sides do not interfere with each other, and there is no conflict.

"You idiot, why can't you figure it out. At that time, they brought two eggs over by themselves, and they ate a full meal at our house. When they came, it was our family who suffered." Li Chunhua hated iron and steel Point Qin Shan with his finger.

She wished she could open his brain and see what was in it, how could he be so stupid!Nothing like her.

(End of this chapter)

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